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Slide 1
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A talk by @cobyism
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Jekyll is a static site generator.
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Jekyll is popular.
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Jekyll understands HTML, Markdown, Liquid templates.
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Jekyll gives you static HTML.
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Jekyll understands permalinks, categories, tags, pagination, …
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Jekyll is great for sites that don’t need server-side logic.
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Installation gem install jekyll
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New site jekyll new sitename
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Running jekyll build
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Watching jekyll serve
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YAML Frontmaer --- foo: bar ---
{{ foo }}.
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YAML Frontmaer
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Layouts & Includes {% include header.html %} {{ content }} {% include footer.html %} _layouts/page.html
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Layouts & Includes --- layout: page --- Look ma, I’m content! index.html
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Layouts & Includes --- layout: page --- Look ma, I’m content! index.html
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Blogging --- title: Article name --- Look ma, I’m content! _posts/2013-10-01-article-name.html
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Blogging {% for post in site.posts %}
{{ post.title }}
{% endfor %} index.html
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Blogging for hackers {% highlight ruby linenos %} def foo puts 'foo' end {% endhighlight %}
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Blogging for hackers {% gist 5555251 %}
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GitHub Pages is free hosting powered by Jekyll.
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GitHub Pages Gem gem install github-pages
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Jekyll tricks.
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Deploying a locally built site to GitHub pages.
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Jekyll Authentication
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Jekyll testing with Travis CI. language: ruby rvm: - 1.9.3 script: bundle exec jekyll build install: bundle install .travis.yml
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Jekyll redirect layout. _layouts/redirect.html --- layout: redirect redirect_url: --- somepage.html
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Jekyll has docs.