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GraphQL nullability State of the union apidays 2023

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Agenda ● Problem ● Solutions

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{ "data" { "video": { "id": "42", "title": "GraphQL 101", "uploadDate": "2023-12-03T22:26:46Z" } } }

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2017 Nullable types!

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But… Non-Null String String! Nullable String? String πŸ’ͺ πŸ€”

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query GetVideo { video(id: "42") { title description viewCount comments(first: 5) { nodes { author text } } } } Nullable

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??Why is everything nullable???? ????? ??

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No content

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Error null != Semantic null { "errors": [ { "message": "cannot resolve title", "path": "video.title" } ] "data": { "video": { "id": "42", "title": null } } }

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Terminology ● Error null β—‹ Exceptional case β—‹ Has an error in the errors array ● Semantic null β—‹ Business case β—‹ No error in the errors array

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@Composable fun VideoItem(video: Video) { Text(text = video.title!!) }

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@Composable fun VideoItem(response: Response) { if (response.errors.isNotEmpty()) { Error() } else { Text(text =!!) } }

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2 months later

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Post mortem ● New feature: video upload ● During the upload, a video doesn’t have a title yet ● This was a backward compatible schema change!

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@Composable fun VideoItem(response: Response) { if (response.errors.isNotEmpty()) { Error() } else { if ( == null) { Text(text = "This video doesn't have a title yet") } else { Text(text = } } }

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Different shades of error handling

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There is more…

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@Composable fun VideoItem(response: Response) { if (response.errors.any { it.path == "video.title" }) { Error() // Can't display a video without a title } else { if ( != null) { Text(text = "This video does not have a title yet") } else { Text(text =!!) } if (response.errors.any { it.path == "video.viewCount" }) { // Skip viewCount } else { Text(text = "${!!} + views") } } } Partial data

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10 fields ⇨ 1024 possibilities

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Guessing game ● Semantic null? ● Error null? ● 🀷

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GraphQL is missing types Your favorite type-safe language GraphQL string β†’ String! string | null β†’ String string | error β†’ String string | null | error β†’ String

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Part II: solutions

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Documentation type Video { """ The title of the Video null if the video has just been uploaded """ title: String """ Number of times this video has been watched Never null unless there is an error """ viewCount: Int }

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Evolving the language

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Nullability working group 2021 Client Controlled Nullability May 2023 sub working group Sep 2023 GraphQL conf True nullability Asterisk Interrobang Oct 2023 semantic-non-null @strictNullability @catch graphql/nullability-wg

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Nullability working group 2021 Client Controlled Nullability May 2023 sub working group Sep 2023 GraphQL conf True nullability Asterisk Interrobang Oct 2023 semantic-non-null @strictNullability @catch graphql/nullability-wg

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Asterisk string β†’ String! string | null β†’ don’t use string | error β†’ String* string | null | error β†’ String graphql/graphql-spec/pull/1048 Never a semantic null

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Strict nullability string β†’ String! string | null β†’ don’t use string | error β†’ String string | null | error β†’ String? graphql/graphql-wg/discussions/1410 schema @strictNullability { query: Query } Never a semantic null

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Conclusion ● null is not always what it seems! ● be aware of the tradeoffs ● document nullability ● get involved!

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Thank you! graphql/nullability-wg martinbonnin

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Empty slide

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Input nullability string β†’ String! string | null β†’ String string | absent β†’ String string | null | absent β†’ String graphql/graphql-spec/issues/476

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Semantic non-null string β†’ String! string | null β†’ don’t use string | error β†’ !String string | null | error β†’ String graphql/graphql-spec/pull/1065

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Interrobang string β†’ String! string | null β†’ don’t use string | error β†’ String!? string | null | error β†’ String graphql/graphql-spec/pull/1046

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string β†’ String! string | null β†’ don’t use string | error β†’ String @semanticNonNull string | null | error β†’ String @semanticNonNull

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Problem 2: what default? ● Fail the whole query β—‹ Easy β—‹ Fragile ● Handle field errors β—‹ Hard β—‹ Robust

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Opting in error handling ● Start easy ● Add error handling progressively fragment VideoDetails on Video { video { title # opt-in error handling viewCount @catch } } facebook/relay/issues/4416

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Opting in error handling fragment VideoDetails on Video { video { title # opt-in error handling viewCount @catch } } sealed interface Result { class Success(val value: T): Result class Failure(val error: error): Result } Video( val title: String val viewCount: Result ) apollographql/apollo-kotlin/pull/5405

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Client Controlled Nullability graphql/graphql-wg/blob/main/rfcs/ fragment videoDetails on Video { video { # We need title to display a video title! # It's okay to fail viewCount viewCount? } }

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string β†’ String string | null β†’ String? string | error β†’ String @throws string | null | error β†’ String? @throws Exceptions graphql/nullability-wg/discussions/39

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Exceptions string β†’ don’t use string | null β†’ don’t use string | error β†’ String string | null | error β†’ String? graphql/nullability-wg/discussions/39

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