SAE INSTITUTE, 15 October, Sidney De Koning
Email Newsletters
Cross Media Communication & Production
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✤ Who are you?
✤ Who am i?
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Sidney de Koning
✤ Love coding
✤ Blogger: O’Reilly, FITC, FFDM, Funky Monkey, Culinerd
✤ Writer: Automating Actionscript Projects.
✤ Business owner - Mobile: Mannetje de Koning / Appcouture
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✤ Email Marketing Basics
✤ Finding an email delivery service
✤ MailChimp
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Email Marketing Basics
✤ Spam! Or what not to do
✤ Legal issues with permission-based emails
✤ Building an address list
✤ Planning email campaign
✤ Free templates / Creating content for campaigns
✤ Understanding design constraints of HTML email
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Finding an Email Delivery Service
✤ Why choose a Email delivery service?
✤ Their policies - Spamming, blacklist, whitelist
✤ What about their pricing?
✤ Do they offer support?
✤ Do they have references?
✤ Ease of use - Dashboard, interface and reporting tools
✤ Who to choose? MailChimp, SendGrid, Postmark
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✤ Signup
✤ Dashboard
✤ Explore interface - just click around.
✤ Sending an email
✤ Create a list
✤ Create a campaign
✤ Publishing / scheduling email delivery
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Spam! Or what not to do
✤ What is spam? And where does it come from?
✤ Don’t attach large files to newsletters
✤ Don’t change your email, pick one and
stay with it.
✤ Don’t change your name, be consistent
with the senders name.
✤ Avoid writing like a used car sales man.
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Spam! How spam filters think.
✤ Going crazy with exclamation points!!!!!!
✤ Coding sloppy HTML (usually from pasting a
Microsoft Word file to HTML)
✤ Coloring fonts bright red or green
✤ Using the word "test" in the subject line
✤ Creating an HTML email that’s nothing but one big
image, with little or no text
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Spam! Or what not to do
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Spam! Lawsuits
✤ Subject lines
✤ False promises
✤ Dumping address books / buying lists
✤ More info at:
“C’mon, it’s just an email. What’s the worst that
can happen?”
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Permission-based email marketing
✤ People give you their emails. They “ask” to be on your list.
✤ Don’t think one night stand, think relationship and trust.
✤ Don’t go with these rules - blacklisted, marked as spam.
✤ Users are ruthless and will not easily forgive you.
✤ Turn it around - How would you react?
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Building an email list
✤ How do you get people on you list? You ask, politely.
✤ Offering free stuff - ebooks, expert tips, tricks, downloads, mp3’s,
software etc.
✤ Subscriptions - news, updates, etc.
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Planning an email campaign
✤ Send regularly - if you promise once a week, keep it
✤ Best days are tuesday, wednesday and thursday, 2 to 5 PM
✤ If you use a date - check it! In title’s headers, etc.
✤ Use a tagline - [My Newsletter] Topics for this week are...
✤ Avoid complex HTML structures / Use inline CSS.
✤ Test your newsletter. Via Free Content Checker, SpamCheck,
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Planning an email campaign
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Planning an email campaign
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Free! HTML Templates
✤ Most EDM sites offer free templates for free to use with their service.
✤ MailChimp:
✤ Campaign Monitor:
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Understanding design constraints
of HTML email
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Understanding design constraints
of HTML email
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✤ Email likes it dirty:
✤ Inline CSS
✤ Table layout. No CSS Positioning. Not only that, but…
✤ Embedded Tables (gasp!) Shim-GIFs (double gasp!)
✤ Videos, Flash, ActionScript, DHTML, JavaScript, and all that other
fancyschmancy stuff is not going to work. Most anti-virus software
block them from working inside email apps.
✤ Learn To Fall. Gracefully. Turn off CSS. Turn off images
Understanding design constraints
of HTML email