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Illustrating Your Point (from start to finish) Michelle Chin - @soysaucechin Lead Product Designer, Citrix

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Intro - I sketch a lot - My desk is messy - i love sketchnoting

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Sketching is a great communication tool

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Beginning MIDDLE END sketching is useful throughout the process

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Beginning: Generating Ideas Illustrating helps you: - Layout Ideas - Organize your content

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Middle: Communicating With Others Illustrating helps you: - Communicate complicated processes and abstract ideas to yourself and others - Put everything out on the table ENCOURAGE OTHERS TEAMMATES TO DO THE SAME.

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communicating with others a file gets uploaded to the server, then gets scanned for a virus. if there is a virus, the file gets flagged and the admin is emailed. if the file does not have a virus, no action is taken. Writing out a process

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communicating with others Does it have a virus? Yes! No. Flag; emaiL admin! no action. a file gets uploaded to the server, then gets scanned for a virus. if there is a virus, the file gets flagged and the admin is emailed. if the file does not have a virus, no action is taken. Writing out a process Illustrating the same process

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End: Presenting to Others Illustrating helps: - You convey what you want; how you want it conveyed - Others remember what you're saying

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Instead of this: Traditionally, running a successful small business includes having a lot of staff to support the business and there’s also a lot of paperwork. Instead, people want to run leaner and reduce overhead.

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Traditional business model Try this: Desired/Future Business Model

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How Do I do this? How do I draw? What Tools do I need?

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Putting Sketches into a presentation Tools I use: - Illustrator - Installed brush pack (Default is fine) - KeYNote - Pen and tablet (Wacom Bamboo) Ai

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Putting Sketches into a presentation 1. Sketch in illustrator w/ pen and tablet 2. Paste in keynote (3. Then copy and Paste in powerpoint)

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Anyone can start How Do I Sketch? Probably only one will be good at it from the start (This guy) But with practice, you can become awesome at it, too!

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How Do I Sketch? 12 “glyphs” for everything you need to draw from: gamestorming

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How Do I Sketch? Pro tip: mimic emojis to convey expressions

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How Do I Sketch? Pro tip: use guides till you get better

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How Do I PRACTICE? Try Sketchnoting! - Listening to a presentation - Sketching what you hear - Whoa!! It’s intense!

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Resources gamestorming by d.gray, s.brown, j.macanufo doodle revolution by sunni brown by Veronica erb

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To wrap up: - Sketching helps communicate ideas: through all stages - You can sketch too! - Give it a shot! - Presentation: @soysaucechin