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Not just Uber @alexqin #notjustuber #codeshare

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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what happens when women in tech whistleblow? #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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whistleblower #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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whis·tle-blow·er A whistleblower is a person who exposes any kind of information or activity that is deemed illegal, unethical, or not correct within an organization that is either private or public. #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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whistleblow public reaction impact on whistleblower impact on organization #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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Julie Ann Horvath @nrrrdcore Github 3/14 #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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whistleblow #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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public reaction #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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impact on whistleblower #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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doxx search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent. #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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“The tweet Horvath has burned into her mind is an anonymous one that lists her address and threatens sexual assault on her and her entire family, including her 9-year-old niece.” #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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impact on organization #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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whistleblow: Julie Ann Horvath, Github - 3/14 public reaction: 350 RTs, 223 likes impact on whistleblower: doxx, PTSD impact on organization: null #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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Erica Joy @EricaJoy Google 11/14 #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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whistleblow #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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“Did you get that bruise from your boyfriend beating you?” and “I bet your parents abused you as a child.” #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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“I went to my manager about the problems, told him that I planned to speak with HR. It was decided that the best way to deal with the ‘tension’ between that coworker and I was for me to transfer to New York, despite my not wanting to move there.” #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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public reaction #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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impact on whistleblower #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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“The stress also caused some level of depression, which I wasn’t really aware of until recently. I’m working on fixing this, for the sake of my mental and physical health. “ #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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impact on organization #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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whistleblow: Erica Joy, Google - 11/14 public reaction: 1.5k likes (medium) 
 215 RTs, 290 likes (twitter) impact on whistleblower: depression impact on organization: null #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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Ellen Pao @ekp Kleiner Perkins 2/15 #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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whistleblow #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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“Ms. Pao says a married colleague pressured her into an affair and then retaliated against her when she broke it off. When she complained, she says she was discriminated against and got poor reviews, resulting ultimately in her dismissal. She accuses Kleiner of treating her ‘despicably, maliciously, fraudulently and oppressively’ from ‘an improper and evil motive amounting to malice.’ #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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public reaction #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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impact on whistleblower #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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impact on organization #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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whistleblow: Ellen Pao, Kleiner Perkins - 2/15 public reaction: national news coverage impact on whistleblower: online harassment impact on organization: null #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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Amélie Lamont @amelielamont Squarespace 3/16 #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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whistleblow #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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“She stared at me for a few seconds and remarked, ‘Oh. I didn’t see you. You blended in. You’re so black, you blend into the chair.’” #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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public reaction #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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impact on whistleblower #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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“I published the article about 3 months ago now, and people have just been incredibly supportive. More importantly, I’ve realized this is something that happens to so many people, especially women of color. Writing the article, as scary as it was for me, was good because it also encouraged two other women of color who worked at Squarespace to speak up, who confirmed the toxic environment.” #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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“It turns out that I have a form of post-traumatic stress disorder. […] I’ve slowly been improving, but what has Squarespace done?” #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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impact on organization #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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whistleblow: Amélie Lamont, Squarespace - 3/16 public reaction: 1.8k likes impact on whistleblower: PTSD impact on organization: null #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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Susan J. Fowler @susanthesquark Uber 2/17 #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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whistleblow #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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“On my first official day rotating on the team, my new manager sent me a string of messages over company chat. […] He was trying to stay out of trouble at work, he said, but he couldn't help getting in trouble, because he was looking for women to have sex with.” #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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“When I reported the situation, I was told by both HR and upper management that even though this was clearly sexual harassment […], it was this man's first offense, and that they wouldn't feel comfortable giving him anything other than a warning and a stern talking-to. […] He ‘was a high performer.’” #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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public reaction #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#deleteUber > 30,000,000 impressions #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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impact on whistleblower #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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impact on organization #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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whistleblow: Susan J. Fowler, Uber - 2/17 public reaction: 11k likes (blog)
 30k RTs, 20k likes (twitter)
 front page national news
 #deleteUber > 3,000,000 impr. impact on whistleblower: threat of retaliation impact on organization: over 9000 #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin sexual harassment microaggressions overt racism systemic gender based discrimination (salary, career opportunities, and advancement) ignored by HR retaliation and/or threats from manager after documenting discrimination

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what was different? #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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she was a published author #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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she was a published author she documented everything #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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she was a published author she documented everything everyone already hated uber #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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she was a published author she documented everything everyone already hated uber she is white #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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she was a published author she documented everything everyone already hated uber she is white post 45 #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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she was a published author she documented everything everyone already hated uber she is white post 45 others came before her and helped pave the way #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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#notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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should YOU whistleblow? #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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maybe, and carefully #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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what can WE do? #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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vote with your dollar #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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share their stories #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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foster inclusive spaces #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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use your privilege to call this out #notjustuber #codeshare @alexqin

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Not just Uber @alexqin #notjustuber #codeshare