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Building C Enterprise Applications R

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@brodock Gabriel Mazetto

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Everyone can contribute

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But the majority of our clients are on-premise...

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The Enterprise market is all about supporting ...

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Forget the simplicity of spinning up a VM at will

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The Enterprise is all about the baseline

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Physical machines + Physical disks

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Your major stakeholder is the IT department

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Make their lives better and you win big

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How do I do that?

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You will probably have to support multiple L D

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Forget OAuth2! The hot protocols are LDAP and AD

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B E !

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Do you really need Ruby 2.4.X or can it be >= 2.2.X ?

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Do you really need that optional PG extension?

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Think about progressive enhancement...

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Re-evaluate your

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You may not have

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You may not even have

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Few strategies...

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Provide source installation

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Provide Virtual Machine Images

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Make every external dependency configurable

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production: adapter: postgresql encoding: unicode database: gitlabhq_production pool: 10 # username: git # password: # host: localhost # port: 5432

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development: url: redis://localhost:6379/10 # # url: redis://localhost:6380 # sentinels: # - # host: localhost # port: 26380 # point to sentinel, not to redis port # - # host: slave2 # port: 26380 # point to sentinel, not to redis port

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Make your application behavior configurable

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gitlab: ## Web server settings (note: host is the FQDN, do not include http://) host: localhost port: 3000 https: false user: brodock ## Default project features settings default_projects_features: issues: true merge_requests: true wiki: true snippets: true builds: true container_registry: true

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When your code expects S3 endpoint

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Rewrite to use fog, or use minio

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How to protect your source-code?

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Compile and pack with JRuby

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Use Ruby-Encoder

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But the best DRM is a good Contract

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How we ship?

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Slide 38 text Multiple Distros, Multiple Versions

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All dependencies in a single package

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Major release every 22nd

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Omnibus Chef

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name 'ruby' default_version '2.3.5' dependency 'zlib' dependency 'openssl' dependency 'libffi' dependency 'libyaml' dependency 'libiconv' version('2.3.5') { source sha256: '5462f7bbb28beff5da7441968471ed922f964db1abdce82b8860608acc23ddcc' } source url: "{version.match(/^(\d+\.\d+)/)[0]}/ruby-#{ version}.tar.gz" build do command "./configure" command "make" command "make install" end

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You can still plug external managed dependencies

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Is ruby viable for enterprise? Y , !

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Q ?