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Dr. Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez [email protected] o ffi ce: 14 -227 CSC 305 Individual Software Design and Development Lecture 04. Dependency Management

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Previously …

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Library • A collection of resources (cl a sses) • A J a v a Archive, or JAR f ile, cont a ins a ll of the v a rious components th a t m a ke up a self- cont a ined, execut a ble J a v a a pplic a tion or, most commonly, a J a v a libr a ry to which a J a v a Runtime Environment c a n link. 6

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• Build m a n a gement tool • M a ven a utom a tes dependency m a n a gement by a utom a tic a lly downlo a ding required libr a ries a nd their dependencies, ensuring consistent builds with speci f ied versions. • In contr a st, m a nu a lly downlo a ding JARs is l a bor-intensive a nd error-prone. 8

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• The project object model (POM) f ile describes a project a nd its dependencies. • A st a nd a rdized directory form a t. • Repositories where third-p a rty softw a re is stored a nd discovered. 9

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Maven File and Directories 10

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Create a project with Maven support 12

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POM.xml 13

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Maven Repository 14

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Adding a New Dependency 15

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Right-Click POM.xml 16

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Jsoup Java HTML Parser

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Jsoup • A J a v a libr a ry th a t simpli f ies working with HTML a nd XML. • O ff ers URL fetching, d a t a p a rsing, extr a ction, a nd m a nipul a tion. • 18

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MVN Repository 19

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Load Maven Changes 20

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Jsoup Example 21

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We need to talk about the Factory Pattern Pattern 23

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JavaParser A Parser for Java Code

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JavaParser • A J a v a libr a ry to a n a lyze, tr a nsform, a nd gener a te J a v a code. • https://j a v a p a 25

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MVN Repository 26

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Load Maven Changes 27

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JavaParser Example 28

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We need to talk about the Null Object Pattern Pattern 30

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JFreeChart Display Charts

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JFreeChart • a rt/ • JFreeCh a rt is a libr a ry to displ a y profession a l-qu a lity ch a rts. 32

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MVN Repository 33

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Load Maven Changes 34

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JFreeChart Example 35

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Another appearance of the Factory Pattern Pattern 37

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Weka Machine Learning

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Weka • Wek a is a collection of m a chine le a rning a nd d a t a a n a lysis • W a ik a to Environment for Knowledge An a lysis (Wek a ) • developed a t the University of W a ik a to, New Ze a l a nd • https://ml.cms.w a ik a to. a a • 39

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MVN Repository 40

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Load Maven Changes 41

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Step 1: Create Instances 42

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Step 1: Or Load Instances 43

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Step 2. Clustering 44

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MQTT Message Queuing

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Pong 47

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Eclipse Paho for Java Wh a t is Eclipse P a ho? • A set of MQTT client libr a ries developed by the Eclipse Found a tion. • It supports multiple l a ngu a ges, such a s J a v a , Python, J a v a Script, etc. J a v a Dependency (M a ven) org.eclipse.paho org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3 1.2.5 48

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We need to talk about the Publisher-Subscriber Pattern Pattern 51

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JDBC SQL Database

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Key Idea 53 ⚙

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Dependencies 55

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Connection 56

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SQL Statements 57

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We need to talk about Standard Solutions Pattern 58

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Problem 60

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Problem 61

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Bad Idea System.out.println 62 Messages

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Logging • Recording events, a ctions, or mess a ges th a t occur during the execution of a progr a m. • Proper logging is essenti a l for m a int a ining a nd troubleshooting a pplic a tions e ff ectively throughout their lifecycle. 63

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Good Idea 64 message 01 message 02 message 03 message 04 message 05

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SLF4J Logback • St a nds for Simple Logging F a c a de for J a v a • It provides a uni f ied interf a ce for logging oper a tions, a llowing developers to write logging code without binding their a pplic a tion to a speci f ic logging implement a tion. • We need to t a lk a bout the F a c a de P a ttern 65

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Getting Started

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SLF4J Logback | Add the dependency 67

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SLF4J Logback | Logging 68

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SLF4J Logback | Logging 69

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Severity Level 70 TRACE DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR Severity

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We want this 71 message 01 message 02 message 03 message 04 message 05 trace() debug() info () warn () error() Logger 71

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To be continued…

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Maven File and Directories 73

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Resources Folder • The resources folder in a M a ven project stores non-source-code f iles th a t your a pplic a tion needs, such a s con f igur a tion f iles, property f iles, im a ges, a nd other resources. • These f iles a re included in the f in a l build output a nd a v a il a ble on the cl a ssp a th a t runtime. 74

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src/main/resources/logback.xml • logb a ck.xml is a con f igur a tion f ile for SLF4J Logb a ck. • It de f ines how logging should be h a ndled, including log levels, a ppenders (where logs a re written), a nd log form a ts. • When your a pplic a tion st a rts, SLF4J Logb a ck a utom a tic a lly looks for this con f igur a tion f ile. 75

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ConsoleAppender 76 message 01 message 02 message 03 message 04 message 05 trace() debug() info () warn () error() Logger 76 Appender

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src/main/resources/logback.xml 77

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SLF4J Logback | Logging 78

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ConsoleAppender 79 message 01 message 02 message 03 message 04 message 05 trace() debug() info () warn () error() Logger 79 Appender

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Logstash Logback Encoder | POM.xml • Let’s use a nother libr a ry to t a ke a dv a nt a ge of extr a encoders • form a t Spring Boot logs in JSON form a t 81

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src/main/resources/logback.xml 82

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SLF4J Logback | Logging 83

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Next 85 trace() debug() info () warn () error() message 01 message 02 message 03 message 04 message 05 Logger Appender Appender

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src/main/resources/logback.xml 86

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SLF4J Logback | Logging 87

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Questions 88

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Lab 04. Maven

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Create a Maven Project on your IDE Lab 90

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Download and Run on Your computer: Lab 91

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CSC 305 Individual Software Design and Development Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez, Ph.D. [email protected] Summer 2024 Copyright. These slides can only be used as study material for the class CSC305 at Cal Poly. They cannot be distributed or used for another purpose.