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Ruby 2 Methodology Akira Matsuda RUBYCONF 2015

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This Talk Focuses on “Method” in Ruby

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I'm Sorry but this Talk Is Going to Be a Serious Ruby Talk

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RubyConf 2015

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No content

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RubyConf 2015 Tracks Domain Patterns Less Code Wetware Ruby In Depth Beyond Ruby Play

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RubyConf 2015 Tracks Very well balanced Diverse topics

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So Glad that RubyConf Still Has the ”Ruby In Depth” Track This Year Makes me feel like I came to a Ruby conference

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RubyKaigi 2015 Next month In Japan "

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No content

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2 Tracks * 3 Days

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RubyKaigi Tracks Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby

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Everyone There Talks About Ruby Because it's a Ruby conference

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If You Want to See More Ruby Talks RubyKaigi is the conference you should go!

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The RubyKaigi Team

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“Chief Organizer” Of RubyKaigi 2015

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Akira Matsuda GitHub: amatsuda Twitter: @a_matsuda

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GitHub: amatsuda

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GitHub: amatsuda Ruby

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GitHub: amatsuda Rails

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I Work for Ruby, Rails, Several Other OSS Products, And Several Companies

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This Talk Focuses on “Method” in Ruby

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I'm Going to Talk About Modern Usage of Ruby's Method Not just introducing the features I’d like to tell my stories With lots of Ruby code in the slides

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Method Definition

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def class Person def hello p 'hello' end end

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Sometimes We Want to Define a Method with Weird Name Which character can/ cannot be a (part of) Method name?

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Can a Method Name Contain Emoji?

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def see: sferik/active_emoji

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active_emoji/core_ext/ kernel.rb

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Defining and Calling def () '' * 5; end puts #=>

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Then Which Character Cannot Be a Method Name?

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Some ASCII Chars Such as 1 ? ) @ " : etc.

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def @ def @ end #=> Syntax Error

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How Can We Define an @ Method? (Without using C-exts)

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amatsuda/rfd I do this a lot in my app It might be interesting to see a real use case for methods with such weird names

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rfd/commands.rb # Change current directory (cd). define_method(:'@') do process_command_line preset_command: 'cd' end # Execute a shell command in an external shell. define_method(:!) do process_shell_command end # Execute a command in the controller context. define_method(:':') do process_command_line end

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Listing up ASCII Chars that Can/ Cannot Be Used for Method Name h = {def: [], define_method: []} (' '..'~').each do |c| begin eval "def #{c}() puts '#{c}'; end" h[:def] << c rescue SyntaxError define_method(c) { puts c } h[:define_method] << c end end puts h

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Result :def => "!", "%", "&", "*", "+", "-", "/", "<", ">", "A"-"Z", "^", "_", "`", "a"-"z", "|", "~" :define_method => " ", "\"", "#", "$", "'", "(", ")", ",", ".", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ":", ";", "=", "?", "@", "[", "\\", "]", "{", "}"

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Then How Can We Call this Method? foo = @() #=> syntax error

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Then How Can We Call this Method? Kernel#send
 (or public_send)

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send @ define_method(:'@') do p '@' end send :'@' #=> "@"

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When to Use Kernel#send When calling a method with abnormal name When dynamically changing a Method to call When calling a Method from Outside of scope

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When Dynamically Changing a Method to Call # actionpack/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb module AbstractController class Base ... private ... def process_action(method_name, *args) send_action(method_name, *args) end alias send_action send ... ennd

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When Calling a Method from Outside of Scope { private def priv() p:hello end }.new.send :priv #=> :hello

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Method Scopes

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Method Scopes 3 Types of Method Scopes public, protected, and private

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public Open to Everyone The Default Method Scope

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private class C private def hello() p:hello end end #=> private method `hello' called for # (NoMethodError)

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private class C private def hello() p:hello end def greeting() hello end end

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private class C private def hello() p:hello end def greeting() hello end end #=> :hello

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If There's a lvar with the Same Name, the private Method Would Never Be Called class C private def hello() 'hello' end def greeting(hello = 'hola') p hello end end #=> "hola"

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How to Avoid This?

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Put Parens()? class C private def hello() 'hello' end def greeting(hello = 'hola') p hello() end end #=> "hello"

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Put Parens Sure it works, but we don't want to add parens to all method calls... Ruby is not JavaScript!

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Prepend “self.” to private Method Calls class C private def hello() 'hello' end def greeting(hello = 'hola') p self.hello end end

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Prepend self. to private Method Calls class C private def hello() 'hello' end def greeting(hello = 'hola') p self.hello end end #=> private method `hello' called for # (NoMethodError)

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Our Real App Problem at Ubiregi Inc. We changed a public method in a Rails controller to be private, then we saw a NoMethodError because of “self.” But we thought this should not be an error

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So, We Wrote a Patch Feature #11297 Proposed and patched by @soutaro, the CTO at Ubiregi Inc.

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me @soutaro

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Matz Accepted this “It changes the concept of private methods a little. It's OK to merge the patch if the document is updated at the same time..”

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But, I Forgot to Merge this in and Do the Documentation

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This Change Won't Be Included in 2.3, but Maybe in 2.4...

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Another Solution to Call it with “self.” class C - private def hello() 'hello' end + protected def hello() 'hello' end def greeting(hello = 'hola') p self.hello end end #=> "hello"

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protected? What exactly is the protected scope? Who can explain?

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protected Different from Java, C++’s protected Proposed and implemented by @shugomaeda

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protected Method Can't Be Called from Outside class C protected def hello() 'hello' end end #=> undefined method `greeting' for # (NoMethodError)

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protected Method Can't Be Called from Outside class C protected def hello() 'hello' end end class D def greeting end end #=> protected method `hello' called for # (NoMethodError)

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protected Method Can Be Called from Other Instance of the C Class class C protected def hello() 'hello' end def greeting() p end end #=> "hello"

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Difference Between private and protected class C private def hello() 'hello' end def greeting() p end end #=> private method `hello' called for # (NoMethodError)

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Who Uses this Feature?

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Let's Find a Real-world Use Case...

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Let's Find a Real-world Use Case... in Rails

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git grep "^ *protected" % git grep "^ *protected" | wc -l #=> 203

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The Rails People Abuse protected Why are there that many “protected”s?

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The Rails People Abuse And Misuse protected Do people really know what protected means?

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So, I Wrote a Patch 150 occurrences of protected could actually be replaced to private rails/commit/6832343

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Only a Few Proper Use Cases of protected in Rails More than 90% of protected in Rails code actually means private

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An Example of a Proper Use Case of protected in Rails # AP/lib/action_controller/metal/strong_parameters.rb module ActionController class Parameters < ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess def dup super.tap do |duplicate| duplicate.permitted = @permitted end end protected def permitted=(new_permitted) @permitted = new_permitted ennnd

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Don't Use protected Unless you're sure what you're doing

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The Patch Is Still not Merged

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The RDoc Problem RDoc mutes private method documentation

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The RDoc Problem class C # This is a public method def pub() end protected # This is a protected method def prot() end private # This is a private method def priv() end end

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The Generated RDoc

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RDoc Does not Generate Documentations for private Methods

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My Rails Patch I want to change the method scope accurately, but that spoils so much documentations!

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This Is How We Abuse protected, and Why We Can't Stop Abusing protected in Rails

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Another RDoc Problem

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✨(2.1) def Returns the Method Name In combination with `private :foo` syntax, now we can do Java like
 `private def foo() end` Proposed and implemented by usa (@unak)

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Another RDoc Problem class C # This is a public method public def pub() end # This is a protected method protected def prot() end # This is a private method private def priv() end end

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The Generated RDoc ɹEmpty!

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And Even Worse… class C # This is a private method private def priv() end # This should be documented def pub1() end # This should also be documented def pub2() end end

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The Generated RDoc Empty again!

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This Is Why We Still Don't Use “private def” Style Definition in Rails We need to patch RDoc first Patches are welcome!

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The Method Object

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Another Way to Invoke a Method Call `Method#call` via Ruby

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Class.instance_methods class Person end p Person.instance_methods(false) #=> []

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Inspecting Defined Methods Via Class.instance_methods class Person def hello p 'hello' end end p Person.instance_methods(false) #=> [:hello]

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Getting an Instance of Method from an Instance of the Person Class class Person def hello p 'hello' end end p #=> #

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Calling the Method class Person def hello p 'hello' end end #=> "hello"

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Passing in a Parameter class Person def say(something) p something end end'hello') #=> "hello"

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Getting an Instance of Method from the Person Class class Person def hello p 'hello' end end p Person.instance_method(:hello) #=> #

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UnboundMethod? This must be a Method so let's just call it

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Calling The UnboundMethod class Person def hello p 'hello' end end Person.instance_method(:hello).call #=> undefined method `call' for # (NoMethodError)

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So, What's Defined on the UnboundMethod? class Person def hello p 'hello' end end p Person.instance_methods(false).sort #=> [:==, :arity, :bind, :clone, :eql?, :hash, :inspect,
 :name, :original_name, :owner, :parameters,
 :source_location, :super_method, :to_s]

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Difference Between Method and UnboundMethod p m = Method.instance_methods(false).sort #=> [:==, :[], :arity, :call, :clone, :curry, :eql?,
 :hash, :inspect, :name, :original_name, :owner,
 :parameters, :receiver, :source_location, :super_method,
 :to_proc, :to_s, :unbind] p u = UnboundMethod.instance_methods(false).sort #=> [:==, :arity, :bind, :clone, :eql?, :hash, :inspect,
 :name, :original_name, :owner, :parameters,
 :source_location, :super_method, :to_s] p m - u #=> [:[], :call, :curry, :receiver, :to_proc, :unbind] p u - m #=> [:bind]

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Binding an UnboundMethod to an Instance of Person class Person def hello p 'hello' end end p um = Person.instance_method(:hello) #=> # person = p meth = um.bind(person) #=> # #=> "hello"

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Can a Cat Say Hello? class Person def hello() p 'hello' end end class Cat def hello() p 'Meow' end end um = Person.instance_method(:hello) cat = meth = um.bind(cat)

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No, A Cat Is not a Person class Person def hello() p 'hello' end end class Cat def hello() p 'Meow' end end um = Person.instance_method(:hello) cat = meth = um.bind(cat) #=> bind argument must be an instance of Person (TypeError)

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✨ (2.0) Method Transplanting Feature #4254 Proposed by @zimbatm Implemented by @nobu

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Transplanting a Method From a Module module Greeter def hello p 'hello' end end class Cat define_method :hello, Greeter.instance_method(:hello) end #=> "hello"

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Method Transplanting Seems like there’s nothing different from including the whole Module in this case You can cherry-pick a Method without including the whole Module

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✨ (2.2, 2.3) Transplanting a Method From a Class module Greeter def hello() p 'hello' end end class Person include Greeter end class Cat define_method :hello, Person.instance_method(:hello) end #=> "hello"

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Method Transplanting Methods can now be transplanted from a Class to another Class If the Method originally comes from a Module So many Module-based Rails Methods became portable now!

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Passing in a Parameter to Method#call class Person def say(something) p something end end'hello') #=> "hello"

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Methods Take Parameters, Then Parameters Can Be Accessed as Local Variables (lvar) in the Method def say(something) ... end def say something = 'hello' ... end # same kind of variable

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How Can We Inspect a Method’s Parameters? Use Method#parameters

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✨(1.9) Method#parameters Implemented by ko1

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ko1 (@_ko1)

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ko1 The author of Ruby 1.9 VM (YARV) Full-time Ruby Committer Employed by Heroku

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Inspecting a Method's Parameter class Person def say(something) p something end end p #=> “hello” #=> [[:req, :something]]

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An Optional Parameter class Person def say(something, options = {}) p something end end p #=> [[:req, :something], [:opt, :options]]

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rest, block class Person def say(something, options = {}, *args, &blk) p something end end p #=> [[:req, :something], [:opt, :options], [:rest, :args], [:block, :blk]]

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Real-world Example of Method#parameters asakusarb/action_args

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action_args A Rails plugin Placed under Asakusa.rb organization respecting Ko1's work on Method#parameters The plugin code is 99% written by me Something that makes your Rails app's controller code like Merb's controller Initially named ”Merbish” I ALWAYS use this when working on Rails apps

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What action_args Does # Before class UsersController < ApplicationController def show @user = User.find params[:id] end end # After class UsersController < ApplicationController def show(id) @user = User.find id end end

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It Used not to Be Able to Handle filters' Parameters It's supported in recent versions!

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action_args Supports Keyword Arguments As Well

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✨(2.0) Keyword Arguments Proposed and implemented by mame

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mame (@mametter) Ruby 2.0 release manager Known by his crazy quine works, such as 

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The quine-relay

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Method#parameters for kwargs class Person def say(word:, volume: :loud, **args) p word end end p #=> [[:keyreq, :word], [:key, :volume], [:keyrest, :args]]

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This Apparently Makes the API Clearer We should rewrite Rails’ methods to conform this style!

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kwargs and Rails My First Trial January 2013

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My First Trial Replaced some methods in ActiveSupport, ActionPack, ActiveModel

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Looks Good, Isn’t it? - def truncate(truncate_at, options = {})
 + def truncate(truncate_at, omission: '...', separator: nil) - def number_to_currency(number, options = {}) + def number_to_currency(number, locale: nil, format: nil, unit: nil, **options) - def cattr_accessor(*syms, &blk) + def cattr_accessor(*syms, instance_reader: true, instance_writer: true, instance_accessor: true, &blk) - def truncate(text, options = {}, &block)
 + def truncate(text, length: 30, escape: true, **options, &block)

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I Found a Specification Problem Reserved words like if, unless, end can be a keyword But we can’t touch the variable

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Reserved Words in Ruby (lvar) if = 1 #=> syntax error, unexpected '='

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Reserved Words in Ruby (Method Parameter) def a(if) end #=> syntax error, unexpected keyword_if, expecting ')'

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Reserved Words Can Be kwargs Keys! def say(something, if:) end say 'Hello', if: weather.good?

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I Said, Method Parameters Are Essentially Local Variables

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Which Means, You Can Create a lvar with a Reserved Name!

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But Wait, How Can We Access the Variable? def say(something, if:) p something if if end say 'Hello', if: true #=> syntax error, unexpected keyword_end #=> syntax error, unexpected end-of-input, expecting keyword_end

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This Is What Happened in Ruby 2.0

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So I Reported this Problem Maybe via Twitter or at the meeting or Asakusa.rb or something (couldn’t find the issue) Then ko1 and nobu made a fix

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Nobu the Patch Monster

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nobu “Pachimon” Another Heroku employee

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How Can We Access a lvar with a Reserved Name?

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✨ (2.1) binding.local_variables and binding.local_variable_get/set/defined? a = 'foo' p binding.local_variables #=> [:a] p binding.local_variable_get(:a) #=> "foo"

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kwargs + Reserved Word + binding.local_variable_get def say(something, if:) p something if binding.local_variable_get(:if) end say 'Hello', if: true #=> "Hello"

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The Performance Problem of kwargs Because it used to create a Hash instance internally

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✨(2.2) Performance Improvement of kwargs By ko1 Refactored not to create a Hash per method call

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Rails 5 Coming soon (?) Supports only Ruby >= 2.2 Major version bump is a good chance to introduce an API incompatibility Now we have fast kwargs and binding.local_variable_get I think we're ready to revise the *args API and move to kwargs

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If I Had Enough Time to Work on This and Finish My Patch...

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AMC and Module#prepend

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Rails 5 alias_method_chain is deprecated

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alias_method_chain (a.k.a. AMC) A monkey-patching idiom Very simple, but super useful Genius work

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The Very First Implementation of AMC

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Usage of AMC class Record def save() p 'Saved.' end def save_with_validation p 'Validated.' save_without_validation end alias_method_chain :save, :validation end #=> "Validated." #=> "Saved."

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You Still Can Call the Un- monkeypatched Version class Record def save() p 'Saved.' end def save_with_validation p 'Validated.' save_without_validation end alias_method_chain :save, :validation end #=> "Saved."

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*_without_* Methods Very handy Very intuitive method name Isn't is?

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The Dark Side of AMC save_without_validation doesn’t always act as what it literally means

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What If We Had Another AMC Chain? class Record def save() p 'Saving...' end def save_with_validation p 'Validating...' save_without_validation end alias_method_chain :save, :validation def save_with_callback save_without_callback p 'Calling back...' end alias_method_chain :save, :callback end #=> "Calling back..." #=> "Validating..." #=> "Saving..."

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Now Let's save Without validation class Record def save() p 'Saving...' end def save_with_validation p 'Validating...' save_without_validation end alias_method_chain :save, :validation def save_with_callback save_without_callback p 'Calling back...' end alias_method_chain :save, :callback end #=> "Saving..."

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*_without_* Methods Are Harmful Unpredictable behaviour The method name (probably) lies! *_without_* shouldn't be callable *_without_* shouldn’t even be defined

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We Needed a Nicer Language Level Monkey-patching Support

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✨ (2.0) Module#prepend Proposed by @wycats Implemented by nobu

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How It Works Basically it's like a reverse-ordered Module#include

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Module#include class Record def save super p 'Saved.' ennd module Validation def save p 'Validated.' ennd Record.send :include, Validation #=> "Validated." #=> "Saved."

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Common Idiom of Module#prepend in 2.0 class Record def save() p 'Saved.' end end module Validation def save p 'Validated.' super ennd Record.send :prepend, Validation #=> "Validated." #=> "Saved."

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How it Makes Your Code Clean amatsuda/ html5_validators

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No Other Method Definition Than render # html5_validators/action_view/form_helpers.rb module Html5Validators module ActionViewExtension module PresenceValidator def render ... super end end module LengthValidator def render ... super end end module NumericalityValidator def render ... super ennnnd module ActionView::Helpers::Tags::TextField prepend Html5Validators::ActionViewExtension::NumericalityValidator prepend Html5Validators::ActionViewExtension::LengthValidator prepend Html5Validators::ActionViewExtension::PresenceValidator end

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Module#prepend Always Comes with send Because it initially was a private method in 2.0 In conformity to Module#include

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Isn't It Natural to Make it public? The main purpose of this method is monkey-patching Usually done from outside, rather than from inside Also Module#include should be public (Object#extend is already public)

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So, I Proposed and Patched

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✨(2.1) Module#include and Module#prepend Became public Feature #8846 Proposed and implemented by a_matsuda

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super and super_method

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Numbers of `super` calls Rails 2.3: about 221 Rails master: about 499

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`super` Is Heavily Used @carlhuda style “Micro Kernel Architecture”

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Code Complexity So many method definitions with the same name e.g. `def save`, `def render` Hard to read through the code Hard to debug

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ActiveRecord.has_many `super` def save(*args) create_or_update(*args) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid false end def save(*) if status = super changes_applied end status end def save(*) #:nodoc: rollback_active_record_state! do with_transaction_returning_status { super } end end def save(options={}) perform_validations(options) ? super : false end

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Which save Method Will Actually Get Called Via Each `super`? Who can tell?

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✨(2.2) Method#super_method Feature #9781 Returns a Method object that will be called via `super` Proposed by @schneems Implemented by nobu

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For debugging purpose “I believe adding Method#super_method, or exposing this same information somewhere else, could greatly help developers to debug large systems easily.” - @schneems

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But I Found that,

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super_method Can Be Used not Only for Debugging

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Let’s Get Back to AMC vs. Module#prepend Module#prepend does not define *_without_* method So, There's No Way Calling save_without_validation for Prepended Method?

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No. You Can Call the super_method! class Record def save() p 'Saved.' end end module Validation def save p 'Validated.' and super end end Record.prepend Validation record = record.method(:save) #=> "Saved."

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Method#super_method Provides a Way to Call save_without_validation This technique can be used for include extend prepend refine

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What if We Have 2 Modules Prepended?

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You Can Call super_method’s super_method class Record def save() p 'Saved.' end end module Validation def save() p 'Validated.' and super ennd module Callback def save() super and p 'Calling back...' ennd Record.prepend Callback, Validation method = #=> "Saved."

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What if We Have n Modules Prepended?

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Use Method#owner

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Method#owner class Record def save() p 'Saved.' end end module Validation def save() p 'Validated.' and super ennd module Callback def save super and p 'Calling back...' ennd module Transaction def save p 'Transaction start.' and super and p 'Transaction end.' ennd Record.prepend Callback, Transaction, Validation method = p method.owner p method.super_method.owner #=> Callback #=> Transaction

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What if We Have n Modules Prepended? ... Record.prepend Callback, Transaction, Validation method = until method.owner == Record method = method.super_method end #=> "Saved."

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Generalizing a Little Bit More class Method def call_without(mod, *args, &block) if mod == owner*args, &block) else super_method.call_without(mod, *args, &block) end end end ... Record.prepend Callback, Transaction, Validation method = method.call_without(Validation) #=> "Saved."

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Method#super_method I’m sure nobody uses this feature Because it’s still so buggy

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Module#prepend + UnboundMethod#super_method class C def a() end end module M def a() end end C.prepend M p C.instance_method(:a).super_method #=> nil # This should be #

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Module#prepend + Method#super_method’s super_method class C def a() end end module M def a() end end C.prepend M p #=> # p #=> # p #=> # (and this loops...) # This should be nil

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I’m Hoping These Bugs to Be Fixed Hopefully before 2.3.0 stable

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Module#prepend Is a Great Monkey-patching Tool Less polluting Only When Overriding an Existing Method But that's not Always the Case

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Consider this Case What if we want to include a Module that has internal methods, and we don't want to expose them to the users?

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Some Methods from
 the End Users class Framework::Base end module MyMonkeypatch # We want to reveal this to the end users public def foo ... end # We want to hide this from the end users private def bar ... end end Framework::Base.include MyMonkeypatch

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Refinements For this purpose, we can use Refinements!

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✨ (2.0) Refinements Proposed and implemented by shugo (@shugomaeda) The initial implementation was more powerful and useful See my talk “Ruby 2.0 on Rails” at RubyConf 2012 Then diminished to the current specification

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Current Refinements’ Spec File scoped monkey-patch “Lexical scope”

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Basic Usage of Refinements # amplifier.rb module Amplifier refine String do def shout() p self + '!' end end end # another_file.rb require_relative 'amplifier' using Amplifier 'hello'.shout #=> "hello!"

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Real-world Use Case of Refinements asakusarb/action_args

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refining Rails’ Core Class # lib/action_args/params_handler.rb module ActionArgs module ParamsHandler refine AbstractController::Base do def extract_method_arguments_from_params(method_name) ... end def strengthen_params!(method_name) ... ennnnd

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Then using it from Another File # lib/action_args/abstract_controller.rb require_relative 'params_handler' using ActionArgs::ParamsHandler module ActionArgs module AbstractControllerMethods def send_action(method_name, *args) ... strengthen_params! method_name values = extract_method_arguments_from_params method_name super method_name, *values ennd ... end

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I Would Call this “super private” The methods defined inside the library are visible only inside the library Never exposed to the end-users (unless they explicitly call `using`) Thanks @_ksss_ for giving me an inspiration for this implementation!

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A Pitfall of Refinements Refined methods can’t be called via Kernel#send Because Kernel#send is not lexically scoped? But we often want to dynamically change the method to call, for instance in Rails

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I Think this Restriction Should Be Loosen So I raised a feature request Feature #11476 If this is allowed, we could implement something useful, maybe?

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Ruby’s Method is still evolving! ⤴⤴ Let’s play with Method! You can make it better! Let’s make it more fun! Summary

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