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@AaronLasseigne 12 6 9 3 1 2 11 10 5 4 7 8 Time, Time Zones and Rails It’s About Time

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@AaronLasseigne Ruby

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@AaronLasseigne •Stores a year, month, and day. •Part of the standard library. require  'date' Date

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@AaronLasseigne •Stores a year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction of a second, and a UTC offset. •Part of the standard library. require  'date' DateTime

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@AaronLasseigne •Stores a year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction of a second, and a UTC offset or a time zone (only local time or UTC). •Stored as the number of seconds since the Epoch, January 1, 1970 00:00 UTC. •Part of the Ruby core. Time

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@AaronLasseigne • Implemented in Ruby • Large Date Range • UTC Offset Support • Small API •Implemented in C (POSIX) •Limited Overall Date Range •UTC Offset Support •Limited Zone Support •Large API vs Time DateTime 1.8.7 Edition

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@AaronLasseigne • Implemented in Ruby • Large Date Range • UTC Offset Support • Small API •Implemented in C (POSIX) •Limited Overall Date Range •UTC Offset Support •Limited Zone Support •Large API vs Time DateTime 1.9.2 Edition

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@AaronLasseigne • Implemented in Ruby • Large Date Range • UTC Offset Support • Small API •Implemented in C (POSIX) •Limited Overall Date Range •UTC Offset Support •Limited Zone Support •Large API vs Time DateTime 1.9.3+ Edition

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@AaronLasseigne Winner: Time

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@AaronLasseigne Time Offset vs Time Zone

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@AaronLasseigne Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec “CST” – Central Standard Time (-6:00) “CDT” – Central Daylight Time (-5:00) Jan - Dec – “Central Time (US & Canada)”

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@AaronLasseigne DateTime doesn’t support time zones it supports offsets from UTC. Time offsets? irb>,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  'CST').to_s  #  'CST'  or  '-­‐6:00' #  =>  "2013-­‐01-­‐01T00:00:00-­‐06:00" irb>,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  'CDT').to_s  #  'CDT'  or  '-­‐5:00' #  =>  "2013-­‐01-­‐01T00:00:00-­‐05:00" irb>,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  'Central  Time  (US  &  Canada)').to_s #  =>  "2013-­‐01-­‐01T00:00:00+00:00"

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@AaronLasseigne Time doesn’t even support the abbreviated names. Time offsets? irb>,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  'CST').to_s #  =>  ArgumentError:  "+HH:MM"  or  "-­‐HH:MM"  expected  for  utc_offset irb>,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  '-­‐06:00').to_s #  =>  "2013-­‐01-­‐01  00:00:00  -­‐0600" irb>,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  '-­‐05:00').to_s #  =>  "2013-­‐01-­‐01  00:00:00  -­‐0500"

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@AaronLasseigne Time offsets? irb>,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0).to_s #  =>  "2013-­‐01-­‐01  00:00:00  -­‐0600" irb>,  6,  1,  0,  0,  0).to_s #  =>  "2013-­‐06-­‐01  00:00:00  -­‐0500" irb>  Time.utc(2013,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0).to_s #  =>  "2013-­‐01-­‐01  00:00:00  UTC"

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@AaronLasseigne What is UTC?

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@AaronLasseigne “The primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time.[1]” •Formalized in 1963 by the International Radio Consultative Committee in Recommendation 374 •Based on UT1 and kept in sync with leap seconds. UTC 1. ^ Wikipedia “Coordinated Universal Time” Retrieved 29 August 2013

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@AaronLasseigne •Commonly denoted with a “z” or “Zulu”. •The “z” can also mean “zero”. UTC ± 00:00 irb>  Time.parse('2012-­‐1-­‐1  12:00:00z') #  =>  2012-­‐01-­‐01  12:00:00  UTC

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@AaronLasseigne What does UTC stand for?

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@AaronLasseigne International Telecommunication Union and the International Astronomical Union

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@AaronLasseigne Coordinated Universal Time CUT

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@AaronLasseigne Temps Universel Coordonné TUC

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@AaronLasseigne Winner: UTC English: Universal Time Coordinated French: Universel Temps Coordonné

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@AaronLasseigne Rails

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@AaronLasseigne ActiveSupport

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@AaronLasseigne ActiveSupport::TimeZone

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@AaronLasseigne ActiveSupport::TimeZone #  application.rb: class  Application  <  Rails::Application    config.time_zone  =  'Central  Time  (US  &  Canada)' end            #  =>  #  #  =>  "Central  Time  (US  &  Canada)"    #  =>  Tue,  03  Sep  2013  19:00:00  CDT  -­‐05:00  =  'Eastern  Time  (US  &  Canada)'    #  =>  Tue,  03  Sep  2013  20:00:00  EDT  -­‐4:00

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@AaronLasseigne ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone

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@AaronLasseigne irb> #  =>  Time  <  Object irb> #  =>  ActiveSupport::TimeZone  <  Object irb> #  =>  ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone  <  Object Let’s review!

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@AaronLasseigne Provides second, minute, hour, day, week, fortnight, month, and year. Time Using Numbers irb>  1.second #  =>  1  second irb>  1.minute #  =>  60  seconds irb>  1.month #  =>  2592000  seconds

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@AaronLasseigne •All have a plural version for better readability. •They work with Floats (except months and years). •All return seconds. Time Using Numbers

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@AaronLasseigne irb>  1.year.ago #  =>  Mon,  03  Sep  2012  19:00:00  CDT  -­‐05:00 irb>  1.year.from_now #  =>  Wed,  03  Sep  2014  19:00:00  CDT  -­‐05:00 Time From Numbers

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@AaronLasseigne irb>  Time.days_in_month(6)  #  optional  year  argument #  =>  30 irb>  Time.find_zone!('Eastern  Time  (US  &  Canada)') #  =>  # irb>  Time.use_zone('Eastern  Time  (US  &  Canada)')  do              end #  =>  Tue,  03  Sep  2013  20:00:00  EDT  -­‐4:00 Additions to Time

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@AaronLasseigne ActiveRecord

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@AaronLasseigne Database Mappings Migration MySQL PostgreSQL Ruby timestamp datetime timestamp without time zone TimeWithZone date date date Date time time time without time zone Time

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@AaronLasseigne •The date is set to Jan 1, 2000. •The time zone is set to UTC. How does a time field become a Time?

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@AaronLasseigne rake  time:zones:all        Displays  all  time  zones,  also  available:  time:zones:us,  time:zones:local  -­‐-­‐        filter  with  OFFSET  parameter,  e.g.,  OFFSET=-­‐6            rake  -­‐D  time:zones:all term> What time zones are available?

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@AaronLasseigne term>            rake  time:zones:local *  UTC  -­‐06:00  * Central  America Central  Time  (US  &  Canada) Guadalajara Mexico  City Monterrey Saskatchewan What time zones are available?

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@AaronLasseigne term> term>  rake  time:zones:us What time zones are available? *  UTC  -­‐10:00  * Hawaii *  UTC  -­‐09:00  * Alaska *  UTC  -­‐08:00  * Pacific  Time  (US  &  Canada) *  UTC  -­‐07:00  * Arizona ...

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@AaronLasseigne Adding Time Zones to Your Rails Project

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@AaronLasseigne 1  -­‐>  2  -­‐>  3  -­‐>  4  -­‐>  5 Configure an application time zone. #  config/application.rb: class  Application  <  Rails::Application    ...    config.time_zone  =  'Central  Time  (US  &  Canada)'    ... end

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@AaronLasseigne 1  -­‐>  2  -­‐>  3  -­‐>  4  -­‐>  5 Add a time zone field to the user table. term>  rails  generate  migration  add_time_zone_to_users  time_zone:string class  AddTimeZoneToUsers  <  ActiveRecord::Migration    def  change        add_column  :users,  :time_zone,  :string    end end

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@AaronLasseigne 1  -­‐>  2  -­‐>  3  -­‐>  4  -­‐>  5 Add a validation on the user model. #  app/models/user.rb validates  :time_zone,    inclusion:  {in:}

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@AaronLasseigne 1  -­‐>  2  -­‐>  3  -­‐>  4  -­‐>  5 Let the user select a time zone. #  app/views/user_profile.html.erb <%=  form.time_zone_select(:time_zone,  ActiveSupport::TimeZone.us_zones)  %>

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@AaronLasseigne 1  -­‐>  2  -­‐>  3  -­‐>  4  -­‐>  5 Use the time zone. #  app/controllers/application_controller.rb around_filter  :user_time_zone private def  user_time_zone(&block)    Time.use_zone(current_user.time_zone,  &block) end

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@AaronLasseigne Gotchas and Best Practices

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@AaronLasseigne Date

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@AaronLasseigne Date.current

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@AaronLasseigne DateTime

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@AaronLasseigne Don’t use it.

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@AaronLasseigne Time

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@AaronLasseigne Don’t use it.

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@AaronLasseigne Don’t use it. * Some parts are acceptable (e.g. use_zone) *

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@AaronLasseigne (ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone)

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@AaronLasseigne is the same as

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@AaronLasseigne is the same as

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@AaronLasseigne irb> #  =>  "Time" It Lies!

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@AaronLasseigne irb>  t1  =;  t2  = #  =>  Tue,  03  Sep  2013  19:00:00  CDT  -­‐05:00 irb>  t1  ==  t2 #  =>  false irb>  t1.usec #  =>  381876 irb>  t2.usec #  =>  381911 Comparing Time

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@AaronLasseigne irb>  t1  = #  =>  Tue,  03  Sep  2013  19:00:00  CDT  -­‐05:00 irb>  t2  =  t1.in_time_zone('Eastern  Time  (US  &  Canada)') #  =>  Tue,  03  Sep  2013  20:00:00  EDT  -­‐04:00 irb>  t1  ==  t2 #  =>  true Comparing Time

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@AaronLasseigne irb>,  2,  1)  +  1.year #  =>  Sat,  01  Feb  2014  00:00:00  CST  -­‐06:00 irb>  t  =,  2,  1) #  =>  Mon,  01  Feb  2016  00:00:00  CST  -­‐06:00 irb>  t.leap_year? #  =>  true irb>  t  +  1.year #  =>  Wed,  01  Feb  2017  00:00:00  CST  -­‐06:00 Let’s do some math.

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@AaronLasseigne irb>  1.month  / #  =>  30 irb>,  2,  1)  +  1.month #  =>  Fri,  01  Mar  2013  00:00:00  CST  -­‐06:00 irb>,  2,  1)  +  (1.year  /  12) #  =>  Sun,  03  Mar  2013  10:30:00  CST  -­‐06:00 irb>,  2,  1)  +  (1.year  /  12) #  =>  Wed,  27  Mar  9213  00:00:00  +0000 Let’s do some math.

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@AaronLasseigne irb>  t  =,  6,  30).all_day #  =>  Sat,  30  Jun  2012  00:00:00  CDT  -­‐05:00..Sat,  30  Jun  2012  23:59:59  CDT  -­‐05:00 irb>  t.end.usec #  =>  999999 where(created_at: #  =>  Records  created  that  day  relative  to  the  user's  time  zone. Ranges

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@AaronLasseigne Testing

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@AaronLasseigne Timecop

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@AaronLasseigne #  app/models/assignment.rb: def  open?    (available_at..due_at).cover?( end Assignment

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@AaronLasseigne #  spec/models/assignment_spec.rb: describe  '#open?'  do    context  'before  the  assignment  is  open'  do        it  'returns  false'  do            Timecop.freeze(assignment.available_at  -­‐  1.second)  do                expect(  be_false            end        end    end    ... end Testing Assignment

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@AaronLasseigne #  app/models/assignment.rb: scope  :open,  -­‐>  do    where('available_at  <=  NOW()  AND  NOW()  <=  due_at') end Assignment

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@AaronLasseigne #  app/models/assignment.rb: scope  :open,  -­‐>  do    current_time  =    where('available_at  <=  ?  AND  ?  <=  due_at',  current_time,  current_time) end Assignment

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@AaronLasseigne #  spec/models/assignment_spec.rb: describe  '.open'  do    subject(:assignment)  {  create(:assignment)  }    context  'before  any  assignments  are  open'  do        it  'returns  no  records'  do            Timecop.freeze(assignment.available_at  -­‐  1.second)  do                expect(  have(0).records            end        end    end    ... end Testing Assignment

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@AaronLasseigne describe  '#yada'  do    context  'before  1900'  do        before  {  Timecop.freeze(  }        after    {  Timecop.return  }        it  '.....'  {}        it  '.....'  {}        it  '.....'  {}    end    context  'after  1900'  do        ...    end end DRY it up.

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@AaronLasseigne •Always use •Prefer Ruby/Rails over the database. •Test, test, test. Recap