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Havi Hoffman Mozilla Tech Speakers: Growing Skills for Developer Outreach DevRelCon Tokyo , July 2017

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89 active speakers | 50 languages 26% female | 74% male

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Number of presentations given by TS

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200 Over Presentations given this year reaching over 16,000 Developers

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Principles, people, and future possibilities About Mozilla Tech Speakers

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1. Open participation 2. Psychological safety 3. Minimum viable program Guiding Principles

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Open participation: Working collaboratively and communicating openly in a decentralized environment, across time zones and cultures. Guiding Principles

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We are a global community working to protect the Internet as a public resource. Mozilla's heart is its community of makers, coders, designers, educators.... We believe in "working open," in being public and participatory. We are proudly non-profit -- and driven by a mission. What is Mozilla?

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Open participation We extend our workforce. Volunteers extend their skills, access, experience. Everyone benefits. Guiding Principles

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Psychological safety: People thrive on teams where they are treated well. Guiding Principles

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Psychological safety: We’ve built a cohort that helps each other. Tech Speakers create their own network effects. Guiding Principles

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Minimum viable program design: Flexibility, feedback, and constant tuning. Guiding Principles

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noun ser·en·dip·i·ty \ˌser-ən-ˈdi-pə-tē\ : the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. Serendipity. Serendipity

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Some of our Speakers

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Ayah Soufan Country: Palestine

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Country: Slovakia (originally), working in Hungary (current) Gabriel Mičko

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Srushtika Neelakantam Country: India

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Manel Rhaiem Country: Tunisia, currently on an internship in Hungary

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Daniele Scasciafratte Country: Italy

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Future Possibilities

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This is a group that will never run out of things to speak about... What’s ahead?

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A-Frame, CSS Grid, Firefox Dev Tools, WebVR, WebAssembly, WebExtensions, Rust, Servo, Web Games, Project Quantum, Web Security, Web Standards, JavaScript, Web of Things, Firefox, Mozilla … What’s ahead?

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Where to find us

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Where we’ll be... Oct 27: View Source Conf, London @viewsourceconf Oct 27-29: Mozilla Festival, London Follow @moztechspeakers

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Thanks to Dietrich Ayala, Michael Ellis, Emma Irwin, Jason Weathersby, Flaki Szmozsanszky, Matt Ternaway, Jen Simmons, Denise Graveline, Alison Meyer, William Hall, Matthew Claypotch, Sandra Persing, Mandy Chan, Katt Taylor, Christopher Osborn, Virginia Poltrack, Khanh Nguyen, Pearl Mazzini, Richard Milewski, Rainer Cvilink, Spencer Hui, Francisco Picolini, George Roter, David Bryant, Sean White, Didem Ersoz, Cate Huston, Chiu-Ki Chan, & all the Mozilla Tech Speakers!

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Tomoya Asai CTO, Chief Evangelist, WebDINO

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Thank you

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Havi Hoffman @freshelectrons [email protected] DevRelCon Tokyo , July 2017