Slide 45
Slide 45 text
[1] Rosenberg L. and Bocquet S., Application of the Pareto plus noise distribution to medium
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[2] Watts S., Rosenberg L. and Ritchie M. Characterising the Doppler spectra of high grazing
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[3] Crisp D. J., Kyprianou R., Rosenberg L. and Stacy N. J., Modelling X-band sea clutter at
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[4] Bocquet, S., Parameter estimation for Pareto and K distributed clutter with noise, IET
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[5] Rosenberg L., Watts S., Bocquet S. and Ritchie, M., Data characterisation of the Ingara
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[6] D. J. Crisp, L. Rosenberg, and N. J. S. Stacy, Modelling ocean backscatter in the plateau
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[7] Rosenberg L., Characterisation of high grazing angle X-band sea-clutter Doppler spectra,
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Doppler spectrum model