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2 0 2 0 / 1 2 / 0 9 I N N O Q T E C H N O L O G Y D A Y AdequateJS How much JavaScript does my application need? LUCAS DOHMEN @moonbeamlabs

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2 0 2 0 / 1 2 / 0 9 I N N O Q T E C H N O L O G Y D A Y AdequateJS Where should I run my code? LUCAS DOHMEN @moonbeamlabs

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Latency Browser DC Your own, AWS, GC, Azure, Digital Ocean, Linode…

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State Business Logic Routing Rendering Logic

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LUCAS DOHMEN Senior Consultant at INNOQ Deutschland GmbH Web Architecture & Development

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SSR State Business Logic Rendering Logic Routing

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State Business Logic Rendering Logic Routing

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State Business Logic Routing Rendering Logic

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State Business Logic Routing Rendering Logic JSON API JSON Client ? State Business Logic

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SPA Rendering Logic State Business Logic JSON API State Business Logic JSON Client Routing

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Why Routing? Bookmarks? Deep links? Reload? Solution: Store some app state in the URI 11

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MPA Rendering Logic State Business Logic JSON API State Business Logic Routing JSON Client

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Prerendering 13

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Rendering Logic State Business Logic Rendering Logic Routing JSON API State Business Logic Routing JSON Client

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Prerendering 15

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Hydration How to simulate readiness? What about Events (Clicks etc)? How to match server-side HTML to client-side DOM? 16

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MPA with Prerendering Rendering Logic State Business Logic Rendering Logic Routing JSON API State Business Logic Routing Hydration JSON Client

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Comparison I don’t need deep links, fast startup or SEO ⇒ SPA I need deep links, but startup and SEO are not my concern ⇒ MPA I need deep links, fast startup and SEO => MPA with Prerendering or SSR

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SSR with Rich Components Rendering Logic State Business Logic Rendering Logic Routing as components with component state using progressive enhancement

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Latency Browser DC CDN Cloudflare, Vercel, Netlify… Latency Latency

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MPA with Edge Prerendering JSON Client JSON API Routing Rendering Logic State Business Logic Routing Rendering Logic Hydration State Business Logic Business Logic and/or State and/or JSON Client Rendering Logic Routing

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ESR JSON Client JSON API Routing Rendering Logic State Business Logic Business Logic and/or State and/or

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Executing Code No Trust Trust Trust No Control Low Control High Control Low Observability Low Observability High Observability No Latency to User Low Latency to User High Latency to User

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Units of Deployment You can split your code into multiple Browser Apps (Angular Apps etc.) Components in the same App “Serverless Functions” Microservices Self Contained Systems …

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This influences… Your granularity of deployment The independence of deployments The integration patterns between them

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It’s your choice Only View Logic App with Routing? Only Caching (and ESI) App only Rendering? State? Only Database App with Rendering?

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More Web Architecture? June, 16. – 18. Remote