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Dive Into Symfony 4

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Kévin Dunglas •Founder of •Symfony Core Team •API Platform Creator @dunglas

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Symfony 4?

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Don’t worry! It’s almost ready… and you can try it now.

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BC Promise and Upgrade Path •Released at the same time than Symfony 3.4 •SF 3.4 is compatible with SF 3.0:
 BC layer + deprecation notices •SF 4 = SF 3.4, without the BC layer •SF 3.4 is a LTS

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Symfony Flex

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Symfony Flex •A new installer for Symfony •It also installs and configures bundles and libs •One goal: improve the overall Symfony DX •It’s a Composer plugin •Designed and developed by Fabien Potencier

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Create a New Project …

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Microframework by Default

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Minimal Deps, PHP 7.1

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You Want to Use Docker? dunglas/

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Simplified Directory Structure ;
 No More AppBundle!

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Microkernel, in src/

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12-Factor Apps and Env Vars Good bye `parameters.yml`!

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Cherry-pick what you Need

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Bundles Autoregistration and Config

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Appropriate Files
 and Dir are Created
 Packages can also be

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It’s Time to Learn Make Again

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Install and Configure Curated Packages •composer req orm => Doctrine ORM •composer req api => API Platform •composer req admin => EasyAdminBundle •composer req jwt-auth => LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle

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0-config: Autowiring Everywhere

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Symfony 4 and Autowiring •On by default •Service ID = class name •Detects and registers automatically app’s classes as services •Autoconfigures known class (= autowire + add tags)
 ex: event subscriber, validation constraint, twig ext… •Supports named arguments (App\Foo: {$arg: ‘hello’}) •Uses PSR-11

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Webpack Encore

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Webpack Encore •A modern and easy way to manage assets •Built on top of Webpack •Babel support (welcome ES200*) •Written in JS •Created by Ryan Weaver

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Install yarn add
 @symfony/webpack-encore babel-cli babel-preset-env babel-preset-es2017 --dev

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A Basic Config File (ES2017)

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The Related Template

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Questions? Thanks! @dunglas