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TETSUYA SOGO CFO of NTN Corporation NTN BEARING CORPORATION OF CANADA LTD. 305 Courtneypark Drive West, Mississauga, ON, L5W 1Y4 Tel: 905.564.2700 Fax: 905.564.9023 NTN CANADA BECOMING A LEARNING ORGANIZATION Sylvia Silveira: We need to shift our culture to a Learning Organization by motivating, guiding and inspiring our employees to come forward with their ideas on how we can improve the way we do business. The motivation of our employees and accepting the diversity of their ideas will differentiate NTN. Loren Almeida: Whether you are a manager, middle up, or middle down employee, we all need to motivate one another. Trevor Friesen: As managers, we need to listen to our people and cultivate teamwork. Jean Sebastien Lavigne: Being a quiet leader in a dynamic organization is one of the toughest tasks, as there is no magical recipe. Thinking laterally, not hierarchically, gives everyone a chance to contribute and have ownership in the result. Andrew Gidge: Employees will be far more successful when they feel they have ownership. Anna Petta: We do not sell to a distributor but with them. It is a combined effort through all parties for a successful outcome. John Kasunic: As managers, we need to mentor and inspire our new employees. Peter Vorvis: We are on a new journey. It is vital to inspire our staff while adjusting to changes in today’s business climate. Mario Borsella: Respect your people, develop your people, challenge your people, trust your people. Joe Kosichek: Passing on vital knowledge from more experienced staff to our next generation is key. Mentors and mentees, let’s focus on bringing us all up to a level where we bring VALUE. Phil Schmidts: “The sales department is not a whole company, but the whole company better be a sales department" (Philip Kotler, an American marketing author) John Westerhof: Let’s build local expertise and create local solutions. Rita Payne: Let’s learn to compete in higher price bands and more affordable channels rather than chasing share at the low end of the market. Marcus Wickert: Motivate, challenge, respect and give responsibility to your employees to be a good leader. Have patience and be there to guide, teach and learn even through failure. John Silva: The major cause of company failure is company success, akin to the Boiling Frog theory and our unwillingness to react or be aware of threats that gradually appear rather than suddenly. Let’s be proactive rather than reactive. Long Ho: Let's not reduce our value and our selling price to increase revenue whilst decreasing profit. This is a time to remain strong and trust the profitable sales foundations we have built. NTN Canada is grateful for the time and effort taken by Mr. Tetsuya Sogo, CFO of NTN Corporation, for sharing his thoughts and experiences on "Building a Learning Organization". Mr. Sogo’s insightful webinar was delivered to 17 NTN Canada staff members to address these important questions: Why is a Learning Organization transformational? Why is Middle Up Down management strategically important? How can you apply a "Perfect Production" mind-set to a sales company? Below are some comments from those who attended. Paul Meo: NTN needs to refrain from further erosion of our NTN corporate value by maintaining a traditional mind-set that was successful for us in the past. NTN needs to accept that a fundamental transformation is required in all our businesses, looking to innovate ourselves, and to pursue only the products, markets, and customers that will strengthen our corporate value for our employees, customers and shareholders...No Guts, No Glory!!