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‹#› 2017/02/20 Jun Ohtani @johtani What's new Elastic Stack 5.2

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about • Me, Jun Ohtani / Technical Advocate ‒ lucene-gosenίϛολʔ ‒ ElasticSearch Server೔ຊޠ൛ͷ຋༁ ‒
 • Elasticsearch, founded in 2012 ‒ Products: Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, Beats 
 X-Pack(Marvel, Shield, Watcher, Graph, Reporting)
 Elastic Cloud ‒ Professional services: Support & development subscriptions ‒ Trainings, Consulting 3

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About Japan Team • johtani Ҏ֎΋͍·͢ʂ • 8໊ʂ (2017೥2݄20೔ݱࡏ) • ΦϑΟεɿେखொ • Support Engineer, Sales Engineer, Sales, SREͳͲͳͲ 4

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ElasticελοΫ 5 Elastic Cloud X-Pack Kibana Elasticsearch ! " Logstash Beats + Security X-Pack Aler+ng Monitoring Repor+ng Graph

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v 5. 0

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What’s New in Elasticsearch 5.0 9 • Lucene 6 • Ingest node • Painless scripting • Text/keyword to replace strings • Completion suggester v2 • Settings validation • Safety in production • Percolate query • Deleted Index Tombstones • Indexed scripts/templates • Dots in Field Names • Cluster Allocation Explain API • Rollover/Shrink Index API • Delete by Query

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elasticsearch Cancel long-running search : 5.1~ Cancel long- running "Search" task by the task management API

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elasticsearch Numeric and Date Range Fields : 5.2~ Index and search numeric and date ranges

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elasticsearch Normalize Keyword fields : 5.2~ Keyword field with Normalizer

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elasticsearch Partitioning of Terms Aggs : 5.2~ Can break terms down into partitions

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kibana Graphical view of text data Tag Cloud : 5.1~

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kibana The heatmap visualization is quite general Heatmaps : 5.2~

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kibana Tile service ehnancements : 5.2~ You can use 18 levels of zoom

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logstash Persistent Queues now in Beta Persistent Queue : 5.1~

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logstash Collected in a separate file Slowlog

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Still Experimental feature Docker module in Metricbeat : 5.1~

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Add cloud metadata in your metrics Cloud metadata processor : 5.1~

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Decode JSON in JSON Strings Decode JSON fields processor : 5.1~

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Heartbeat is here New in 5.2

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Collect metrics from Prometheus exporters Prometheus module in Metricbeats : 5.2~

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Bundled set of features: Security, Alerting, Monitoring, Graph, and more … x-pack

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kibana Advanced View for Monitoring Return of the charts : 5.1~

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kibana Your profile never looked better Search Profiler : 5.2~

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kibana Monitoring Logstash with X-Pack + Kibana Monitoring UI for Logstash : 5.2~

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PRIVATE BETA cloud Elastic Cloud Deploy Elastic Cloud Enterprise Download

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32 March 7-9, 2017 Pier 48, San Francisco

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