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@__xuorig__ GraphQL Conf 2019 So You Want To Distribute Your GraphQL Schema?

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Marc-André Giroux Montréal, Canada @__xuorig__

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Distributed GraphQL?

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Distributed GraphQL The Basic Case GraphQL API query GetRepositories { viewer { repositories(first: 10) { name owner { name } } } }

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Distributed GraphQL Distributed Case query GetRepositories { viewer { repositories(first: 10) { name owner { name } } } } Search Service Monolith User Service

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Distributed GraphQL Distributed Case query GetRepositories { viewer { repositories(first: 10) { name owner { name } } } } Search Service Monolith User Service ?

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Distributed GraphQL Distributed Case query GetRepositories { viewer { repositories(first: 10) { name owner { name } } } } Search Service Monolith User Service

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Schema Stitching

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Schema Federation

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ GraphQL Gateway

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ GraphQL Modules

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Namespaces

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Schema Delegation

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Schema Composition

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__

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"Though there is only one graph, the implementation of that graph should be federated" - GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ The API Gateway pattern is far from new...

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ So what's different this time?

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ API Gateways Endpoint Based GET /users/1 Search Service Monolith User Service

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ API Gateways Endpoint Based GET /search?q=stuff Search Service Monolith User Service

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ In some ways, not so different...

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Schema "Stitching"

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ query { search(query: "stuff") {} issue(id: "abc") {}
 user(id: "def") {} } Search Service Monolith User Service

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Search Service Monolith User Service type Query { search(query: String!): [SearchResult!] } type Query { user(id: ID!): User } type Query { issue(id: ID!): Issue }

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ finalSchema = merge(user_schema, search_schema, monolith_schema)

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Gateway type Query { search(query: String!): [SearchResult!] user(id: ID!): User issue(id: ID!): Issue }

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ In other ways, much more complex.

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ API Gateways •Types, and even singular fields, can possibly be resolved by `n` services •Nested fields may need to be resolved outside the current service •Resolution logic is extremely complex (Avoiding N+1's, handling failure scenarios within resolution of a query, etc) GraphQL

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Search Service Monolith User Service type Query { search(query: String!): [SearchResult!] } union SearchResult = User | Issue type Query { user(id: ID!): User } type Query { issue(id: ID!): Issue } type Issue { owner: User! } Schema Stitching The Harder Parts

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Schema Stitching The Harder Parts Search Service Monolith User Service type Query { search(query: String!): [SearchResult!] } union SearchResult = User | Issue type Query { user(id: ID!): User } type Query { issue(id: ID!): Issue } type Issue { owner: User! }

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ •Individual Schemas are invalid on their own, only the final merged schema is valid. •The Gateway is now much more complex than just simple "proxying" Schema Stitching The Harder Parts

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ finalSchema = merge(user_schema, search_schema, monolith_schema)

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ finalSchema = merge(user_schema, search_schema, monolith_schema)

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ finalSchema = merge(...schemas, links)

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Schema Stitching Developer Experience Search Service Monolith User Service Gateway Add the "User.pullRequests" field Add the "User.pullRequests" link

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ •Brittle Gateway Code •Business logic often creeping into the Gateway •What we wanted to decentralize often ends up being centralized Schema Stitching Developer Experience

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ If not schema stitching, then what?

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Hard Mode: The Magic Gateway

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Schema Federation: Don't miss tomorrow's talk!

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Let's take a step back

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Is there a more pragmatic approach to a GraphQL Gateway?

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Why are we here today? Why GraphQL?

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ One Size Fits All APIs

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Netflix's Server Side Adapters

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Netflix's Server Side Adapters - Daniel Jacobson The better approach for handling API design [...] is to create true separation of concerns, rather than have all server-side decisions made by the API provider.

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ SoundCloud's BFF Pattern

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ GraphQL can be our BFF

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ GraphQL can be our server side client adapter engine

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ GraphQL queries are kind of on- demand resource representations

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ GraphQL API query { viewer { repositories(first: 10) { name owner { name } } } } "I want this resource in this shape pls"

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ GraphQL API query { viewer { repositories(first: 10) { name owner { name } } } } "K, it's accessible at /api/abc"

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ GraphQL API GET /api/abc

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ We're basically all using REST at this point

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ This actually sounds like a great feature for an API gateway!

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ What are we looking for in an API Gateway?

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Decouple the clients from the services involved in the consumed use cases

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Avoid domain logic #

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We remain concerned about business logic and process orchestration implemented in middleware [...] Vendors in the highly competitive API gateway market are continuing this trend by adding features through which they attempt to differentiate their products. This results in OVERAMBITIOUS API GATEWAY products whose functionality — on top of what is essentially a reverse proxy — encourages designs that continue to be difficult to test and deploy. GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Do we really want to commit to GraphQL for inter-service communication?

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Not all of us are starting from scratch!

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Use Case Based, Curated API

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Really need a distributed schema?

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ •Make sure you're not designing your API according to how your services are split up. •Dynamic / runtime "stitching" is scary, proceed with care. •Consider statically building a gateway from a distributed schema using tooling as a middle of the road approach.

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ The GraphQL Gateway of my dreams

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ •Configuration based / make it hard to do the wrong thing. •Thinest layer achievable •The API Gateway is "just" another service. •If distributed schemas are necessary, make it easy to "import" them into the gateway. •However, the gateway schema is its own thing that represents the source of truth for our exposed API. It requires •Resolution is done through your service communication of choice.

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Often a tradeoff between development & operational complexity

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Alternative: Make developer experience great by building tooling and best practices

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ 300+ Contributors to GitHub's GraphQL Schema

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Megabytes of schema definitions

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Multiple teams working on one schema has not been the hard part

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ It is very hard to operate a large GraphQL schema at scale, even as a single schema

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ GraphQL has all we need to build a great aggregator or gateway!

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GraphQL Conf 2019 @__xuorig__ Before choosing a solution, ask yourself if the schema itself needs to be distributed

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Thank you Come see me after the talk! 
 @__xuorig__ on Twitter