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It’s 10PM: Do you know where your writes are? Jeremy Mikola jmikola

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It’s 11AM: Do you know where your writes are? Jeremy Mikola jmikola

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On the roadmap Retryable writes Zombie cursor cleanup Cluster-wide killOp

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Retryable Writes

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Retryable Writes

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Retryable Writes

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You’re updating a document

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You’re updating a document db.coll.updateOne( { _id: 16 }, { $inc: { count: 1 }} );

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Murphy’s Law kicks in

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Is it safe to retry the update?

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Did our message never make it to the server?

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Did we lose the server’s reply?

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Did something else happen?

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Did something else happen?

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Did something else happen?

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Did something else happen?

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Did something else happen?

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There’s no way to retrieve an operation’s state

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Let’s review some best practices How To Write Resilient MongoDB Applications

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This was our update… db.coll.updateOne( { _id: 16 }, { $inc: { count: 1 }} );

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Errors and retry strategies Transient network error Persistent outage Command error Never retry Always retry Retry once

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Errors and retry strategies Transient network error Persistent outage Command error Never retry May undercount Always retry Retry once

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Errors and retry strategies Transient network error Persistent outage Command error Never retry May undercount OK Always retry Retry once

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Errors and retry strategies Transient network error Persistent outage Command error Never retry May undercount OK OK Always retry Retry once

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Errors and retry strategies Transient network error Persistent outage Command error Never retry May undercount OK OK Always retry May overcount Retry once

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Errors and retry strategies Transient network error Persistent outage Command error Never retry May undercount OK OK Always retry May overcount Wastes time Retry once

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Errors and retry strategies Transient network error Persistent outage Command error Never retry May undercount OK OK Always retry May overcount Wastes time Wastes time Retry once

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Errors and retry strategies Transient network error Persistent outage Command error Never retry May undercount OK OK Always retry May overcount Wastes time Wastes time Retry once May overcount

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Errors and retry strategies Transient network error Persistent outage Command error Never retry May undercount OK OK Always retry May overcount Wastes time Wastes time Retry once May overcount OK

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Errors and retry strategies Transient network error Persistent outage Command error Never retry May undercount OK OK Always retry May overcount Wastes time Wastes time Retry once May overcount OK OK

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There’s no good solution for transient network errors

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We can safely retry idempotent operations Transient network error Persistent outage Command error Retry once

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We can safely retry idempotent operations Transient network error Persistent outage Command error Retry once OK

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We can safely retry idempotent operations Transient network error Persistent outage Command error Retry once OK OK

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We can safely retry idempotent operations Transient network error Persistent outage Command error Retry once OK OK OK

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Safe-to-retry inserts db.coll.insertOne( { _id: 18, name: "Alice" } );

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Safe-to-retry deletes db.coll.deleteOne( { _id: 20 } ); db.coll.deleteMany( { status: "inactive" } );

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Safe-to-retry updates db.coll.updateOne( { _id: 22 }, { $set: { status: "active" }} );

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Why can’t we retrieve an operation’s state?

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In MongoDB 3.4, state is tied to connection objects

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MongoDB 3.6 introduces logical sessions

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MongoDB 3.6 introduces logical sessions Sessions allow us to maintain cluster-wide state about the user and their operations.

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MongoDB 3.6 introduces logical sessions Sessions allow us to maintain cluster-wide state about the user and their operations. Sessions are not tied to connections.

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Retrying writes with a session

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Retrying writes with a session

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Retrying writes with a session

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Retrying writes with a session update

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Retrying writes with a session

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Retrying writes with a session update

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Retrying writes with a session

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We can trust the server to Do the Right Thing™

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We can trust the server to Do the Right Thing™ If the write already executed, return the result we missed.

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We can trust the server to Do the Right Thing™ If the write already executed, return the result we missed. If the write never executed, do it now and return its result.

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Sessions are cluster-wide

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Sessions are cluster-wide update

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Sessions are cluster-wide update

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Sessions are cluster-wide

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Sessions are cluster-wide

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Sessions are cluster-wide update

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Taking advantage of retryable writes ?retryWrites=true mongodb://…

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One down, two to go Retryable writes Zombie cursor cleanup Cluster-wide killOp

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Zombie Cursor Cleanup

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Zombie Cursor Cleanup

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You’re running a long query

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You’re running a long query cursor = db.coll.find(); cursor.forEach(function() { // lengthy processing… });

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You’re running a long query cursor = db.coll.find(); cursor.forEach(function() { // lengthy processing… });

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Cursors have a timeout

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Cursors have a timeout A er 10 minutes, the server will close a cursor due to inactivity.

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Cursors have a timeout A er 10 minutes, the server will close a cursor due to inactivity. Issuing a getMore resets the clock.

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Disabling cursor timeouts cursor = db.coll.find( { }, { noCursorTimeout: true } ); cursor.forEach(function() { // lengthy processing…

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Disabling cursor timeouts cursor = db.coll.find( { }, { noCursorTimeout: true } ); cursor.forEach(function() { // lengthy processing…

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Executing our long query

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Executing our long query find

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Executing our long query

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Executing our long query getMore

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Executing our long query

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Executing our long query getMore

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Executing our long query

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Executing our long query getMore

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Executing our long query getMore

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Executing our long query getMore

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Executing our long query getMore

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Executing our long query getMore

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Executing our long query getMore

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Executing our long query getMore

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No content

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No content

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No content

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No content

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A zombie cursor is born > db.serverStatus() { "metrics": { "cursor": { "open": { "noTimeout": 1, "total": 1

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What happened last night?

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What happened last night? (from the server’s POV)

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What happened last night? (from the server’s POV)

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What happened last night? (from the server’s POV) find

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What happened last night? (from the server’s POV)

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What happened last night? (from the server’s POV) getMore

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What happened last night? (from the server’s POV)

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What happened last night? (from the server’s POV) getMore

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What happened last night? (from the server’s POV)

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What happened last night? (from the server’s POV)

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What happened last night? (from the server’s POV)

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Avoiding zombie cursors with logical sessions

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Avoiding zombie cursors with logical sessions Sessions also have a timeout.

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Avoiding zombie cursors with logical sessions Sessions also have a timeout. We can associate queries with a session

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Querying with a session session = client.startSession(); cursor = db.coll.find( { }, { session: session } );

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Executing our long query

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Executing our long query

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Executing our long query

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Executing our long query find

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Executing our long query

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Executing our long query getMore

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Executing our long query

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Executing our long query getMore

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Executing our long query

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Executing our long query

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Executing our long query session expires

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Executing our long query

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Did we just punt on the timeout issue?

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Session timeouts are non-negotiable

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Session timeouts are non-negotiable Idle sessions will expire.

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Session timeouts are non-negotiable Idle sessions will expire. Any operation using the session resets the clock.

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Two down, one to go Retryable writes Zombie cursor cleanup Cluster-wide killOp

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Cluster-wide killOp

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Cluster-wide killOp

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You’re running an operation that may never complete

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You’re running an operation that may never complete cursor = db.coll.find( { … } // table scans for days );

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You’ve made a terrible mistake

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Step 1: Find the operation ID > db.currentOp() { "inprog" : [ { "desc" : "conn2", "threadId" : "140181791471360", "connectionId" : 2, "client" : "", "appName" : "MongoDB Shell", "active" : true, "opid" : 132921,

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Step 2: Kill the operation ID > db.killOp(132921) { "info": "attempting to kill op", "ok": 1 }

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Lather, rinse, repeat

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Lather, rinse, repeat > connect("mongodb://")

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Lather, rinse, repeat > connect("mongodb://") > db.currentOp() { "inprog" : [ // … ] }

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Lather, rinse, repeat > connect("mongodb://") > db.currentOp() { "inprog" : [ // … ] } > db.killOp(…)

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Lather, rinse, repeat > connect("mongodb://") > db.currentOp() { "inprog" : [ // … ] } > db.killOp(…)

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How did this happen? mongos shard 1 shard 2 shard 3

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How did this happen? mongos shard 1 shard 2 shard 3

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How did this happen? mongos shard 1 shard 2 shard 3

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Cluster-wide killOp with logical sessions

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Cluster-wide killOp with logical sessions Any operation may be associated with a session.

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Cluster-wide killOp with logical sessions Any operation may be associated with a session. Terminating a session will end all of its associated operations.

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Terminating a session session = client.startSession(); cursor = db.coll.find( { … }, // table scans for days { session: session } );

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Querying with sessions mongos shard 1 shard 2 shard 3

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Querying with sessions mongos shard 1 shard 2 shard 3

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Querying with sessions mongos shard 1 shard 2 shard 3

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Querying with sessions mongos shard 1 shard 2 shard 3

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Querying with sessions mongos shard 1 shard 2 shard 3

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Querying with sessions mongos shard 1 shard 2 shard 3

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Querying with sessions mongos shard 1 shard 2 shard 3

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Querying with sessions mongos shard 1 shard 2 shard 3

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Querying with sessions mongos shard 1 shard 2 shard 3

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Querying with sessions mongos shard 1 shard 2 shard 3

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That’s a wrap Retryable writes Zombie cursor cleanup Cluster-wide killOp

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One last point

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Resilence is primarily the driver’s domain

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Resilence is primarily the driver’s domain Server discovery and monitoring

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Resilence is primarily the driver’s domain Server discovery and monitoring Elections and failover recovery

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Resilence is primarily the driver’s domain Server discovery and monitoring Elections and failover recovery Load-balancing mongos connections

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Resilence is primarily the driver’s domain Server discovery and monitoring Elections and failover recovery Load-balancing mongos connections Routing queries by read preference

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Addressing resilence on the server-side

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Addressing resilence on the server-side Tracking operation state

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Addressing resilence on the server-side Tracking operation state Cluster-wide sessions

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Providing a relatively easy upgrade path

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Providing a relatively easy upgrade path No need to rewrite applications

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Providing a relatively easy upgrade path No need to rewrite applications Opting in to retryable writes

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Providing a relatively easy upgrade path No need to rewrite applications Opting in to retryable writes New API for client session objects

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Providing a relatively easy upgrade path No need to rewrite applications Opting in to retryable writes New API for client session objects Pass session option as needed

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Inside the spec process mongodb/specifications

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Inside the spec process /sessions mongodb/specifications

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Inside the spec process /sessions /retryable-writes mongodb/specifications

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Inside the spec process /sessions /retryable-writes /causal-consistency mongodb/specifications

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Inside the spec process /sessions /retryable-writes /causal-consistency /retryable-reads mongodb/specifications

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In the meantime… How To Write Resilient MongoDB Applications

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