Slide 15
Slide 15 text
Is this advice any good?
2023: Sails @ Fleet, powering my company's website, business operations, and customers
2023: Sails @ F1000 EV company
2023: Sails @ Fastly (FSLY)
2022: Sails @ F1000 transportation company
2021: Sails @ Paystack (Stripe)
2020: Sails @ Partech (PAR), a few others
2019: Hapi @ Walmart Labs, several others
2018: Sails @ 0 LoC => $1M revenue real estate insurance startup, several others
2017: Sails @ ≥4 YC startups, many others
2016: Perf overhaul in Sails and Waterline core
2015: Sails @ Treeline (TechCrunch / HackerNews launch traf
2015: Sails @ Shyp ("Don't use Sails or Waterline" article)
2014: Sails @ Postman, Digium, Snap Kitchen, many others
2013: Sails @ F1000 telco, Reuters, many others
2012: Sails @ enterprise cloud drive startup (deploy-it-yourself Dropbox on OpenStack)