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Cookpad Inc. Feb 27th, 2019 Takayuki Watanabe Technology Department SRE Group Challenges for Global Service
 from a Perspective of SRE ~ 2nd season ~

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About me 2 • Takayuki Watanabe - Twitter: takanabe_w / GitHub: takanabe • Site Reliability Engineer (a.k.a SRE) - Focus on Cookpad Global Projects

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Today’s menu 3 • What is Cookpad Global ? • Role of Site Reliability Engineers • Paving Roads for Autonomous Teams - Challenge 1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy - Challenge 2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams

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What is Cookpad Global ? 4

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What is Cookpad Global Service? 5 +BQBOFTF$PPLQBE"QQ (MPCBM$PPLQBE"QQT What is Cookpad Global Service?

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What is Cookpad Global Service? What is Cookpad Global Service? 6 +BQBOFTF$PPLQBE"QQ (MPCBM$PPLQBE"QQT JP Service ≠ Global Service

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Our users across the globe 7 4FSWJDFQSPWJEFE DPVOUSJFT What is Cookpad Global Service?

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What is Cookpad Global Service? Our users across the globe 8 4FSWJDFQSPWJEFE DPVOUSJFT 71 Countries 26 Languages

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What is Cookpad Global Service? Our users across the globe 9 4FSWJDFQSPWJEFE DPVOUSJFT 94 Million Monthly Average Users

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# of Recipes for Global Service 10 # of Recipes 0WFSNJMMJPOSFDJQFT NJMMJPOSFDJQFTTJODF What is Cookpad Global Service?

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Users and Developers across the globe 11 • Global Service and SRE ? • Empower high perform technology organization Global head quarter 
 UK, Bristol 11

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Users and Developers across the globe 12 • Global Service and SRE ? • Empower high perform technology organization Global head quarter 
 UK, Bristol 12 100 People 25 Nationalities

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Users and Developers across the globe 13 • Global Service and SRE ? • Empower high perform technology organization Global head quarter 
 UK, Bristol 13 The best people join from all over the world

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Role of Site Reliability Engineers 14

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16 A user living beyond a log

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18 Our Product Developers

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Missions for SREs in Cookpad 19 • Maximize user experiences in terms of: • Service availability • Performance • Security • etc… • Build a great platform to support a growing product • Product development optimized platform • Software architects owning comprehensive knowledge for technology Role of Site Reliability Engineers

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Missions for SREs in Cookpad 20 • Maximize user experiences in terms of: • Service availability • Performance • Security • etc… • Build a great platform to support a growing product • Product development optimized platform • Software architects owning comprehensive knowledge for technology Role of Site Reliability Engineers Control service availability based on various factors

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SRE technology scope in Cookpad 21 4FSWJDF 1MBUGPSNT w 7.$POUBJOFS1MBUGPSNPO"84 Role of Site Reliability Engineers

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23 Challenges in 2018 Attacks from China GDPR Recipe data migration EKS based staging Recruitment in UK Observability Full containerization 23 Spot instances Expense reduction Toil analysis automation

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Paving Roads for Autonomous Teams 24

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Paving Roads for Autonomous Teams 25 • Challenge 1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy • Challenge 2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams

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Challenge 1 Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy 26

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Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy 27 • Tipping Points for Autonomous Teams • Organization Transformation: Chapter and Squad • Development style change for new team structure • Necessity of shared responsibility for service availability Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy

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Tipping Points for Autonomous Teams 28 • Cookpad employees in UK • 2016: 5 people • 2017: 50 people • 2018: 100 people Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy 8FC J04 "OESPJE 2" 43& 1. .- Team structure in 2016, 2017

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Tipping Points for Autonomous Teams 29 Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy lines = n(n − 1) 2

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Tipping Points for Autonomous Teams 30 Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy lines = n(n − 1) 2 Communication cost ↑

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Organization Transformation: Chapter and Squad 31 Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy 8FC J04 "OESPJE 2" 8FC J04 "OESPJE 2" 8FC J04 "OESPJE 2" 43& Chapter 1. 1. 1. Product Squad .- Cross-platform Squad ɾɾɾ 8FC J04 "OESPJE 2" 43& 1. .- After Before

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Organization Transformation: Chapter and Squad 32 Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy 8FC J04 "OESPJE 2" 8FC J04 "OESPJE 2" 8FC J04 "OESPJE 2" 43& Chapter 1. 1. 1. Product Squad .- Cross-platform Squad ɾɾɾ 8FC J04 "OESPJE 2" 43& 1. .- After Before

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Organization Transformation: Chapter and Squad 33 Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy 8FC J04 "OESPJE 2" 8FC J04 "OESPJE 2" 8FC J04 "OESPJE 2" 43& Chapter 1. 1. 1. Product Squad .- Cross-platform Squad ɾɾɾ 8FC J04 "OESPJE 2" 43& 1. .- After Before

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1 34 Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy 8FC J04 "OESPJE 2" 8FC J04 "OESPJE 2" 8FC J04 "OESPJE 2" 43& Chapter 1. 1. 1. Product Squad .- Cross-platform Squad ɾɾɾ 8FC J04 "OESPJE 2" 43& 1. .- After Before Conway's law …

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Development style change for new team structure 35 • Architecture of new feed • New development styles Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy > Development style change for new team structure

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Architecture of new feed 36 Message broker Main API Cache Feed API DB Complete feed json/html Cache DB GET /user_id/feed List of activity primary keys in order, paginated Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy > Development style change for new team structure

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Architecture of new feed 37 Message broker Main API Cache Feed API DB Complete feed json/html Cache DB New components developed by a squad GET /user_id/feed List of activity primary keys in order, paginated Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy > Development style change for new team structure

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New development styles (Partial release in production) 38 # WIP code for new notification system # Rollout.add :notification_center, owner: "xxxxxx-squad" do # @developer_a, @developer_b, @developer_c, @developer_d, @developer_e Current.user&.id&.in?([AAAAAA, BBBBBB, CCCCCC, DDDDDD, EEEEEE]) end • Feature toggle (application level control) • Prototype environment (platform level control) Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy > Development style change for new team structure

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Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy > Development style change for new team structure New development styles (Partial release in production) 39 # WIP code for new notification system # Rollout.add :notification_center, owner: "xxxxxx-squad" do # @developer_a, @developer_b, @developer_c, @developer_d, @developer_e Current.user&.id&.in?([AAAAAA, BBBBBB, CCCCCC, DDDDDD, EEEEEE]) end • Feature toggle (application level control) • Prototype environment (platform level control) Only users know answers

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Feed was successful feature? 40 • Yes, feed was one of the most successful features in 2018 • New architecture • New technology stack • 100% release in production in short time Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy > Development style change for new team structure

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41 Why feed was successful? • A lot of trials, failures and improvements in short term • Developers had power and responsibility for feature developments • Feed was developed from scratch • Developers could choose appropriate technology • Introduce Streamy, Karafka (stream app frameworks) • Test Kafka, RabbitMQ, SQS, Kinesis (message brokers) Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy > Development style change for new team structure

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Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy > Development style change for new team structure 42 Why feed was successful? • A lot of trials, failures and improvements in short term • Developers had power and responsibility for feature developments • Feed was developed from scratch • Developers could choose appropriate technology • Introduce Streamy, Karafka (stream app frameworks) • Test Kafka, RabbitMQ, SQS, Kinesis (message brokers) Rapid prototyping was successful

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Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy > Development style change for new team structure 43 Why feed was successful? • A lot of trials, failures and improvements in short term • Developers had power and responsibility for feature developments • Feed was developed from scratch • Developers could choose appropriate technology • Introduce Streamy, Karafka (stream app frameworks) • Test Kafka, RabbitMQ, SQS, Kinesis (message brokers) On the other hand …

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Necessity of shared responsibility for service availability 44 Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy > Necessity of shared responsibility for service availability

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Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy > Necessity of shared responsibility for service availability Necessity of shared responsibility for service availability 45 Too many errors SREs cannot understand…

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46 %FWFMPQFST`IBQQJOFTT 43&T`IBQQJOFTT OFXQSPEVDU IBQQZ IBQQZ VOIBQQZ VOIBQQZ OFXQSPEVDU Happiness Quadrant (release new feed) Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy > Necessity of shared responsibility for service availability

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47 %FWFMPQFST`IBQQJOFTT 43&T`IBQQJOFTT IBQQZ IBQQZ VOIBQQZ VOIBQQZ UPVHIFYQFSJFODFT OFXQSPEVDU Happiness Quadrant (release new feed) Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy > Necessity of shared responsibility for service availability

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48 %FWFMPQFST`IBQQJOFTT 43&T`IBQQJOFTT UPVHIFYQFSJFODFT IBQQZ IBQQZ VOIBQQZ VOIBQQZ OFXQSPEVDU Happiness Quadrant (release new feed) Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy > Necessity of shared responsibility for service availability

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49 %FWFMPQFST`IBQQJOFTT 43&T`IBQQJOFTT UPVHIFYQFSJFODFT IBQQZ IBQQZ VOIBQQZ VOIBQQZ OFXQSPEVDU Happiness Quadrants (Release new feed) Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy > Necessity of shared responsibility for service availability

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Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy > Necessity of shared responsibility for service availability 50 %FWFMPQFST`IBQQJOFTT 43&T`IBQQJOFTT UPVHIFYQFSJFODFT IBQQZ IBQQZ VOIBQQZ VOIBQQZ OFXQSPEVDU Happiness Quadrants (Release new feed) Not sustainable …

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51 Why this situation happen? • A lot of trials, failures and improvements in short term • Developers had power and responsibility for feature developments • Feed was developed from scratch • Developers could choose appropriate technology • Introduce Streamy, Karafka (stream app frameworks) • Test Kafka, RabbitMQ, SQS, Kinesis (message brokers) • No concepts of shared responsibility for service availability Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy > Necessity of shared responsibility for service availability

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52 (WIP) Shared responsibility as Autonomous Teams • Shared responsibility for organization sustainability • Reach consensus of service availability for each feature • Targets decided by product owners • Higher quality in emergency notifications • Alert handling by appropriate people • Another organization transformation based on ideal tech & business architectures Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy > Necessity of shared responsibility for service availability

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53 • Shared responsibility for organization sustainability • Reach consensus of service availability for each feature • Targets decided by product owners • Higher quality in emergency notifications • Alert handling by appropriate people • Another organization transformation based on ideal tech & business architectures Challenge1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy > Necessity of shared responsibility for service availability Inverse Conway Maneuver … (WIP) Shared responsibility as Autonomous Teams

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Challenge 2 Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams 54

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Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams 55 • Four Important Keys for Successful Autonomous Teams • Feasible Self-service for Developers • Our focused scope • Full-containerization • No ssh debugging Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams

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Four Important Keys for Successful Autonomous Teams 56 • Discipline: Common rules in organization - Technology stack, team structure • Freedom: Ownership for individual developments - Small team, technology selection, system design • Responsibility: Commitments for whole software life cycle - Design, implementation, test, deploy, service availability monitoring • Optimization: Best practices for product developments - Logging and monitoring system, Deploy pipeline Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams

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Four Important Keys for Successful Autonomous Teams 57 • Discipline: Common rules in organization - Technology stack, team structure • Freedom: Ownership for individual developments - Small team, technology selection, system design • Responsibility: Commitments for whole software life cycle - Design, implementation, test, deploy, service availability monitoring • Optimization: Best practices for product developments - Logging and monitoring system, Deploy pipeline Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams

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Four Important Keys for Successful Autonomous Teams 58 • Discipline: Common rules in organization - Technology stack, team structure • Freedom: Ownership for individual developments - Small team, technology selection, system design • Responsibility: Commitments for whole software life cycle - Design, implementation, test, deploy, service availability monitoring • Optimization: Best practices for product developments - Logging and monitoring system, Deploy pipeline Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams

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Four Important Keys for Successful Autonomous Teams 59 • Discipline: Common rules in organization - Technology stack, team structure • Freedom: Ownership for individual developments - Small team, technology selection, system design • Responsibility: Commitments for whole software life cycle - Design, implementation, test, deploy, service availability monitoring • Optimization: Best practices for product developments - Logging and monitoring system, Deploy pipeline Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams

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Four Important Keys for Successful Autonomous Teams 60 • Discipline: Common rules in organization - Technology stack, team structure • Freedom: Ownership for individual developments - Small team, technology selection, system design • Responsibility: Commitments for whole software life cycle - Design, implementation, test, deploy, service availability monitoring • Optimization: Best practices for product developments - Logging and monitoring system, deploy pipeline, feature toggle Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams

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Four Important Keys for Successful Autonomous Teams 61 • Discipline: Common rules in organization - Technology stack, team structure • Freedom: Ownership for individual developments - Small team, technology selection, system design • Responsibility: Commitments for whole software life cycle - Design, implementation, test, deploy, service availability monitoring • Optimization: Best practices for product developments - Logging and monitoring system, deploy pipeline, feature toggle Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams Organization strategy matter

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Four Important Keys for Successful Autonomous Teams 62 • Discipline: Common rules in organization - Technology stack, team structure • Freedom: Ownership for individual developments - Small team, technology selection, system design • Responsibility: Commitments for whole software life cycle - Design, implementation, test, deploy, service availability monitoring • Optimization: Best practices for product developments - Logging and monitoring system, deploy pipeline, feature toggle Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams Organization strategy matter Strong leaderships across tech and business are essential

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Four Important Keys for Successful Autonomous Teams 63 • Discipline: Common rules in organization - Technology stack, team structure • Freedom: Ownership for individual developments - Small team, technology selection, system design • Responsibility: Commitments for whole software life cycle - Design, implementation, test, deploy, service availability monitoring • Optimization: Best practices for product developments - Logging and monitoring system, deploy pipeline, feature toggle Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams SRE squad can contribute

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Four Important Keys for Successful Autonomous Teams 64 • Discipline: Common rules in organization - Technology stack, team structure • Freedom: Ownership for individual developments - Small team, technology selection, system design • Responsibility: Commitments for whole software life cycle - Design, implementation, test, deploy, service availability monitoring • Optimization: Best practices for product developments - Logging and monitoring system, deploy pipeline, feature toggle Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams SRE squad can contribute Optimized self-service mechanisms providing company-wide best practices in SRE

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Feasible Self-service for Developers 65 • Low learning cost • e.g: Are you sure that developers are happy to learn and maintain k8s yaml? • Secure and painless operations in production • e.g: Are experiences provided by SREs comfortable and secure for developers? Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams

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Our focused scope 66 • Full-containerization • No ssh debugging Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams

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67 Full-containerization

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Pros of Applications on Container Platform 68 • Developers can control software version upgrade timing • SREs don’t want to maintain legacy VM based service platform • Application of in-house tools and company-wide best practices • Auto Scaling • Cost optimization (spot fleets) • Container apps deployment tool (hako) • Centralized developer console (hako-console) • Easy service mesh integration • etc … • Immutable infrastructure • version controlled applications and infrastructures • No configuration drifts Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams > Full-containerization

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Pros of Applications on Container Platform 69 • Developers can control software version upgrade timing • SREs don’t want to maintain legacy VM based service platform • Application of in-house tools and company-wide best practices • Auto Scaling • Cost optimization (spot fleets) • Container apps deployment tool (hako) • Centralized developer console (hako-console) • Easy service mesh integration • etc … • Immutable infrastructure • version controlled applications and infrastructures • No configuration drifts Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams > Full-containerization

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Development Lead Time 70

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71 %FW 43&

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73 73 Gaps between Devs & SREs …

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Happiness Quadrant (Software Upgrade without container) 74 %FWFMPQFST`IBQQJOFTT 43&T`IBQQJOFTT IBQQZ IBQQZ VOIBQQZ VOIBQQZ 6OQSPEVDUJWFUBTLT /FXTPGUXBSFWFSTJPO Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams > Full-containerization

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75 %FWFMPQFST`IBQQJOFTT 43&T`IBQQJOFTT #MPDLFEUJNFFYQFSJFODF /FXTPGUXBSFWFSTJPO /FXTPGUXBSFWFSTJPO IBQQZ IBQQZ VOIBQQZ VOIBQQZ Happiness Quadrant (Software Upgrade without container) 6OQSPEVDUJWFUBTLT Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams > Full-containerization

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76 %FWFMPQFST`IBQQJOFTT 43&T`IBQQJOFTT 5PUBMIBQQJOFTT IBQQZ IBQQZ VOIBQQZ VOIBQQZ Happiness Quadrant (Software Upgrade without container) Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams > Full-containerization

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77 %FWFMPQFST`IBQQJOFTT 43&T`IBQQJOFTT 5PUBMIBQQJOFTT IBQQZ IBQQZ VOIBQQZ VOIBQQZ (SFBUNFDIBOJTNNJHIUQVUUIF WFDUPSPOUPUIFTURVBESBOUʜ Happiness Quadrant (Software Upgrade without container) Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams > Full-containerization

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Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams > Full-containerization Happiness quadrant (Software Upgrade without container) 78 %FWFMPQFST`IBQQJOFTT 43&T`IBQQJOFTT 5PUBMIBQQJOFTT IBQQZ IBQQZ VOIBQQZ VOIBQQZ (SFBUNFDIBOJTNNJHIUQVUUIF WFDUPSPOUPUIFTURVBESBOUʜ Run all stateless applications on container clusters

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Progress of Full-containerization in Global 79 Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams > Full-containerization

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Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams > Full-containerization Progress of Full-containerization in Global 80 17/18 apps are running on containers (94 % is completed)

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81 81 %FW

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84 %FWFMPQFST`IBQQJOFTT 43&T`IBQQJOFTT 5PUBMIBQQJOFTT IBQQZ IBQQZ VOIBQQZ VOIBQQZ Happiness Quadrant (Software Upgrade with container) Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams > Full-containerization

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Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams > Full-containerization 85 %FWFMPQFST`IBQQJOFTT 43&T`IBQQJOFTT 5PUBMIBQQJOFTT IBQQZ IBQQZ VOIBQQZ VOIBQQZ Happiness Quadrant (Software Upgrade with container) Win - Win

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Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams > Full-containerization 86 %FWFMPQFST`IBQQJOFTT 43&T`IBQQJOFTT 5PUBMIBQQJOFTT IBQQZ IBQQZ VOIBQQZ VOIBQQZ Happiness Quadrant (Software Upgrade with container) Plus, SREs can focus on container platform (more best practices can be introduced)

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Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams > No ssh debugging SSH SSH 87 No ssh debugging

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Cons of Applications on Container Platform 88 • Additional Complexities for Developers • Lack of tools cause chaos Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams > No ssh debugging

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Cons of Applications on Container Platform 89 • Additional Complexities for Developers • Lack of tools create chaos SFGIUUQTTQFBLFSEFDLDPNUBLBOBCFDIBMMFOHFTGPSHMPCBMTFSWJDFGSPNBQFSTQFDUJWFPGTSF TMJEF

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Cons of Applications on Container Platform 90 • Additional Complexities for Developers • Lack of tools create chaos SFGIUUQTTQFBLFSEFDLDPNUBLBOBCFDIBMMFOHFTGPSHMPCBMTFSWJDFGSPNBQFSTQFDUJWFPGTSF TMJEF Already Enough ?

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Cons of Applications on Container Platform 92 • Additional Complexities for Developers • Lack of tools cause chaos • No ssh debugging systems for Global team • Granular and chronological order metrics dashboard • Container optimized New Relic agent deployment • Short-term log collection • Safe rails console for container Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams > No ssh debugging

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93 $POUBJOFST 4IPSUUFSN 5%# -POHUFSN 5%# *OqVY%# 1SPNFUIFVT %FWFMPQFS EPXOTBNQMJOH FYQPSUNFUSJDT (SBGBOB 5JNFTFSJFT%BUBCBTF 6TFS*OUFSGBDF Granular and chronological metrics dashboard Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams > No ssh debugging

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94 Granular and chronological metrics dashboard • Before • We cannot dig errors caused by spike resource saturations • After • We can recognize errors caused by spike resource saturations • We can judge that errors should be fixed soon or not Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams > No ssh debugging

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 FYFDDPOTVMMPDL Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams > No ssh debugging

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Container optimized New Relic agent deployment 96 • Before • ECS cannot deploy a New Relic agent to a specific container ( We want to save ) • Agents are gone when containers are killed accidentally • After • ECS can deploy a New Relic agent to a container • Distributed locking via `consul lock` sidecar • Rack middleware that provides an endpoint to start the New Relic agent • Agents are launched in a container when agent start flag exists on shared memory Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams > No ssh debugging

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Short-term log collection 98 • Before • Developers have to wait for few minutes to search logs • After • Developers can check logs nearly real-time Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams > No ssh debugging

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 WJB8FC4PDLFU EBUBPOMZDPOUBJOFS Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams > No ssh debugging

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Safe rails console for container 100 • Before • Developers ssh to servers and run `rails -c` (Sometimes `rails -c -s`) • Developers can run write queries in production ( historical technical debt ) • After • Developers can use REPL via web browser with safe options selected by SREs • Developers can only run read queries on designated database instance Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams > No ssh debugging

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Safe rails console for container (before) 101 takayuki-watanabe@ssh-accepatable-host-xxx:~$ date Thu Apr 19 10:53:28 UTC 2018 takayuki-watanabe@ssh-accepatable-host-xxx:~$ htop PID USER PRI NI VIRT RES SHR S CPU% MEM% TIME+ Command [snip] 31817 cookpad 20 0 794M 129M 188 R 93.7 1.7 1923h ruby bin/rails console production -s 8773 cookpad 20 0 734M 165M 152 R 91.7 2.2 1800h ruby bin/rails console production -s 8107 cookpad 20 0 959M 734M 14228 R 83.7 9.8 40h01:04 ruby bin/rails c production [snip] Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams > No ssh debugging

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Safe rails console for container (after) 102 Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams > No ssh debugging

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Safe rails console for container (after) 103 Challenge2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams > No ssh debugging Feasible Self-service make product development reliable and autonomous !!

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Recap 104 • What is Cookpad Global ? • Role of Site Reliability Engineers • Paving Roads for Autonomous Teams - Challenge 1: Organization Transformation for Greater Autonomy - Challenge 2: Feasible Self-service for Autonomous Teams

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105 Thank you !! (