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Scene TITLE Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 001 Panel 1 Dialog FWOOSH Action Notes

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Scene 001 Panel 2 Dialog FWOOSH Action Notes

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Scene 001 Panel 3 Dialog FWOOSH Action Notes

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Scene 001 Panel 4 Dialog BRYAN I could barely see anything... Action Notes

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Scene 001 Panel 5 Dialog BRYAN I could barely see anything... Action Notes

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Scene 002 Panel 1 Dialog BRYAN ...this snowstorm is insane. Action Notes

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Scene 002 Panel 2 Dialog BRYAN ...this snowstorm is insane. Action Notes

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Scene 002 Panel 3 Dialog BRYAN ...this snowstorm is insane. Action Notes

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Scene 002 Panel 4 Dialog SFX: CAR CREAK. Action Notes everyone jostles forward

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Scene 002 Panel 5 Dialog SFX: CAR CREAK. Action Notes everyone jostles forward

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Scene 002 Panel 6 Dialog SFX: CAR CREAK. Action Notes everyone jostles forward

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Scene 003 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes SUV bumps a bit on the road and regains steadiness.

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Scene 003 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes SUV bumps a bit on the road and regains steadiness.

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Scene 003 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes SUV bumps a bit on the road and regains steadiness.

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Scene 003 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes SUV bumps a bit on the road and regains steadiness.

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Scene 003 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes SUV bumps a bit on the road and regains steadiness.

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Scene 004 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes They jostle with the movement of the SUV

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Scene 004 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes They jostle with the movement of the SUV

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Scene 004 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes They jostle with the movement of the SUV

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Scene 004 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 004 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 004 Panel 6 Dialog KAYLA How is she sleeping through all this...? Action Notes

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Scene 005 Panel 1 Dialog HALEY I really don't like this... Action Notes

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Scene 005 Panel 2 Dialog HALEY I really don't like this... Action Notes

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Scene 005 Panel 3 Dialog BRYAN Someone check how much further out we are. Action Notes

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Scene 005 Panel 4 Dialog BRYAN Someone check how much further out we are. Action Notes

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Scene 005 Panel 5 Dialog BRYAN Someone check how much further out we are. Action Notes

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Scene 006 Panel 1 Dialog JORDAN About ten miles… Action Notes

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Scene 006 Panel 2 Dialog JORDAN and… Action Notes

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Scene 006 Panel 3 Dialog JORDAN ..there’s an accident alert. Action Notes

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Scene 006 Panel 4 Dialog JORDAN ..there’s an accident alert. Action Notes

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Scene 007 Panel 1 Dialog HARPER: I see it too... Action Notes

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Scene 007 Panel 2 Dialog HARPER: I see it too... Action Notes

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Scene 007 Panel 3 Dialog HARPER: It's bad Bryan... Action Notes

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Scene 007 Panel 4 Dialog JORDAN Look out for any cars slowing down. Action Notes

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Scene 007 Panel 5 Dialog BRYAN Yeah right! Action Notes

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Scene 007 Panel 6 Dialog BRYAN I can't even see the road! Action Notes

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Scene 007 Panel 7 Dialog BRYAN I can't even see the road! Action Notes

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Scene 007 Panel 8 Dialog BRYAN I can't even see the road! Action Notes

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Scene 007 Panel 9 Dialog SFX: CAR CREAK. Action Notes They jostle with the movement of the SUV

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Scene 007 Panel 10 Dialog SFX: CAR CREAK. Action Notes They jostle with the movement of the SUV

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Scene 008 Panel 1 Dialog CAR SFX: VROOM Action Notes

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Scene 008 Panel 2 Dialog CAR SFX: VROOM Action Notes

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Scene 008 Panel 3 Dialog CAR SFX: VROOM Action Notes

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Scene 008 Panel 4 Dialog CAR SFX: VROOM Action Notes

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Scene 008 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 008 Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 009 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 009 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 009 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 010 Panel 1 Dialog JORDAN Watch out for that curve. Action Notes

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Scene 010 Panel 2 Dialog BRYAN (serious) I see it. Action Notes

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Scene 010 Panel 3 Dialog BRYAN (serious) I see it. Action Notes

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Scene 010 Panel 4 Dialog BRYAN (serious) I see it. Action Notes

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Scene 011 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 011 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 011 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 011 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 011 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 012 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 012 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 012 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 013 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 013 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 013 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 013 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 014 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 014 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 014 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 015 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 015 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 015 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 016 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 016 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 016 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 016 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 016 Panel 5 Dialog KAYLA oh my god... Action Notes

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Scene 017 Panel 1 Dialog BRYAN Holy... Action Notes

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Scene 017 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 018 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 018 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 018 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 018 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 018 Panel 5 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 018 Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 018 Panel 7 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 018 Panel 8 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 018 Panel 9 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 018 Panel 10 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 018 Panel 11 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 019 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 019 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 019 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 020 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 020 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 021 Panel 1 Dialog JORDAN Slow down! Action Notes

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Scene 021 Panel 2 Dialog JORDAN Slow down! Action Notes

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Scene 022 Panel 1 Dialog BRYAN I-I can’t Action Notes

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Scene 022 Panel 2 Dialog BRYAN I-I can’t Action Notes

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Scene 023 Panel 1 Dialog BRYAN -- we’re sliding! Action Notes

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Scene 023 Panel 2 Dialog BRYAN -- we’re sliding! Action Notes

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Scene 023 Panel 3 Dialog BRYAN -- we’re sliding! Action Notes

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Scene 023 Panel 4 Dialog BRYAN -- we’re sliding! Action Notes

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Scene 023 Panel 5 Dialog BRYAN -- we’re sliding! Action Notes

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Scene 023 Panel 6 Dialog BRYAN -- we’re sliding! Action Notes

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Scene 023 Panel 7 Dialog BRYAN -- we’re sliding! Action Notes

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Scene 024 Panel 1 Dialog EVERYONE: Action Notes

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Scene 024 Panel 2 Dialog EVERYONE: Action Notes

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Scene 024 Panel 3 Dialog EVERYONE: Action Notes

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Scene 024 Panel 4 Dialog EVERYONE: Action Notes

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Scene 024 Panel 5 Dialog EVERYONE: Action Notes

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Scene 024 Panel 6 Dialog EVERYONE: Action Notes

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Scene 025 Panel 1 Dialog KAYLA EVERYONE cont'd (SCREAMING) Action Notes

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Scene 025 Panel 2 Dialog KAYLA EVERYONE cont'd (SCREAMING) Action Notes

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Scene 025 Panel 3 Dialog KAYLA EVERYONE cont'd (SCREAMING) Action Notes

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Scene 025 Panel 4 Dialog KAYLA EVERYONE cont'd (SCREAMING) Action Notes

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Scene 025 Panel 5 Dialog KAYLA EVERYONE cont'd (SCREAMING) Action Notes

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Scene 025 Panel 6 Dialog KAYLA

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Scene 025 Panel 7 Dialog KAYLA

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Scene 025 Panel 8 Dialog SFX: Action Notes

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Scene 025 Panel 9 Dialog SFX: Action Notes

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Scene 026 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 026 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 027 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 027 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 027 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 027 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 028 Panel 1 Dialog BRYAN Shitshitshitshithitshit! Action Notes

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Scene 028 Panel 2 Dialog BRYAN Shitshitshitshithitshit! Action Notes

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Scene 028 Panel 3 Dialog BRYAN Shitshitshitshithitshit! Action Notes

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Scene 029 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 029 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 029 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 029 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 030 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 030 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 030 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 030 Panel 4 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 031 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 031 Panel 2 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 031 Panel 3 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 031 Panel 4 Dialog JORDAN Is...everyone ok? Action Notes

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Scene 031 Panel 5 Dialog MIMI (sleepily) Action Notes

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Scene 031 Panel 6 Dialog MIMI (sleepily) Action Notes

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Scene 032 Panel 1 Dialog MIMI (sleepily) Action Notes

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Scene 032 Panel 2 Dialog MIMI (sleepily) Action Notes

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Scene 032 Panel 3 Dialog MIMI (sleepily) eghh... Are we - Action Notes

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Scene 032 Panel 4 Dialog MIMI (sleepily) -there yet? Action Notes

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Scene 033 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 034 Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene 034 Panel 2 Dialog MIMI I'll take your silence as a no- Action Notes

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Scene 034 Panel 3 Dialog MIMI I'll take your silence as a no- Action Notes

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Scene 034 Panel 4 Dialog MIMI I'll take your silence as a no- Action Notes

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Scene 034 Panel 5 Dialog MIMI I'll take your silence as a no- Action Notes

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Scene 034 Panel 6 Dialog Action Notes

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Scene END_TITLE Panel 1 Dialog Action Notes