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AUTOMATIC RELEASE IN COOKPAD fastlane Meetup Japan @giginet

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TEXT SELF INTRODUCTION ▸ @giginet ▸ Work for Cookpad Inc. ▸ Develop fundamental layer of mobile apps ▸ Improve developer productivity. ▸ I'll talk in try! Swift (3/3 18:00~) ▸ &⌚

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INTRODUCTION ABOUT COOKPAD APP ▸ 9.3 million unique users (iOS & Android) per month ▸ Developed from 2012 ▸ Release monthly ▸ Versioning by year and month (e.g. ▸ Developed by 10 or few contributors per releases

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Slide 6 text iosjp-65981541 Previous Release Deadline of PR Code Freeze Submit Release Cookpad Tech Kitchen #2ɹiOSΞϓϦͷܧଓతσϦόϦʔ΁ͷऔΓ૊Έ

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TEXT WHY USE FASTLANE? ▸ We ❤ Ruby ▸ Releasing continuously ▸ Submission flow is too complex ▸ Each departments add to release info. ▸ Everyone use GitHub Enterprise (designers, directors) ▸ All changes should be discussed on PR

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1. bot submit 2. bot launch the Jenkins job via API 3. Clone latest source 4. Execute lane 5. Submit to iTunes Connect

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PULL REQUEST DRIVEN RELEASE ▸ Change release note on Pull Request ▸ Reviewable ▸ Refer histories easily PULL REQUEST DRIVEN RELEASE

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PULL REQUEST DRIVEN RELEASE ▸ Change app icon onPull Request too! ▸ Easy to change for seasonal events ▸ for Valentine❤ , Halloween ▸ Change app icons without developers (by designers!)

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WHAT BOTS DO ▸ Make tag and GitHub releases ▸ Download certificates and Provisioning Profile ▸ Build and sign for release ▸ Upload screenshots, metadata and binary ▸ Submit for review ▸ Generate ad-hoc build and backup xcarchive WHAT BOTS DO

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WHAT BOTS DO MAKE TAGS AND GITHUB RELEASES ▸ Make tags on GitHub enterprise automatically ▸ fastlane actions ▸ ensure_git_clean, add_git_tag, set_github_release, push_to_git_remote

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WHAT BOTS DO DOWNLOAD CERTIFICATES AND PROVISIONING PROFILE ▸ Code Signing is very annoying issue ▸ using match ▸ fastlane actions ▸ match, update_project_codesigning(plugin), update_project_provisioning

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WHAT BOTS DO WHAT IS MATCH? ▸ Sync certificates and Provisioning Profile between each machines ▸ ⬇Fetch from Dev Center ▸ encrypt ▸ ⬆Push to git repository

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1. match creates/downloads 
 certificates and Provisioning Profiles 2. Push to git repository 3. Download from each machines

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WHAT BOTS DO AUTOMATIC SIGNING ▸ Automatic Signing may not work for release ▸ Disable Automatic Signing on CI ▸ update_project_codesigning

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WHAT BOTS DO BUILD AND SIGN FOR RELEASE ▸ Update dependencies ▸ using gym ▸ solves everything ▸ fastlane actions ▸ carthage, cocoapods, bundle_install, gym

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WHAT BOTS DO UPLOAD SCREENSHOTS, METADATA AND BINARY ▸ using deliver ▸ Upload screenshots, metadata and binary

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WHAT BOTS DO UPLOAD REVIEW INFORMATION FROM METAFILES ▸ Define review information on metafiles ▸ Before latest version, cannot define on files

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Available on fastlane 2.18.0

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WHAT BOTS DO SUBMIT FOR REVIEW ▸ deliver can click "Submit for review" automatically. submission_information({ export_compliance_encryption_updated: false, export_compliance_uses_encryption: false, add_id_info_uses_idfa: true, add_id_info_serves_ads: true, add_id_info_tracks_install: false, add_id_info_tracks_action: false, add_id_info_limits_tracking: true, })

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WHAT BOTS DO GENERATE AD-HOC BUILD AND BACKUP XCARCHIVE ▸ Generate ad-hoc build ▸ Export .xcarchive ▸ fastlane actions ▸ match, xcexport, backup_xcarchive

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CONCLUSION CONCLUSION ▸ We submits monthly releases in automatic ▸ Developer productivities are improved significantly! ▸ We ❤ fastlane ▸ Use fasltane for Global App ▸ (currently, only for domestic)

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