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Marek Kuczyński Serverless Engineer @ Stedi Twitter: @marekq What's new with AWS Step Functions?

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@marekq In this session… • About Stedi • What are Step Functions? • Why are they so exciting? • Practical tips and tricks • Q&A

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About Stedi • Stedi is rebuilding the technological backbone of the B2B economy. • Trillions of dollars fl ow annually through a global network of commerce via an archaic framework called EDI. • Our goal is to make B2B transactions easier and more accessible. Orders Invoices Orders Invoices Retailer Distribution Producer

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@marekq How we make EDI easier to use Source:

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@marekq Why do we like serverless at Stedi? • The EDI business is very event driven by nature • We o ff er a “pay as you go” model for services to our customers • AWS services improve over time and new features are added • It’s really nice to have 0 instances to worry about!!

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@marekq Let’s talk about Step Functions 6

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@marekq What are AWS Step Functions? • AWS Step Functions is a low-code visual work fl ow service • Allows you to control which step should execute when in a work fl ow. • You can easily add retries, branches, choice states, parallel states etc. • A cool AWS example; aws-samples/lambda-refarch- imagerecognition

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@marekq How Marek uses Step Functions For my blog at Source:

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@marekq Three exciting new features 9

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@marekq #1 - The new Workflow Studio Let me just show you… 10

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@marekq #2 - Step Functions direct AWS SDK Integration • You can make direct API requests to over 200 AWS services now! • A few examples; • Read a record from a DynamoDB table • Upload a new JSON object to a S3 bucket • Put an event to EventBridge or SNS • You can o ff l oad the logic for the requests to Step Functions directly aws-sdk-integration/

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@marekq What changed? Now: Lambda for some tasks Before: Lambda for everything * 12

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@marekq Getting a DynamoDB record using CDK That’s it, no Lambda function required! Getting a DynamoDB record using CDK 14

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@marekq Making any other SDK request to AWS 15

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@marekq Creating a State Machine in CDK Full CDK sample: 16

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@marekq #3 - Monitoring your workflows became easier • X-Ray tracing can be enabled with one line in CDK. • You can con fi gure CloudWatch logging for all events. • Express Step Function captures several helpful metrics.

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@marekq What’s next?

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@marekq Thanks!