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Google Research Scholar The 2021 edition of program in a nutshell Andrés-Leonardo Martínez-Ortiz, PhD Google Machine Learning SRE @davilagrau

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A few words about me... Andres-Leonardo Martinez-Ortiz, PhD a.k.a almo is a member of the Google Engineering team, working with the Machine Learning Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) group. Based in Zurich, his mission is to protect, provide for, and progress the software and systems behind all of Google’s ML services with an ever-watchful eye on their availability, latency, performance, and capacity. almo is also a member of IEEE, ACM, Linux Foundation and Computer Society. @davilagrau almo

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Hybrid Research at Google Google maintains a portfolio of research projects driven by ● Fundamental research. ● New product innovation. ● Product contribution ● Infrastructure goals. "We blur the line between research and engineering activities and encourage teams to pursue the right balance of each, knowing that this balance varies greatly. " Google’s Hybrid Approach to Research

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Research Scholar Program The Research Scholar Program aims to support early-career professors who are pursuing research in fields relevant to Google. This program will help develop collaborations with new professors and encourage the formation of long-term relationships.

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Supporting cutting-edge research ● Algorithms and optimization ● Augmented and virtual reality ● Cooling and power ● Geo/maps ● Health research ● Human-computer interaction ● Information retrieval and real time content ● Machine learning and data mining ● Machine perception ● Machine translation ● Mobile ● Natural language processing ● Networking ● Privacy ● Quantum computing ● Security ● Software engineering and programming languages ● Speech ● Structured data, extraction, semantic graph, and database management ● Systems (hardware and software)

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Award information The funds granted will be up to $60,000 USD and are intended to support the advancement of the professor’s research. Awards are disbursed as unrestricted gifts to the university and are not intended for overhead or indirect costs. They are intended for use during the academic year in which the award is provided to support the professor’s research efforts. Eligibility criteria ● Open to professors (assistant, associate, etc) at a university or degree-granting research institution. ● Applicants must have received their PhD within seven years of submission (e.g. applicant in 2021 must have received PhD in 2014 or later). ● Applicants can submit one application per round, and apply a maximum of three times.

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How do I apply for the Research Scholar Program? Applications will open November 4 2021 and close on December 1 2021

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How do I apply for the Research Scholar Program? Step 1: Read advice on how to write a good proposal. Step 2: Write your proposal using the advice mentioned in step 1. Step 3: Submit your proposal once the application window opens*. Step 4: Applicants are notified within 4 months of submission. * You can find format recommendations in the FAQ.

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Proposal Format 1. Overview 1. Proposal Title 2. Principal Investigator full name, contact information (postal address, email address, phone), affiliation (university, school, college and/or department) 2. Proposal Body 1. Abstract 2. Research goals, including a problem statement. 3. Description of the work you'd like to do, as well as the expected outcomes and results. 4. How this relates to prior work in the area (including your own, if relevant) 5. References, where applicable. 3. Data policy 1. Our goal is to support work where the output will be made available to the broader research community. To that end, we ask that you provide us with a few sentences sharing what you intend to do with the output of your project (e.g. open sourcing code, making data sets public, etc.). Please note that the awards are structured as unrestricted gifts, so there are no legal requirements once a project is selected for funding. This is simply a statement of your current intentions. 4. CV format for the principal investigators 1. The maximum length of a Principal Investigator CV is two pages. Any submitted CV that is longer than 2 pages may be cut off at two pages before the proposal review process begins. 2. We require a CV for at least the primary Principal Investigator on the proposal. We will accept CVs from each of the Principal Investigators listed on the proposal (up to two are allowed). Each CV must be limited to two pages.

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Open Advice to Google Research Awards proposal writers ● Clearly specifies a problem. ● Describes a specific, credible, relevant outcome. It often helps to describe both the minimum that is likely to be accomplished and a potential best-case. Since picking the right datasets and test cases is often important, tell us which ones you plan to use. ● Crisply differentiates the proposed contribution from prior work. Please apply normal practices (citations, etc.) for documenting how your work will materially advance the state of the art. Make it clear how your work will be changing the state of the art, and not simply trying to match it. ● Tells us how the research challenge(s) will be addressed. Successful research projects combine a great problem with ideas for solutions, too. We recognize that all the answers won't be known yet, but we'd like to feel that the direction has been established, and a plausible path has been identified. ● Please identify what the difficulties are likely to be and how you plan to mitigate them. ● Puts the proposed work in context. Do you plan to build a capability for other research, provide a tool, reproduce a prior result, collaborate with others to try something out, follow up on a promising idea, or explore a new one? All are potentially of interest; we just want to know. ● Makes the case to a non-expert.

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Interested in more ● Award for Inclusion Research Program ● Computer Science Education Research Awards ● CS Research Mentorship Program ● Latin America Research Awards ● PhD Fellowships ● Visiting Researcher Program

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