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By Jeremy Lindblom (@jeremeamia)

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Jeremy Lindblom (@jeremeamia)

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The Clooouuud

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"Cloud Computing" on-demand IT resources

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AWS services each have an API, so you can control your resources through programs and scripts.

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So let's provision a web server from PHP by using the AWS SDK for PHP to talk to the Amazon EC2 API Amazon  EC2  

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$ec2 = 'region' => 'us-east-1' 'version' => '2015-10-01' $ec2->runInstances 'ImageId' => 'ami-6a6dcc02' 'MinCount' => 'MaxCount' => 'InstanceType' => 't2.micro'

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Amazon S3 Amazon SES Amazon SimpleDB Amazon SNS Amazon SQS Amazon SWF Amazon VPC Auto Scaling AWS CloudHSM AWS Data Pipeline AWS Elastic Beanstalk AWS Import/Export AWS OpsWorks AWS Marketplace AWS Storage Gateway AWS Support Elastic Load Balancing Amazon CloudFormation Amazon CloudFront Amazon CloudSearch Amazon CloudWatch Amazon Direct Connect Amazon DynamoDB Amazon EBS Amazon EC2 Amazon ElastiCache Amazon Elastic Transcoder Amazon EMR Amazon Glacier Amazon IAM Amazon Mechanical Turk Amazon RDS Amazon Redshift Amazon Route53

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$ec2 = ::factory 'region' => 'us-east-1' $ec2->runInstances 'ImageId' => 'ami-6a6dcc02' 'MinCount' => 'MaxCount' => 'InstanceType' => 't2.micro'

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$ec2 = ::factory 'region' => 'us-east-1' $ec2->runInstances 'ImageId' => 'ami-6a6dcc02' 'MinCount' => 'MaxCount' => 'InstanceType' => 't2.micro' 'version' => '2015-10-01’

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$ec2 = ::factory 'region' => 'us-east-1' $ec2->runInstances 'ImageId' => 'ami-6a6dcc02' 'MinCount' => 'MaxCount' => 'InstanceType' => 't2.micro'

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$ec2 = ::factory 'region' => 'us-east-1' $ec2->runInstances 'ImageId' => 'ami-6a6dcc02' 'MinCount' => 'MaxCount' => 'InstanceType' => 't2.micro' 'version' => '2015-10-01'

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$ec2 = ::factory 'region' => 'us-east-1' $ec2->runInstances 'ImageId' => 'ami-6a6dcc02' 'MinCount' => 'MaxCount' => 'InstanceType' => 't2.micro' 'version' => '2015-10-01'

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•  Async requests with a Promise API •  Support for custom HTTP adapters –  cURL no longer required (still the default) –  Possible to implement with non-blocking event loops •  Result "Paginators" for iterating paginated data •  JMESPath querying of result data •  "debug" client option for easy debugging

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PHP PHP #nofilter #selphpie #instagood

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(Storage of selPHPies) (Storage of URLs/captions) PHP PHP

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"require": { "aws/aws-sdk-php": "~3.0", "silex/silex": "~1.2", "twig/twig": "~1.16", }

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•  Instance profile credentials •  Credentials file •  Environment variables •  Hard coding

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•  Instance profile credentials •  Credentials file •  Environment variables •  Client configuration

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•  Instance profile credentials •  Credentials file •  Environment variables •  Client configuration FYI: Also supported by the AWS CLI and other SDKs.

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•  Instance profile credentials •  Credentials file •  Environment variables •  Client configuration

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•  Instance profile credentials •  Credentials file •  Environment variables •  Client Configuration (BEWARE) 'credentials' => 'key' => $yourAccessKeyId 'secret' => $yourSecretAccessKey

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php bin/setup.php S3 bucket DynamoDB table Amazon S3 Amazon DynamoDB

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$s3->createBucket 'Bucket' => $bucket $s3->waitUntil 'BucketExists' 'Bucket' => $bucket $dynamoDb->createTable(['TableName' => $table ... $dynamoDb->waitUntil 'TableExists' 'TableName' => $table echo "Done.\n"

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$s3->createBucket 'Bucket' => $bucket $s3->waitUntil 'BucketExists' 'Bucket' => $bucket $dynamoDb->createTable(['TableName' => $table ... $dynamoDb->waitUntil 'TableExists' 'TableName' => $table echo "Done.\n"

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$s3->createBucket 'Bucket' => $bucket $s3->waitUntil 'BucketExists' 'Bucket' => $bucket $dynamoDb->createTable(['TableName' => $table ... $dynamoDb->waitUntil 'TableExists' 'TableName' => $table echo "Done.\n"

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$app = new $app 'aws' = function return new 'region' => 'us-east-1' 'version' => 'latest' // ROUTES AND OTHER APPLICATION LOGIC $app->run

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$app = new $app 'aws' = function return new 'region' => 'us-east-1' 'version' => 'latest' // ROUTES AND OTHER APPLICATION LOGIC $app->run

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$app = new $app 'aws' = function return new 'region' => 'us-east-1' 'S3' => 'version' => '2006-03-01' 'DynamoDb' => 'version' => '2012-08-10'

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$app->get '/' function ...

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$dynamoDb = $app 'aws' ->createDynamoDb $result = $dynamoDb->query 'TableName' => 'selphpies' 'Limit' => // ... $items = $result 'Items'

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$results = $dynamoDb->getPaginator 'Query' 'TableName' => 'selphpies' // ... $items = $results->search 'Items[]'

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$results = $s3->getPaginator 'ListObjects' ... $files = $results->search 'Contents[].Key'

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# With Paginators $results = $s3->getPaginator 'ListObjects' 'Bucket' => 'my-bucket' $keys = $results->search 'Contents[].Key' foreach $keys as $key echo $key . "\n" # Without Paginators $marker = do $args = 'Bucket' => 'my-bucket' if $marker $args 'Marker' = $marker $result = $s3->listObjects $args $objects = array $result 'Contents' foreach $objects as $object echo $object 'Key' . "\n" $marker $result->search 'NextMarker || Contents[-1].Key' while $result 'IsTruncated'

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$app->post '/upload' function ...

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try { $caption = $request->request->get('selphpieCaption', '...'); $file = $request->files->get('selphpieImage'); if (!$file instanceof UploadedFile || $file->getError()) { throw new \RuntimeException('...'); } #1. UPLOAD THE IMAGE TO S3 #2. SAVE THE IMAGE DATA TO DYNAMODB $app['session']->getFlashBag()->add('alerts', 'success'); return $app->redirect('/'); } catch (\Exception $e) { $app['session']->getFlashBag()->add('alerts', 'danger'); return $app->redirect('/upload'); }

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$s3 = $app['aws']->createS3(); $result = $s3->putObject([ 'Bucket' => 'selphpies', 'Key' => $file->getClientOriginalName(), 'Body' => fopen($file->getFileName(), 'r'), 'ACL' => 'public-read', ]);

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// Automatically switches to multipart uploads // if the file is larger than default threshold. $result = $s3->upload( 'selphpies', $file->getClientOriginalName(), fopen($file->getPathname(), 'r'), 'public-read' );

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$dynamoDb->putItem([ 'TableName' => 'selphpies', 'Item' => [ // ... 'src' => ['S' => $result['ObjectURL']], 'caption' => ['S' => $caption], ], ]);

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$m = new (); $dynamoDb->putItem([ 'TableName' => 'selphpies', 'Item' => $m->marshalItem([ // ... 'src' => $result['ObjectURL’], 'caption' => $caption, ]), ]);

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PHP such php so cloud wow very selfie much app #phpdoge

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By Jeremy Lindblom (@jeremeamia)