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Intro “PureScript is a small strongly-typed programming language that compiles to JavaScript” ● Learn more at or on #purescript ● Goals: ○ Build the language I want to use every day ○ Explore how types can improve web programming ○ Try out some new type system ideas ○ Provide a fun project for Haskell OSS newcomers

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Agenda ● Recap some Haskell extensions ● Talk about the implementation ● Demo some novel features ● Future work

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Some Haskell Extensions

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Type Classes class Eq a where eq :: a -> a -> Boolean instance eqBoolean :: Eq Boolean where eq True True = True eq False False = True eq _ _ = False instance eqList :: Eq a => Eq (List a) where ...

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Higher-kinded types data Free f a = Pure a | Impure (f (Free f a)) class Functor f where map :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

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Functional Dependencies class MonadState s m | m -> s where state :: (s -> Tuple s a) -> m a data Z data S n -- Peano naturals class Add n m r | n m -> r instance addZ :: Add Z n n instance addS :: Add n m r => Add (S n) m (S r)

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Functional Dependencies Functional dependencies give us “type-level Prolog” Examples: ● purescript-generics-rep ● purescript-type-map by @LiamGoodacre ● purescript-type-lang by @LiamGoodacre

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Higher-rank polymorphism runST :: forall a. (forall h. ST h a) -> a hiding :: forall result . (forall impl. Interface impl => Proxy impl -> result) -> result

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Implementation Notes

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Phases of the type checker 1. Check/infer types and gather constraints 2. Solve constraints 3. goto 2 until no more constraints can be solved 4. Final cleanup pass and generalization

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Unification Types can be partially solved during type checking Unification happens when we learn that two (partially known) types must be equal (Example)

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Bidirectional type checking Separate the type checker into two modes: inference and checking In practice, there are several judgments: ● Inference ● Checking ● Function application ● Subsumption

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Skolemization When checking something has a polymorphic type, we need to generate a fresh type variable which does not unify with other types. These are called skolem constants. At the end of type checking, we need to check that no skolem constants escaped their scope. (Example)

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Type Classes When we apply a function which has type class constraints, we insert a placeholder for a dictionary into the expression. This is called elaboration or dictionary-passing. These placeholders will get replaced during the solving phase. (Example)

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Functional Dependencies Functional dependencies can cause new unifications to happen during solving. These unifications can cause more instances to become applicable, solving new constraints. So the solver loops until no new type information can be learned. (Example)

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Cleanup ● Check no skolems escaped ● Generalize any unsolved type variables ● Generalize over any unsolved constraints

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Novel Features

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Row Polymorphism: Extensible Records getter :: forall a r . { foo :: a | r } -> a getter rec = setter :: forall a r . a -> { foo :: a | r } -> { foo :: a | r } setter a rec = rec { foo = a }

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Row Polymorphism: Extensible Effects getFromNetwork :: forall eff . Eff (network :: NETWORK | eff) X main :: Eff (console :: CONSOLE, network :: NETWORK) Unit main = do x <- getNetworkResource logShow x

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Row Polymorphism: Implementation ● Rows are maps from labels to types (actually, association lists) ● Rows can have duplicate labels ● Unification of rows must ignore order of different labels but preserve order of duplicates ● “row of k”, spelled # k is a new kind for each kind k (Example)

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-- a magic type class class Union r1 r2 r3 | r1 r2 -> r3, r1 r3 -> r2 merge :: forall r1 r2 r3. . Union r1 r2 r3 => Record r1 -> Record r2 -> Record r3 See purescript-records by @doolse, also Ermine Row Constraints: Unions

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Polymorphic Labels -- another magic type class class RowCons l a r1 r2 | l a r1 -> r2, l r1 r2 -> a prop :: forall l a r1 r2. . RowCons l a r1 r2 => SProxy l -> Lens’ (Record r2) a See purescript-profunctor-lenses

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Polymorphic Labels: Variants ctor :: forall l a r1 r2. . RowCons l a r1 r2 => SProxy l -> Prism’ (Variant r2) a See purescript-variants by @natefaubion

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Type-Directed Search flatten :: List (Maybe Int) -> Maybe (List Int) flatten = ?IForgot Hole 'IForgot' has the inferred type List (Maybe Int) -> Maybe (List Int) You could substitute the hole with one of these values: Data.Monoid.mempty :: forall m. Monoid m => m Data.Traversable.sequence :: forall a m t. Traversable t => Applicative m => t (m a) -> m (t a)

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Type-Directed Search: Implementation ● Brute-force search through the context ● Uses subsumption to test for compatibility See @kritzcreek’s thesis :)

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Future Work

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Instance Chains class TypeEq a b r | a b -> r instance typeEq :: TypeEq a a True instance typeNotEq :: TypeEq a b False -- ← overlapping! instances instance typeEq :: TypeEq a a True instance typeNotEq :: TypeEq a b False

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Constraint Kinds class MapRow (c :: Symbol -> Type -> Type -> Constraint) (r1 :: # Type) (r2 :: # Type) -- auto-generated instances instance mapEmpty :: MapRow c () () instance mapNonEmpty :: (c l a b, MapRow xs ys) => MapRow (l :: a | xs) (l :: a | ys)

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Haskell 98 ● Typing Haskell in Haskell Mark P. Jones

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Higher-rank Polymorphism ● Complete and Easy Bidirectional Typechecking for Higher-Rank Polymorphism Joshua Dunfield and Neelakantan R. Krishnaswami ● HMF: Simple Type Inference for First-Class Polymorphism Daan Leijen

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Type Classes and Functional Dependencies ● How to make ad-hoc polymorphism less ad hoc Philip Wadler ● Type Classes with Functional Dependencies Mark P. Jones ● Instance Chains: Type Class Programming Without Overlapping Instances J. Garrett Morris and Mark P. Jones

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Extensible Records ● Row Polymorphism Isn’t Subtyping Brian McKenna ● Extensible records with scoped labels Daan Leijen ● First-class labels for extensible rows Daan Leijen ● Koka: Programming with Row Polymorphic Effect Types Daan Leijen ● Ermine compiler

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