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͍·͔Β͸͡ΊΔ nuxt-edge 2018.05.13 NuxtMeetup@merpay

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potato4d • HANATANI Takuma a.k.a. potato4d • 20 years old • Freelance Web Engineer • ⚙ JS(Vue), PHP, Ruby(Rails) • @increments, @gnexltd, @alisproject, etc… • Vue.js Japan Usergroup staff • “Nuxt tech book” author • I — Vue.js / Nuxt.js

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What’s nuxt-edge?

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nuxt@2 EarlyAccess edition

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Nuxt v2 …. ⚙ Features Breaking Changes Modules

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⚙ Features • webpack@4 • fast • Support ESModules with .mjs extension • using std/esm

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Breaking changes • Remove isClient / isServer flag • use process.browser / process.server instead of it • flag on build function in nuxt.config.js • use options.isDev instead of it • remove vendors • remove “vendor” key in nuxt.config.js

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Upgrade modules • @nuxtjs/axios • >= 5.2.0, replace dependencies from nuxt o nuxt-edge • @nuxtjs/pwa • Coming soon… • Other modules • Independence

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How to upgrade

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5 Step • yarn remove nuxt @nuxtjs/axios • yarn add nuxt-edge @nuxtjs/axios • s/isClient/process.browser/g • s/isServer/process.server/g • yarn dev

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Note • In Nuxt I recommend using Yarn •

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with Express

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6 Step • yarn remove nuxt @nuxtjs/axios • yarn add nuxt-edge @nuxtjs/axios • s/isClient/process.browser/g • s/isServer/process.server/g • yarn dev • replace “nuxt” to “nuxt-edge“ on import / require syntax

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Simple Demo

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”When will Nuxt 2 be released?”

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“It will be in May”

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I can’t wait

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/VYUUFDICPPL Nuxt tech book ໨࣍ ɾ·͕͖͑ ɾΠϯτϩμΫγϣϯ ɾNuxt.js֓࿦ ɾNuxt ʹΑΔجຊతͳWebΞϓϦέʔγϣϯ։ൃ ɾNuxt ͷػೳΛϑϧ׆༻͢Δ ɾ࣮ફతͳWebΞϓϦέʔγϣϯ։ൃϊ΢ϋ΢ ɾNuxt ͷΤίγεςϜ ɾNuxt ͷ৘ใऩूɾΩϟονΞοϓͷεεϝ ɾ͋ͱ͕͖ PDF Edition ˇ1,600 Bookˇ2,000

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