Slide 5
Slide 5 text
A. I don’t have a lot of disposable income. After paying for rent, food,
electricity, gas, and water, there’s not much left to spend on
B. Shopping is mostly a waste of time and money buying things we
don’t need. For me, it’s more important to save money for the
C. Shopping is one of my favorite activities. I like to go window
shopping, to see what’s new in the stores. I usually buy a couple of
new things each week, even if I don’t really need them.
D. I can’t control my spending. When I enter a store, I almost always
purchase something.
E. I dislike shopping. When I must buy something, I enter the store,
buy it, and get out as quickly as possible.
Do you agree?
Read each statement. How closely does it reflect you?