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PostCSS'ͱ'cssnext @morishi(er_
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About&me • Masaaki'Morishita •'@morishi.er_ • GitHub:' • Blog:'h.p:/ / • αΠόʔΤʔδΣϯτʢ৽ଔ1ʣ • PostCSSΤόϯδΣϦετʢࣗশʣ
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PostCSSͰ࡞ͬͨͷ • CSSfmt:((S)CSSίʔυܗπʔϧ • AtCSS:(Annota/ons(based(CSS(processor • postcss7style7guide:(ελΠϧΨΠυδΣωϨʔλʔ • ଞϓϥάΠϯ7ͭ
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Agenda 1. PostCSSͱ 2. PostCSSͷྺ࢙ 3. PostCSSͷύϑΥʔϚϯε 4. PostCSSπʔϧ 5. cssnext 6. ·ͱΊ
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PostCSS'ͱ • by$Andrey$Sitnik • Node.jsͷCSSύʔαʔ • ASTΛૢ࡞͢ΔศརAPIΛఏڙ • ASTͷૢ࡞શͯϓϥάΠϯ͕୲
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rework Plugin'framework'for'CSS'preprocessing
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Modular(CSS(preprocessing( with(rework h"p:/ / 44267035203/modular=css=preprocessing=with= rework
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Custom'CSS'preprocessing h"p:/ / preprocessing/
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rework&(in&2012) • AndreyreworkΛͬͯAutoprefixerΛ࡞ͬͨ • ͔࣌͠͠reworkϒϥβϋοΫΛύʔεͰ͖ͳ͔ͬͨ • ʢ͋ͱTJʹAutoprefixerΛdisΒΕͨΓ…ʣ • ʮΑ͠ɺࣗͰreworkͷΑ͏ͳͷ࡞Ζ͏ʂʯ
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PostCSSʢʙ'v1ʣ • "PostCSS)is)a)framework)for)CSS)postprocessors" • AutoprefixerͷͨΊʹ࡞ΒΕͨ • ͜ͷࠒCoffeeScriptͰॻ͔Εͯͨ • ࡞ऀRuby͖ͰSass͖
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PostCSS'(v2'ʙ'v4) • ϓϥάΠϯ͕େྔʹ࡞ΒΕ͍ͯ͘ • ݴޠ֦ுͷͨΊͷϓϥάΠϯ࡞ΒΕ͍ͯ͘ • cssnext,)AtCSS,)PreCSS • ʮϙετϓϩηεͱ͍͍ͬͨ…ʯ
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PostCSS'v5 • ࠓ·ͰͰҰ൪େ͖͍มߋ • Custom'Syntaxes • CSSҎ֎ͷߏจΛύʔεͰ͖ΔΑ͏ʹͳͬͨ • (reworkશʹΦϫίϯʹ)
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Custom'Syntaxes • postcss'scss • SCSS༻ͷύʔαʔ • postcss'js • JSΦϒδΣΫτͱͯ͠ఆٛͨ͠CSSͷύʔαʔ • ͍ΘΏΔCSS,in,JS༻
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ϓϦϓϩηοαʔͱͯ͠ postcss&nested*+*postcss&simple&vars*+*postcss&calc*+*postcss&mixins
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ϕϯμʔϓϦϑΟοΫε༩πʔϧͱͯ͠ CompassΑΓ50ഒҎ্͍ ϕϯμʔϓϦϑΟοΫε༩ͷͨΊ͚ͩʹCompassΛ͍ͬͯΔ ͳΒૣࣺͯ͘Δ͖
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PostCSS'is'Fast h"ps:/ /
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ۀͰPostCSSπʔϧϓϥάΠϯΛ Έ߹Θ͍ͤͯͬͯ͘
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Autoprefixer ʮCan$I$Useʯͱ͍͏αΠτͷσʔλΛࢀ র͍ͯ͠Δ input: .flex { display: flex; } output: .flex { display: -webkit-box; display: -webkit-flex; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; }
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stylelint ϞμϯͳCSSͷLintπʔϧ Custom'proper+escalc()ʹରԠ ESLintͷΑ͏ʹॊೈͳઃఆ͕Ͱ͖Δ
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cssnano CSSͷminifyπʔϧ ͍͔ͭ͘ͷPostCSSͷϓϥάΠϯ͔ΒͰ͖ ͍ͯΔ
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PreCSS PostCSSϓϦϓϩηοαʔ Sass$like$syntax • ηϨΫλʔͷωετදه • mixin • extend • for,#each • if
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CSS#Modules CSSͷελΠϧͷӨڹൣғΛίϯϙʔω ϯτͰด͡Α͏ͱ͢ΔࢼΈ • webpackͷcss*loaderΛͬͯηϨΫλ ΛBase64ͰΤϯίʔυ • composesͷػೳΛPostCSSΛͬͯ ࣮ CSS#Modules#ॴײ h"p:/ /morishi" 2015/09/28/103334
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CSSfmt CSSϑΥʔϚολʔ • ະདྷͷCSSͷه๏ɺSCSSه๏ʹରԠ • ϑΥʔϚοςΟϯάͷΦϓγϣϯ͕Ұ ͳ͍ h"ps:/ /"er/cssfmt ϩΰืूதʂʂ
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cssnext Use$tomorrow's$CSS$syntax,$ today. h"p:/ /
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cssnext • by$Maxime$Thirouin • ݱࡏࡦఆஈ֊Ͱϒϥβ͕ະ࣮ͷCSSͷه๏Λɺࠓͷϒϥ β͕ղऍͰ͖ΔΑ͏ʹτϥϯεύΠϧ͢Δπʔϧ • PostCSS
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cssnext ͍͔ͭ͘ͷPostCSSϓϥάΠϯ͔ΒͰ͖͍ͯΔ • Custom(proper,es • Custom(media(queries • Custom(selectors • color(),(hwb(),(gray() • Autoprefixer • etc...
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Custom'proper+es input: :root { --color: red; } div { color: var(--color); } output: div { color: red; }
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Custom'media'queries input: @custom-media --small-viewport (max-width: 30em); @media (--small-viewport) { /* styles for small viewport */ } output: @media (max-width: 30em) { /* styles for small viewport */ } • ϝσΟΞΫΤϦʔͷmax%width:,30emͱ͔ʹ໊લΛ͚ͯཧ ͢Δ͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖·͢ɻ
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Media&query&ranges input: @media screen and (width >= 500px) and (width <= 1200px) { .foo { display: block; } } output: @media screen and (min-width: 500px) and (max-width: 1200px) { .bar { display: block; } }
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Custom'selectors input: @custom-selector :--heading h1, h2, h3; article :--heading + p { margin-top: 0; } output: article h1 + p, article h2 + p, article h3 + p { margin-top: 0; }
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Color%func*on input: body { background: color(red a(90%)) } output: body { background: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.9) }
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cssnextΛ͏ͱ'ະདྷͷCSSͷγϯλοΫεΛ ઌऔΓͰ͖Δ
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tabatkins(/(specs by#Tab#Atkins#Jr. h"ps:/ /
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tabatkins(/(specs • CSS$Toggle$States • CSS$ • CSS$Aliases$(custom$stuff) • CSS$will9change$Property • CSS$Font$Rendering$Controls • etc...
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CSS#@apply#Rule#(by#postcss2apply) :root { --toolbar-theme: { background-color: hsl(120, 70%, 95%); border-radius: 4px; border: 1px solid var(--theme-color late); }; --toolbar-title-theme: { color: green; }; } .toolbar { @apply --toolbar-theme; } .toolbar > .title { @apply --toolbar-title-theme; }
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CSS#Extend#Rule#(by#postcss4extend) .error { color: red; border: thick dotted red; } .serious-error { @extend .error; font-weight: bold; }
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PostCSSͱ • PostCSSࣗମͨͩͷύʔαʔ • ύʔαʔͱͯ͠ͱͯྑ͍ • ASTͷૢ࡞શͯϓϥάΠϯ͕୲ • ·͋·͍͋ • Stylusͷ4ഒ,/Ruby/Sassͷ26ഒ • Compassͷ50ഒҎ্
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PostCSSπʔϧ • Autoprefixer • stylelint • cssnano • PreCSS • CSS5Modules • CSSfmt
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cssnext • ະདྷͷCSSΛઌऔΓʂ࠷ߴʂ • Custom)proper-es • Custom)media)queries • Custom)selectors • color(),)hwb(),)gray() • etc...
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PostCSSʹ͍ͭͯ • ύʔαʔͱͯ͠ͱͯ༏ल • ͜Ε͔ΒCSSܥͷπʔϧΛ࡞Δͱ͖PostCSSΛ͏ • ඞཁͳػೳʢϓϥάΠϯʣ͚ͩΛબͯ͑͠Δ • ʮSassΛ͍ͬͯΔ͚Ͳ@extend@mixinΘͳ͍ʯ • ʮมఆٛͱ@importͷΠϯϥΠϯల։͚ͩͰ͍͍Θʔʯ
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PostCSSʹ͍ͭͯ • γϯλοΫεγϡΨʔܥͷϓϥάΠϯ͕ଟ͍ • ࠷ۙωλܥ૿͖͍͑ͯͯΔ • ϓϥάΠϯಉ࢜ʹґଘ͕ؔ͋Δ • ʮpostcss-mixinspostcss-nestedΑΓઌʹಡΈࠐΈ ·͠ΐ͏ʯ
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cssnextʹ͍ͭͯ • ະདྷͷCSSΛઌऔΓʂ$Ͱͳ͍ • CSSͷ༷ॻ͜Μͳʹബ͘ͳ͍ • cssnextͰମײͰ͖ΔͷγϯλοΫεͷॻ͖৺͙Β͍ • Extensible$Webͷจ຺ͰޠΒΕΔ͜ͱ͋Δ͕ɺPostCSSͰ Ͱ͖Δ͜ͱগͳ͍
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cssnextʹ͍ͭͯ • cssnextϙϦϑΟϧ(Ͱͳ͍ • ػೳ͕࣮͞Ε͍ͯͳ͍ϒϥβͰ͑ΔΑ͏ʹ͢Δͷ ͡Όͳ͍ • ࠓͷϒϥβ͕ղऍͰ͖ΔCSSʹม͢Δ߹ɺͰ͖Δ͜ͱ গͳ͍ • HoudiniͷCSS(Parser(APIʹظ
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cssnextʹ͍ͭͯ • cssnextϓϦϓϩηοαʔ • ଞͷϓϦϓϩηοαʔͱಉ༷ʹɺग़ྗޙͷCSSΛҙࣝͯ͠ॻ ͘ඞཁ͕͋Δ • JSͷBabelײ֮Ͱ༻͢Δͱةݥ
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Thanks':D @morishi(er_