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@rakyll OpenTelemetry at AWS Jaana Dogan Principal Engineer, AWS [email protected]

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@rakyll Who? Jaana Dogan, AWS Explicit focus on instrumentation

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@rakyll Five AWS stories... Too many agents Too many formats Too little correlation Too many ways to propagate Too many products to support

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@rakyll Too many agents 4-5 agents Friction in installation Operational burden Friction in configuration delivery Performance penalty

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@rakyll Too many formats EMF CloudWatch Prometheus statsd Vendor formats ... X-Ray Zipkin Jaeger Vendor formats ...

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@rakyll Too little correlation Tool fatigue Disjoint views Missing metadata Friction in troubleshooting

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@rakyll Too many ways to propagate Lack of end-to-end traces Missing label propagation No W3C TraceContext or B3 support No runtime propagation standards

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@rakyll Too many products to support CloudWatch X-Ray Prometheus Elasticsearch/OpenSearch New Relic, Datadog, Splunk, Honeycomb, Lightstep and more.

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@rakyll What do we use? Specification Context Propagation Semantic Conventions Data Model Protocol (OTLP) Collector Client Libraries

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@rakyll What’s next? collector Managed on EC2, ECS, EKS, Lambda, etc.

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@rakyll What’s next? collector Managed on EC2, ECS, EKS, Lambda, etc.

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@rakyll What’s next? collector Managed on EC2, ECS, EKS, Lambda, etc. OTLP Prometheus statsd X-Ray Jaeger Zipkin

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@rakyll What’s next? collector Managed on EC2, ECS, EKS, Lambda, etc. OTLP Prometheus statsd X-Ray Jaeger Zipkin CloudWatch Prometheus X-Ray Elastic/OpenSearch Jaeger Zipkin Vendors Raw storage

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@rakyll What’s next? collector Managed on EC2, ECS, EKS, Lambda, etc. OTLP Prometheus statsd X-Ray Jaeger Zipkin CloudWatch Prometheus X-Ray Jaeger Zipkin Vendors Raw storage enrich, transform, ...

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@rakyll Container Insights now collected by OpenTelemetry.

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@rakyll What do we use? Specification Context Propagation Semantic Conventions Data Model Protocol (OTLP) Collector Client Libraries

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@rakyll What works well? Flexible Composable Lightweight enough Holistic Legacy protocol friendly Community

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@rakyll What challenges us? Stability Custom builds Compatibility (Prometheus & CloudWatch) Boilerplate in client libraries

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@rakyll What are we working on next?

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@rakyll Prometheus

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@rakyll Prometheus Drop-in replacement for Prometheus Data model changes Remote write compliance Discovery + scrape config compliance Kubernetes operator

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@rakyll Components Container Insights receivers and processors CloudWatch histogram compatibility CloudWatch Logs exporter S3 exporter

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@rakyll Propagation Adopting 128-bit trace IDs in X-Ray Context propagation in SQL

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@rakyll Platforms EC2 ECS EKS Lambda (and control plane components...)

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@rakyll Lambda support

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@rakyll Others... eBPF Profiles Real time user monitoring Network diagnostics Database performance

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@rakyll One more thing...

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@rakyll Exporting to vendors? Vended data streams CloudWatch Metric Streams support OTLP CW Metrics S3 (in JSON or OTLP) Kinesis (in JSON or OTLP)

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@rakyll It’s not a fork. It’s a snapshot for security, performance, support.

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@rakyll Thank you Jaana Dogan Principal Engineer, AWS [email protected]