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Beyond Modularization: Scaling Android Builds Nelson Osacky

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Me • Previously Android Engineer • Large projects • SoundCloud • Square • Small startups • Solutions Engineer at Gradle

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Me • Gradle Plugin Maintainer • Fladle - Easily Scale Instrumentation Tests on Firebase • Delect - Replace Dagger with Dagger Reflect • Gradle Doctor - Actionable Insights for your build

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Solutions Engineer

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Gradle Build Tool Gradle Enteprise

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Android Gradle Plugin Android Studio

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Kotlin Intellij

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Android Development Feature Development Tech Debt (There are other things too)

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Tech Debt Refactoring Build Speed

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Build Speed is Tech Debt And it always pays off

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Cost of Builds 60s waste * 50 builds / day * 50 devs = 42 hours lost / day

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Cost of Builds 60s waste * 50 builds / day * 50 devs = 42 hours lost / day not including lost focus

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Fast Builds Matter

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Cost of Builds 60s waste * 50 builds / day * 50 devs = 42 hours lost / day hire 5 new people without paying them! no recruiting

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Build Speed is Tech Debt And it always pays off And is easy to justify working on it

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Motivated? Where do we start?

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Update All The Things ⬢ Gradle 6.5 ⬢ Android Gradle Plugin 4.0.0 ⬢ Gradle Enterprise Plugin 3.3.4 ⬢ Kotlin 1.3.72 ⬢ Third party plugins ⬢ Third party libraries New Performance APIs Caching Improvements Task Configuration Avoidance Background Scan Uploads Incremental Annotation Processors Compiler Perf Improvements

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Update All The Things plugins { id "com.github.ben-manes.versions" version "0.28.0" } ./gradlew dependencyUpdates -Drevision=release

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Build Lifecycle •Initialization •Configuration •Execution

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Build Lifecycle Initialization Sets up the environment for the build and determines which projects will take part in it.

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Build Lifecycle Configuration All build scripts of all projects are executed. Constructs and configures the task graph.

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Build Lifecycle Execution Runs the tasks graph in order.

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Where to start?

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Check for Red Flags

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What is a red flag?

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If nothing changes, no tasks should execute.

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./gradlew assembleDebug ./gradlew assembleDebug BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 2s 58 actionable tasks: 58 up-to-date

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./gradlew assembleDebug ./gradlew assembleDebug BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 5s 359 actionable tasks: 3 executed, 356 from cache

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Check for Red Flags Regularly

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BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 5s 359 actionable tasks: 3 executed, 356 up-to-date Publishing build scan... Build Analyzer results available

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BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 5s 359 actionable tasks: 3 executed, 356 up-to-date Publishing build scan... Build Analyzer results available Gradle Build Scans Android Studio Build Analyzer

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Android Studio Build Analyzer

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Run a build scan ./gradlew assembleDebug --scan

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9 tasks ran Bugsnag

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1 sec per project is high

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25 sec is red flag!

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apply plugin: 'witness'

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//apply plugin: 'witness'

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5.8s to 0.5s by disabling two plugins!

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Configuration time savings affect every build

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Configuration time should be roughly 5s per 100 projects

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Disable plugins for local builds

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engBuild pattern

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engBuild != buildVariant

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engBuild == Gradle property

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enabled by default ext.engBuild = (project.findProperty('engBuild') ?: 'true') .toBoolean()

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if (!engBuild) { apply plugin: '' apply plugin: '' }

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./gradlew assembleDebug ./gradlew assembleRelease -PengBuild=false disable on CI or testing release builds

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engBuild=false disable on CI or testing release builds

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engBuild pattern

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16627 tasks is a red flag

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Use Task Configuration Avoidance

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api vs implementation

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Module A Module B Module C dependencies { implementation project('module-b') implementation project('module-c') } dependencies { implementation project('module-c') }

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Module A Module B Module C dependencies { implementation project('module-b') } dependencies { api project('module-c') } module-c must always used when consuming module-b

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api vs implementation convenience vs performance

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Real World Example

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K9 Mail App apiaproject(':plugins:openpgp-api-lib:openpgp-api')

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K9 Mail App apiaproject(':plugins:openpgp-api-lib:openpgp-api')

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apiaproject(':plugins:openpgp-api-lib:openpgp-api') K9 Mail App

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if (project.hasProperty('useImpl')) { implementation project(':plugins:openpgp-api-lib:openpgp-api') } else { apiaproject(':plugins:openpgp-api-lib:openpgp-api') } K9 Mail App

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./gradlew :app:k9mail:assembleDebug ./gradlew :app:k9mail:assembleDebug -PuseImpl K9 Mail App

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Profile it!

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Let's write scenarios Gradle Profiler

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change_api_dep { } performance.scenarios Gradle Profiler

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change_api_dep { title = "Change using api dependency" } performance.scenarios Gradle Profiler

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change_api_dep { title = "Change using api dependency" tasks = ["app:k9mail:assembleDebug"] } performance.scenarios Gradle Profiler

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change_api_dep { title = "Change using api dependency" tasks = ["app:k9mail:assembleDebug"] apply-non-abi-change-to = "openpgp-api/src/main/java/org/ openintents/openpgp/" } performance.scenarios Gradle Profiler

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change_api_dep { title = "Change using api dependency" tasks = ["app:k9mail:assembleDebug"] apply-non-abi-change-to = "openpgp-api/src/main/java/org/ openintents/openpgp/" } performance.scenarios Gradle Profiler

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change_api_dep { title = "Change using api dependency" tasks = ["app:k9mail:assembleDebug"] apply-non-abi-change-to = "openpgp-api/src/main/java/org/openintents/openpgp/" } change_impl_dep { title = "Change using impl dependency" tasks = ["app:k9mail:assembleDebug"] apply-non-abi-change-to = "openpgp-api/src/main/java/org/openintents/openpgp/" } performance.scenarios Gradle Profiler

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change_impl_dep { title = "Change using impl dependency" tasks = ["app:k9mail:assembleDebug"] apply-non-abi-change-to = "openpgp-api/src/main/java/org/ openintents/openpgp/" } performance.scenarios Gradle Profiler

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change_impl_dep { title = "Change using impl dependency" tasks = ["app:k9mail:assembleDebug"] gradle-args = ["-PuseImpl"] apply-non-abi-change-to = "openpgp-api/src/main/java/org/ openintents/openpgp/" } performance.scenarios Gradle Profiler

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change_impl_dep { title = "Change using impl dependency" tasks = ["app:k9mail:assembleDebug"] gradle-args = ["-PuseImpl"] apply-non-abi-change-to = "openpgp-api/src/main/java/org/ openintents/openpgp/" } performance.scenarios Gradle Profiler

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change_api_dep { title = "Change using api dependency" tasks = ["app:k9mail:assembleDebug"] apply-non-abi-change-to = "openpgp-api/src/main/java/org/openintents/openpgp/" } change_impl_dep { title = "Change using impl dependency" tasks = ["app:k9mail:assembleDebug"] gradle-args = ["-PuseImpl"] apply-non-abi-change-to = "openpgp-api/src/main/java/org/openintents/openpgp/" } performance.scenarios Gradle Profiler

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change_api_dep { title = "Change using api dependency" tasks = ["app:k9mail:assembleDebug"] apply-non-abi-change-to = "openpgp-api/src/main/java/org/openintents/openpgp/" } change_impl_dep { title = "Change using impl dependency" tasks = ["app:k9mail:assembleDebug"] gradle-args = ["-PuseImpl"] apply-non-abi-change-to = "openpgp-api/src/main/java/org/openintents/openpgp/" } performance.scenarios Gradle Profiler

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gradle-profiler --benchmark --scenario-file performance.scenarios Gradle Profiler

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1.stop daemon 2.clean 3.6 warm up builds 4.10 benchmark builds Gradle Profiler

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html report and csv report

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Build Time (milliseconds) 0 3250 6500 9750 13000 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 Change using api dependency Change using impl dependency

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scenario Change using api dependency Change using impl dependency mean 11603.0 10151.7 median 11529.5 10049.5 confidence 0.0 99.98429477157690

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~15% improvement

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gradle-profiler --profile buildscan --scenario-file performance.scenarios

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gradle-profiler --profile buildscan --scenario-file performance.scenarios * Results written to /Users/no/workspace/k-9/profile-out-14 Scenario Change using api dependency using Gradle 6.5 - Build scan for measured build #1: Scenario Change using impl dependency using Gradle 6.5 - Build scan for measured build #1:

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Which tasks ran?

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What exactly is the difference?

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Enterprise Feature Alert

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Capture Task Input Files

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gradleEnterprise { buildScan { captureTaskInputFiles = true } }

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Build Scan Comparison

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Build Scan Comparison

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Build Scan Comparison Build B uses api

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Adding unnecessary inputs to tasks.

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How do we fix it?

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Slide 118 text Dependency Analysis Plugin plugins { id "com.autonomousapps.dependency-analysis" version "0.49.0" }

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Annotation Processors

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Make sure they are incremental!

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w: [kapt] Incremental annotation processing requested, but support is disabled because the following processors are not incremental: (NON_INCREMENTAL).

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android { ... defaultConfig { ... javaCompileOptions { annotationProcessorOptions { arguments += [ "room.schemaLocation":"$projectDir/schemas".toString(), "room.incremental":"true"] } } } }

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android { ... defaultConfig { ... javaCompileOptions { annotationProcessorOptions { arguments += [ "room.schemaLocation":"$projectDir/schemas".toString(), "room.incremental":"true"] } } } }

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"room.schemaLocation":"$projectDir/schemas".toString(), Remote Cache miss!

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"room.schemaLocation":"$projectDir/schemas".toString(), Remote Cache miss!

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Move Room to it's own Room Module

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Disabling unused AGP Features

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Cost of Generating BuildConfig All 186 are UP-TO-DATE.

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Unused so Proguard will remove it later

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BuildConfig adds java sources to pure kotlin modules

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Which BuildConfig?

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Which version code?

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Which version code?

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VERSION_CODE is 1 by default in library modules

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Aidl what?

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Also adds task configuration time.

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android.defaults.buildfeatures.buildconfig=false android.defaults.buildfeatures.aidl=false android.defaults.buildfeatures.renderscript=false android.defaults.buildfeatures.resvalues=false android.defaults.buildfeatures.shaders=false New in AGP 4.0.0

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Disable for all projects

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Enable when needed

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android.buildFeatures { buildConfig = true } app/build.gradle

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Code Multipliers

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AndroidX Jetifier

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Migrates support-library- dependent libraries to rely on Android X packages.

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Dependency Substitution

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Stuck on the Jetifier?

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plugins { id "com.github.plnice.canidropjetifier" version "0.5" } Can I drop Jetifier? ./gradlew -Pandroid.enableJetifier=false canIDropJetifier

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Jetify At Home ./jetifier-standalone -i -o

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Jetify At Home Upload to nexus

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Flavor Explosion

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Flavor Explosion When you add a build dimension multiplying build speed in a surprising surprise.

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Flavor Explosion BuildType * BuildFlavor = BuildVariants

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Flavor Explosion BuildType * BuildFlavor = BuildVariants BuildVariant are code multipliers

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Flavor Explosion 2 BuildTypes * 3 BuildFlavors = 6 Variants 6x code 6x tasks 6x resources 6x cache utilization

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def prop = project.findProperty("enabledBuildVariant") ?: "freeDebug" android.variantFilter { variant -> if ( != prop) { variant.ignore = true } } ./gradlew assemblePaidDebug -PenableBuildVariant=paidDebug

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Flavor Explosion • Mostly a configuration time win. • Permanently disable flavors you don't need.

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How to cut build times in half

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How to cut build times in half.

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apply plugin: ''

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assembleDebug assembleRelease

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2x code 2x resources 2x tasks 2x tests !!!!!

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How often does the debug and release code differ for library modules?

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./gradlew test runs all tests twice

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./gradlew testDebug java module tests don't run

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Recompile everything when switching to release

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CI takes twice as long

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if (engBuild) { } Disable unused flavors in library modules

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if (engBuild) { android.variantFilter { variant -> } } Disable unused flavors in library modules

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if (engBuild) { android.variantFilter { variant -> if ( == 'release') { variant.ignore = true } } } Disable unused flavors in library modules

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if (engBuild) { android.variantFilter { variant -> if ( == 'release') { variant.ignore = true } } } Disable unused flavors in library modules

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if (engBuild) { android.variantFilter { variant -> if ( == 'release') { variant.ignore = true } } } Disable unused flavors in library modules

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if (engBuild) { android.variantFilter { variant -> if ( == 'debug') { variant.ignore = true } } } Disable unused flavors in library modules

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android.variantFilter { variant -> if ( == 'debug') { variant.ignore = true } } Disable unused flavors in library modules android.debug.matchingFallbacks = ['release'] in application module

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android.variantFilter { variant -> if ( == 'debug') { variant.ignore = true } } Disable unused flavors in library modules

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Build and test times cut in half

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Switching to release build doesn't recompile everything

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Disable stuff! #protip

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Disable stuff! #protip measure!

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./gradlew help Measure configuration time

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Disable debug variant Disable debug variant and AGP features Disable AGP features Standard build 0.0 200.0 400.0 600.0 800.0 Avg Configuration Time (ms) Average of 10 builds help using Gradle Profiler

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783ms to 688ms ~= 13% faster

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13% configuration time improvement that scales

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Regular build assembleDebug

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assembleDebug Debug disabled, AGP features disabled

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Disable More Things

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engBuild Ideas

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engBuild Ideas •Higher minSdk •Disables Multidex •Disable coreLibraryDesugaring •Strip other languages •Strip large images •Strip out native libraries •Try new versions of AGP

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Always Measure!

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Upcoming Performance Enhancements

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File System Watching

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Fast input snapshotting

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File System Watching

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Configuration Caching

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Configuration Caching

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Configuration Caching The build scripts of all projects which are part of the build are executed.

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ext.engBuild = (project.findProperty('engBuild') ?: 'true') .toBoolean()

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ext.engBuild = providers.gradleProperty("engBuild") .forUseAtConfigurationTime() .orElse("true") .map { it.toBoolean() }

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if (!engBuild) { apply plugin: '' apply plugin: '' }

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if (!engBuild.get()) { apply plugin: '' apply plugin: '' }

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Improving Android Build Performance Devoxx Belgium 2018 Cédric Champeau

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Build Bigger, Better: Gradle for Large Projects Google I/O 2019 Aurimas Liutikas and Xavier Ducrohet

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The Secrets of the Build Scan Plugin and the Internals of Gradle Virtual Android Makers Paris 2020 Me

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Measuring remote build cache performance

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Thank you! Need advice?