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a day in the life of a request

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No content

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why is it slow?

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t0 t1

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Designs, Lessons and Advice from Building Large Distributed Systems, Jeff Dean

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What is in the tail? 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 Percentage of requests Latency (ms) ? Measuring and Optimizing Tail Latency, Kathryn McKinley

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Benchmarking "Hello, World!", Dick Sites

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Amdahl's law, Wikipedia

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Example 2: Task Scheduling in Spark Driver W1 W2 W3 5 SnailTrail, critical participation Window Conventional profiling Window % time SnailTrail, Hoffmann et al

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CPU Flame Graphs, Brendan Gregg

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Systems Performance by Brendan Gregg

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No content

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The Gantt Chart: A Working Tool of Management, Henry Wallace Clark

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Twitter Dot Com, Google Chrome

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Dapper, Google

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func ProcessVideo(ctx, video) { ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "ProcessVideo") defer span.End() video.Process() }

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things this helps debug

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Travis CI

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func (rl *redisRateLimiter) RateLimit(...) { conn := rl.pool.Get() defer conn.Close() ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "Redis.RateLimit") defer span.End() ... }

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tx0 tx1 tx2 tx3 tx4 tx5 ... blocked

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context propagation

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Dapper, Google

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SELECT COUNT(*) FROM likes WHERE artist = 'CHVRCHES' /*request_id:123e4567-e89b-12d3- a456-426655440000*/ Marginalia, Basecamp

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EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT COUNT(*) FROM likes WHERE artist = 'CHVRCHES' /*request_id:123e4567-e89b-12d3- a456-426655440000*/

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Aggregate Buffers: shared hit=74 read=41 -> Index Only Scan using likes_artist_idx on likes Index Cond: (artist = 'CHRVRCHES'::text) Heap Fetches: 10000 Buffers: shared hit=74 read=41 Planning Time: 0.344 ms Execution Time: 5.182 ms

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req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", serviceURL, nil) req.Header.Add("X-Request-ID", requestID) resp, err := client.Do(req)

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Canopy, Facebook

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Dapper, Google

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sampling decision

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Travis CI

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finding interesting traces

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group by customer

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happy path can also be interesting!

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Jaeger, Uber

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where do we go from here?

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No content

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Canopy, Facebook

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Canopy, Facebook

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Pivot Tracing, Mace et al

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Pivot Tracing, Mace et al

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kernel tracing

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Systems Performance by Brendan Gregg

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Debugging Latency in Go 1.11, Jaana B. Dogan

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No content

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Performance Analysis of Cloud Applications, Google

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Performance Analysis of Cloud Applications, Google

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Benchmarking "Hello, World!", Dick Sites

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Benchmarking "Hello, World!", Dick Sites

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Go Dynamic Tools, Dmitry Vyukov, GopherCon 2015

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Visualization: Statemaps The Hurricane’s Butterfly, Bryan Cantrill

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Stacked statemaps across machines Visualizing Systems with Statemaps, Bryan Cantrill

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adaptively improving tail latency

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"long requests reveal themselves" ~ Kathryn McKinley

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The Tail Longest 200 requests 15 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 50 100 150 200 latency (ms) Top 200 requests Network and networking queueing time Idle time CPU time Dispatch queueing time latency Network & other Idle CPU work Queuing at worker not noise Network imperfections OS imperfections Long requests Overload }noise } Measuring and Optimizing Tail Latency, Kathryn McKinley

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dealing with noise

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speeding up work

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recap • tail latency matters • tracing helps debug it

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the morning paper

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• Dapper, a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure from Google, 2010 • Scuba: Diving into Data at Facebook from Facebook, 2016 • Canopy: An End-to-End Performance Tracing And Analysis System from Facebook, 2017 • Performance Analysis of Cloud Applications from Google, 2018 • Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud by Brendan Gregg, 2013 • The Tail at Scale by Jeff Dean and Luiz André Barroso, 2013 • Designs, Lessons and Advice from Building Large Distributed Systems by Jeff Dean, 2009 • Data Center Computers: Modern Challenges in CPU Design by Dick Sites, 2015 • Measuring and Optimizing Tail Latency by Kathryn McKinley, Strange Loop 2017 • Benchmarking "Hello, World!" by Dick Sites, 2018 • Pivot Tracing: Dynamic Causal Monitoring for Distributed Systems by Mace et al, 2015 • RobinHood: Tail Latency Aware Caching by Berger et al, 2018 • SnailTrail: Generalizing Critical Paths for Online Analysis of Distributed Dataflows by Hoffmann et al, 2018

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thanks! @igorwhilefalse