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Behavioral Analytics U!"#r$%&!"'!( %)# H*w & W)+ *f U$#r$ Ben Johnson, Skyland Labs

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My Background

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Former Oracle DBA Data Visualization Behavioral Analytics

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W)&% '$ B#)&v'*r&, A!&,+%'-$?

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W)&% '$ B#)&v'*r&, A!&,+%'-$? Let’s start with an example.

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Our Example: You are a SaaS company with a web app.

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Our Example: You are a SaaS company with a web app. SQL database?

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Our Example: You are a SaaS company with a web app. SQL database? check.

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Our Example: You are a SaaS company with a web app. SQL database? check. Tons of Logs?

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Our Example: You are a SaaS company with a web app. SQL database? check. Tons of Logs? hell yeah!

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Let’s use SQL to understand our users!

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What are users doing?

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What are users doing? SELECT url, count(*) FROM page_views GROUP BY url;

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What are users doing? 0 12.5 25 37.5 50 /index.html /about.html /pricing.html /signup.html

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Who is doing it?

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Who is doing it? SELECT url, gender, count(*) FROM page_views INNER JOIN users GROUP BY url, gender;

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Who is doing it? 0 15 30 45 60 /index.html /about.html /pricing.html /signup.html Men Women

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Where are they doing it?

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Where are they doing it? SELECT url, city, count(*) FROM page_views INNER JOIN users GROUP BY url, city;

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Where are they doing it? 0 15 30 45 60 /index.html /about.html /pricing.html /signup.html San Francisco Denver London

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When are they doing it?

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When are they doing it? SELECT url, DATE_FORMAT(‘%Y-%m), count(*) FROM page_views GROUP BY url, ...;

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When are they doing it? 0 10 20 30 40 /index.html /about.html /pricing.html /signup.html Jan 2013 Feb 2013 Mar 2013 April 2013

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SQL works great for these questions:

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SQL works great for these questions: WHAT

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SQL works great for these questions: WHAT WHO

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SQL works great for these questions: WHO WHEN WHAT

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SQL works great for these questions: WHEN WHERE WHO WHAT

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SQL analyzes state.

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How do we understand actions?

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How are they doing it?

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How are they doing it? “H*w” .#&!$ /!*w'!( w)&% )&pp#!#" "0r'!( &! &-%'*! *r %&$/.

Slide 33

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How are they doing it? “H*w” .#&!$ /!*w'!( w)&% )&pp#!#" "0r'!( &! &-%'*! *r %&$/. 1&.p,#: H*w "* 0$#r$ -)#-/*0%?

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How are they doing it? SELECT t1.url, t2.url AS next_url, count(*) FROM page_views t1 LEFT JOIN ( SELECT url FROM page_views WHERE id > AND user_id = t1.user_id ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1) AS t2 WHERE t1.url = ‘/checkout.html’ GROUP BY t1.url, t2.url;

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How are they doing it? 0 37.5 75 112.5 150 /enter_cc_info.html /product.html /index.html NULL

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How are they doing it? 0 37.5 75 112.5 150 /enter_cc_info.html /product.html /index.html NULL Ab&!"*!#" S)*pp'!( C&r%$!

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Why are they doing it?

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Why are they doing it? “W)+” .#&!$ /!*w'!( w)&% -&.# b#f*r# &! &-%'*!.

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Why are they doing it? “W)+” .#&!$ /!*w'!( w)&% -&.# b#f*r# &! &-%'*!. 1&.p,#: W)+ "* 0$#r$ -&!-#, &--*0!%$?

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Why are they doing it? SELECT t1.url, t2.url AS prev_url, count(*) FROM page_views t1 LEFT JOIN ( SELECT url FROM page_views WHERE id < AND user_id = t1.user_id ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1) AS t2 WHERE t1.url = ‘/cancel_account.html’ GROUP BY t1.url, t2.url;

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Why are they doing it? 0 20 40 60 80 /help.html /index.html /404.html /contact_us.html

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Why are they doing it? 0 20 40 60 80 /help.html /index.html /404.html /contact_us.html Y*0r “)#,p” p&(#$ "*!’% )#,p.

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Why are they doing it? 0 20 40 60 80 /help.html /index.html /404.html /contact_us.html U$#r$ -*.'!( %* +*0r $'%# %* q0'%

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Why are they doing it? 0 20 40 60 80 /help.html /index.html /404.html /contact_us.html Y*0r w#b $'%# '$ br*/#!

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Why are they doing it? 0 20 40 60 80 /help.html /index.html /404.html /contact_us.html Y*0r -0$%*.#r $0pp*r% $0-/$.

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B#)&v'*r&, &!&,+%'-$ '$ &b*0% 0!"#r$%&!"'!( %)# “)*w” &!" %)# “w)+”

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Now let’s use Hadoop to understand our users

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Building Funnel Analysis in Hadoop

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Building Funnel Analysis in Hadoop Step 1: Parse logs

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Building Funnel Analysis in Hadoop Step 1: Parse logs Step 2: Group by user

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Building Funnel Analysis in Hadoop Step 1: Parse logs Step 2: Group by user Step 3: Sessionize

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Building Funnel Analysis in Hadoop Step 1: Parse logs Step 2: Group by user Step 3: Sessionize Step 4: Apply Pattern Matching

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Building Funnel Analysis in Hadoop Step 1: Parse logs Step 2: Group by user Step 3: Sessionize Step 4: Apply Pattern Matching Step 5: Aggregate

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Building Funnel Analysis in Hadoop Step 1: Parse logs Step 2: Group by user Step 3: Sessionize Step 4: Apply Pattern Matching Step 5: Aggregate Step 6: Pull hair repeatedly.

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Why not make a system & language for describing behavior?

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Behavior is...

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A-%'*!$ & S%&%#

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A-%'*!$ + 2.# & S%&%#

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You need a way to describe time:

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“WHEN” Let’s see some examples

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Simple Hit Count H*w .&!+ p#*p,# -,'-/ *! .+ )*.# p&(#?

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Simple Hit Count WHEN action == ‘/index.html’ THEN SELECT count(); END H*w .&!+ p#*p,# -,'-/ *! .+ )*.# p&(#?

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Simple Hit Count H*w .&!+ p#*p,# -,'-/ *! .+ )*.# p&(#? 0 25 50 75 100 /index.html

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Simple Hit Count w/ Demographics H*w .&!+ .#! & w*.#! -,'-/ *! .+ )*.# p&(#?

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Simple Hit Count w/ Demographics WHEN action == ‘/index.html’ THEN SELECT count() GROUP BY gender; END H*w .&!+ .#! & w*.#! -,'-/ *! .+ )*.# p&(#?

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Simple Hit Count w/ Demographics 0 25 50 75 100 Men Women H*w .&!+ .#! & w*.#! -,'-/ *! .+ )*.# p&(#?

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Answering the “How” H*w "* 0$#r$ -)#-/*0%?

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Answering the “How” WHEN action == ‘/checkout.html’ THEN WHEN WITHIN 1 STEP THEN SELECT count() GROUP BY action; END END H*w "* 0$#r$ -)#-/*0%?

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0 25 50 75 100 /enter_cc.html /product.html /index.html NULL Answering the “How” H*w "* 0$#r$ -)#-/*0%?

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Answering the “How” H*w "* 0$#r$ -)#-/*0% (%w* $%#p$ '!)?

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Answering the “How” WHEN action == ‘/checkout.html’ THEN WHEN action == ‘/enter_cc.html’ WITHIN 1 STEP THEN WHEN WITHIN 1 STEP THEN SELECT count() GROUP BY action; END END END H*w "* 0$#r$ -)#-/*0% (%w* $%#p$ '!)?

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0 25 50 75 100 /confirm.html NULL Answering the “How” H*w "* 0$#r$ -)#-/*0% (%w* $%#p$ '!)?

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Combine these to make a funnel:

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F0!!#, Q0#r+:

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WHEN action == ‘/checkout.html’ THEN SELECT count() INTO “step0”; WHEN action == ‘/enter_cc.html’ WITHIN 1 STEP THEN SELECT count() INTO “step1”; WHEN action == ‘/confirm.html’ WITHIN 1 STEP THEN SELECT count() INTO “step2”; END END F0!!#, Q0#r+:

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F0!!#, O0%p0%:

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{ “step0”:{“count”:100}, “step1”:{“count”:40}, “step2”:{“count”:32} } F0!!#, O0%p0%:

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0 25 50 75 100 /checkout.html /enter_cc.html /confirm.html Answering the “How” H*w "* 0$#r$ -)#-/*0%? (step0) (step1) (step2)

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0 25 50 75 100 /checkout.html /enter_cc.html /confirm.html Answering the “How” H*w "* 0$#r$ -)#-/*0%? (step0) (step1) (step2)

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0 25 50 75 100 /checkout.html /enter_cc.html /confirm.html Answering the “How” H*w "* 0$#r$ -)#-/*0%? (step0) (step1) (step2)

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Answering the “Why” W)+ "* 0$#r$ -&!-#, &--*0!%$?

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Answering the “Why” WHEN action == ‘/cancel_account’ THEN WHEN WITHIN -1 STEP THEN SELECT count() GROUP BY action; END END W)+ "* 0$#r$ -&!-#, &--*0!%$?

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Answering the “Why” WHEN action == ‘/cancel_account’ THEN WHEN WITHIN -1 STEP THEN SELECT count() GROUP BY action; END END W)+ "* 0$#r$ -&!-#, &--*0!%$?

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What can we do with “within”?

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Within +/- n Steps

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Within 1 Step

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Within 2 Steps

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Within 1..3 Steps

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Within -1 Steps

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Within -2 Steps

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Within +/- Sessions

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Within +/- Sessions

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Within 0 Sessions (current session only)

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Within 1 Session

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Within -1 Session

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W'%)'! &,$* w*r/$ *! "&%#$ Days, Weeks, Months, etc.

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S/+ An open source, behavioral analytics database.

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Why Build a Database?

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Data Model

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Performance Data Model

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Performance Scaling Data Model

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The Data Model

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The Data Model Relational databases look like this:

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The Data Model Relational databases look like this: ID name gender state 1 Bob M CO 2 Susy F CA users

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The Data Model Relational databases look like this: ID name gender state 1 Bob M CO 2 Susy F CA users User ID url date 1 /home ... 1 /signup ... 2 /home ... page_views

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The Data Model Logs look like this:

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The Data Model Logs look like this: User ID url date 1 /home ... 2 /home ... 2 /signup ... 1 /product/123 ... 3 /login ... 1 /checkout ...

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The Data Model Logs look like this: User ID url date 1 /home ... 2 /home ... 2 /signup ... 1 /product/123 ... 3 /login ... 1 /checkout ...

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The Data Model We think of behavior in terms of timelines

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The Data Model We think of behavior in terms of timelines Bob

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The Data Model We think of behavior in terms of timelines Bob /home

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The Data Model We think of behavior in terms of timelines Bob /home /product/123

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The Data Model We think of behavior in terms of timelines Bob /home /product/123 /checkout

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The Data Model We think of behavior in terms of timelines Bob /home /product/123 /checkout Susy

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The Data Model We think of behavior in terms of timelines Bob /home /product/123 /checkout Susy /signup

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The Data Model We think of behavior in terms of timelines Bob /home /product/123 /checkout Susy /signup /welcome

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The Data Model So that’s how Sky stores it. Bob /home /product/123 /checkout Susy /signup /welcome

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Organize data how you’ll analyze it Performance

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Organize data how you’ll analyze it Performance Minimize data movement

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Organize data how you’ll analyze it Performance Minimize data movement Tightly pack data (so more stays in memory)

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Expect to query about Performance 10,000,000 #v#!%$ / -*r# / $#-*!"

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Expect to query about Performance 10,000,000 #v#!%$ / -*r# / $#-*!" (with linear scaling)

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Timelines are analyzed in isolation Scaling

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Timelines are analyzed in isolation Automatically shards data across cores Scaling

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Timelines are analyzed in isolation Automatically shards data across cores Automatically shards across nodes (v0.3.1) Scaling

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S/+ I!%#r!&,$ A quick peek under the hood

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S/+ I!%#r!&,$

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S/+ I!%#r!&,$ Recently ported to Go (originally C)

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S/+ I!%#r!&,$ Recently ported to Go (originally C) Query Engine still written in C

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S/+ I!%#r!&,$ Recently ported to Go (originally C) Query Engine still written in C Storage handled with LevelDB

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S/+ I!%#r!&,$ Recently ported to Go (originally C) Query Engine still written in C Storage handled with LevelDB RESTful JSON over HTTP protocol

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S/+ I!%#r!&,$ Loose Schema, No Limit On “Columns”

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S/+ I!%#r!&,$ Loose Schema, No Limit On “Columns” Types: Strings, Integers, Floats & Booleans

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S/+ I!%#r!&,$ Loose Schema, No Limit On “Columns” Types: Strings, Integers, Floats & Booleans Possible Future Types: Map, Array, Dates, Lat/Long

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S/+ I!%#r!&,$ Loose Schema, No Limit On “Columns” Types: Strings, Integers, Floats & Booleans Possible Future Types: Map, Array, Dates, Lat/Long Flexible Query System Built On LuaJIT

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O%)#r R&" S%0ff

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O%)#r R&" S%0ff (C*.'!( S**!)

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SQL-like Query Language (Currently uses a JSON query interface)

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Multi-node Distribution (coming in next version, v0.3.1)

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Predictive Behavioral Analytics

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Landmark Hosted Behavioral Analytics

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Landmark Hosted Behavioral Analytics Sign up at

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Questions? Google Group: skydb Twitter: @benbjohnson [email protected]

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Image Attribution Database designed by Sergey Shmidt from The Noun Project Line Graph designed by Cris Dobbins from The Noun Project Computer designed by Olivier Guin from The Noun Project Database designed by Cees de Vries from The Noun Project Document designed by Piotrek Chuchla from The Noun Project Worker designed by Bart Laugs from The Noun Project People designed by Studio Het Mes from The Noun Project Clock designed by Infinity Kim from The Noun Project Question designed by Greg Pabst from The Noun Project Hammer designed by John Caserta from The Noun Project Rocket designed by James Fenton from The Noun Project Expand designed by Dmitry Baranovskiy from The Noun Project Rock n Roll designed by Cengiz SARI from The Noun Project Robot designed by Simon Child from The Noun Project Profanity designed by Juan Pablo Bravo from The Noun Project