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High Performance iOS Networking @smithclay · New Relic UIKonf · 23 May 2016 · Berlin

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This talk: tech notes • iOS 9 only (changes in iOS 10?) • NSURLSession is assumed (AFNetworking 2.0+) • Not about the absence of a network connection. • No code—focus on the network layer and server-side. Don't block the main thread.

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Your App Backend HTTP(S) Vintage client—server

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Your App Authentication Messaging Dynamic Content Analytics Advertising HTTP 2016 reality:

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c Max speed limit

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Full TCP handshake Device Server 1. SYN 2. SYN/ACK 3. ACK Data { Round trip {

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San Francisco 9142 km Singapore 16093 km Latency

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How do we reduce network latency?

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TCP Fast Open

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TCP handshake + TFO Device Server 1. SYN 2. SYN/ACK+cookie 3. ACK Data { Round trip {

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TCP handshake, #2 Request Device Server 1. SYN+cookie 2. SYN/ACK+data { Round trip

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TCP Fast Open Guide • Only for idempotent data (HTTP GET) • Needs Linux Kernel v4.1 • wwdc2015/719/ • 2015/719ui2k57m/ 719/719_your_app_and_next_generation_net works.pdf?dl=1 (Implementation details)

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Does it work with NSURLSession? No :(

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Transport Layer Security (TLS)

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App Transport Security nscurl --ats- diagnostics TLS 1.2, Strong certificates

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Full TCP + TLS handshake Device Server Data Transfer { Round trip 1. SYN 2. SYN/ACK 3. ACK { { TLS, +2 RTTs Cool demo (browser-based):

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Use a CDN if possible TLS tuning for iOS (server-side) Reduce RTTs (False start, session resumption) Coming soon (?): TLS 1.3 Visit

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No content

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TCP Multiplexing in HTTP/2 Device Server* Connection closes Connection opens *TLS Required

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Nice H2 features Header Compression (HPACK) Server Push (not supported on iOS... yet) Stream Priorities (not supported on iOS)

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HTTP/2 backend support? openssl s_client -alpn h2 -connect | grep ALPN · * OpenSSL 1.0.2g or greater needed *

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Use a CDN (shortcut) H2 implementation tips Consider server-side TCP tuning (initcwnd) Use keep-alive for HTTP 1.1 clients Measure before + after

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Caching with NSURLSession

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Use the Cache-Control header • NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy (default policy for NSURLSession) observes the protocol spec. • Cache-Control: max-age=, public

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The ETag Header Device Server 200 OK Last-Modified: Mon, 22 ETag: ad87... GET /fave-cats.json GET /fave-cats.json If-None-Matched: ad87.. 304 Not Modified

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Example log

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Remote Virtual Interface • rvictl creates an interface for packet capture tools (i.e. wireshark) • Device must be plugged in using USB

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Wireshark setup Download:

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...see all the packets

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Instruments: Network Must test on a real device.

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Meh. Must test on a real device.

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HTTP Proxies • mitmproxy: (0.16 supports HTTP/2!) • (Nice UI, paid, no HTTP/2 support yet)

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mitmproxy: install notes 1.El Capitan python issues: use brew install python 2. For simulator, must set proxy on OS X to to start capturing HTTP(S) traffic. 3.Must install certificate after running proxy: go to on simulator.

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Inspect request/response

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Other tools: bad networks • augmented-traffic-control • network-link-conditioner/

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Checklist Repeat this 5 times: the network is unreliable*. Reduce the number of TCP connections. Don't implement your own caching scheme: use the protocol features. Test and measure network traffic regularly. *

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Last thought The person who uses your app doesn't care about network stuff. They just want it to be fast.

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Thanks. @smithclay · New Relic UIKonf · 23 May 2016 · Berlin Slides will posted on Twitter.