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Work At Height safety (Tower Climbing) Approximate time to be taken to complete: 3 hours

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Course Outline • Overview of safety at work & Risk Assessment • Fall protection, PPE and PFAS • Safe Climbing tower • Exam Questions for 30 Marks, Pass Mark is “20”

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Overview of Safety at Work

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4 Myanmar in News Workplace Accident Fire Accident Traffic Accident

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• Unsafe Condition : There are many unsafe condition, For Example; • Lack of Knowledge • Lack of Management support • Lack of legislation, standards , etc • Physical unsafe condition present Generally, risks are not identified, not evaluated, not implement control measure properly • Unsafe Act •Individual ignorance (Employer/ Employee) •Non-adherence of the safety rules •Over confidence due to existing practice 5

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Falls are the number one cause of fatalities in the Telecom industry accounting for more than 50 percent of all work related fatalities Why work at height safety?

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Risk Assessment

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Workplace related hazards • Fire & Explosion • Fall from height • Falling Objective from height • Chemical Handling • Health Hazards • Lifting machine/ lifting equipment hazards • Machinery hazards • Stream Hazards • Confined Space • Electrical hazards • Hydraulic Hazards • Pneumatic Hazards • Thermal Hazards • Fuel/ Gas Hazards • Manual Handling • Environmental Hazards • Other Hazards (Electromagnetic , Radiation, noise, driving, animal, etc……) 8

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Weather Related Hazards oWind; Moisture; Lightning; raining; Sun Animal Hazards oInsects, Birds/ Bees, Snakes, Rodents Industrial Hazards oStructure, Radio Frequency, Electrical, Chemical, traffic Human Error Hazards oTop/ Safety Management, Individual ignorance Related hazards to Tower Climbing

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From Risk Management Guideline of MoM, Singapore Risk Assessment 10 It is the process of : • Identifying and analyzing safety and health hazards associated with work • Assessing the risks involved • Prioritizing measures to control the hazards and reduce the risk What is Risk Assessment ?

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From Risk Management Guideline of MoM, Singapore Prior to conducting Risk Assessment, adequate preparation must be done. •A risk assessment team should be formed, preferably consisting personnel from the various levels of participation in the work activity. •Relevant information should also be collated to facilitate better understanding of the work process. How Risk Assessment to be done? 11

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Generic Step of Risk Assessment 12 From Risk Management Guideline of MoM, Singapore

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Risk Matrix Risk level – Severity x Probability

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How to Control the Risk ? 14

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Risk Assessment = Look – Think- Do

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Work At Height Safety (Tower Climbing)

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Major Hazards of Working at height Falling object from height Fall from height &

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Unprotected edges liable to fall from above 2 meters Stairway unguarded Vertical Ladder/ A-Ladder Working on Scaffold Working on the Rooftop Climbing/ working on tower Unprotected Wells, Pits, or Shafts Example of fall hazard

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Ladder Safety Falls from portable ladders (step, straight, combination and extension) are one of the leading causes of occupational fatalities and injuries.

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 Not intended for long time working  Ladder MUST be good constructed  The base and top of ladder to be secured  MUST Face the ladder when climbing (or) Working  3 points contact (2 hands 1 foot or 2 feet 1 hand)  Base and footing ratio: 4 up – 1 out  At least 1 meter beyond the landing Things need to Keep in mind for using ladder

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Concept of working at height Risk Assessment Eliminate or substitute WAH activities Temporary Edge Protection Systems Anchorage & Life line Travel Restraint System Fall Arrest System Last Option

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Working On Rooftop Unguarded edges No proper access/ egress Lightning, Strong Wind & Heavy Rain Electrical shock & Electromagnetic field Hazards when working on rooftop Control Measure to be in placed Guard (or) fall preventing equipment Permanent ladder (or) Portable Ladder No working under adverse weather EMF Exclusive Zone guideline, LOTO

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Risks of working on tower • Fall from height • Falling Object from height • Bad weather (Rain/ Wind/ Lightning) • Incomplete Structure • Animal such as bee/ birds/ snake • No PPE (or) Improper PPE • No adequate lights • Dehydration under hot weather • Working alone (in case of emergency) • No certificate of tower climbing (No knowledge for safe climbing)

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Control Measure • Risk Assessment prior to climb the tower • Safe Tower Climbing Training Certificate to equip the necessary training • PPE (Full Body harness with double Lanyards, Safety Shoe, Safety Helmet) • Work positioning lanyard • Drop Zone Marking & No simultaneous work on and below the tower • Permissible weather to work on tower • No night time climbing (or) Adequate lights

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Personal fall-arrest system (PFAS): The system that arrests a fall SRL (Self-retract Line) Vertical Grab / Rope Grab Safety-net system Body harness with lanyard Types of the system preventing fall hazards

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Personal fall-prevent system (PFPS): The system that prevents a fall Personal fall restraint lanyard Guardrail system Warning-line system for roofing work Other Support system to prevent fall Positioning-lanyard system: Position worker at height and make two hand free to work on tower Types of the system preventing fall hazards: Continue….

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PPE for climbing & Working on tower Climbing Safety Helmet Safety Shoe Full Body Support Double lanyards with energy absorber Work Positioning Lanyard

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Personal Fall Arrest system Ddeceleration Device (Shock Absorber): to reduce the force that can impact the body when fall

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Work Positioning Lanyard (Attached at 2 rings at wrist and adjustable lever) Double Lanyards to arrest fall (Attached at rings at back) (Attached at rings at front while climbing by ladder & Rescue) Typical Harness attach pattern Vertical fall grab

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Taking Care of PPE AFTER A FALL OCCURS, ALL COMPONENTS OF THE FALL ARREST SYSTEM SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM SERVICE AND DESTROYED Warnings: Always read all instructions and warnings contained on the product and packaging before using any fall protection equipment. Inspection: All fall protection equipment should be inspected prior to each use. Training: All workers should be trained by a Competent Person in the proper use of fall protection and fall rescue equipment. Cleaning & storage Basic care of safety equipment will prolong the durable life and will contribute toward the performance of its vital safety function. Cleaning the equipment of dirt, corrosives, or contaminants after every usage and Storage areas should be clean, dry and free of exposure to fumes or corrosive elements Drying Equipment should dry thoroughly without close exposure to heat, steam, or long periods of sunlight.

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PPE Inspection before climbing

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Snap Hooks: Inspect for hook and eye distortions, cracks, corrosion, or pitted surfaces. The keeper (latch) should seat into the nose without binding and distorted. Latch Lock should exert sufficient force to firmly close the latch. Lock must prevent the keeper from opening when the latch closes unintentional. PPE Inspection before climbing, Continue …… LANYARD INSPECTION When inspecting lanyards, begin at one end and work to the opposite end, slowly rotating the lanyard so that the entire circumference is checked. Thimbles (rope lanyard): The thimble must be firmly seated in the eye of the splice, and the splice should have no loose or cut strands. The edges of the thimble must be free of sharp edges, distortion, or cracks. Shock Absorber Pack: The outer portion of the pack should be examined for burn holes and tears. Stitching on areas where the pack is sewn to D-rings. Belts, or lanyards should be examined for loose strands, rips, and deterioration.

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Web Lanyard: While bending webbing over a pipe, observe each side of the webbed lanyard. This will reveal any cuts or breaks. Swelling, discoloration, cracks and charring are obvious signs of chemical or heat damage. Observe closely for any breaks in stitching PPE Inspection before climbing, Continue …… Rope Lanyard: Rotation of the rope lanyard while inspecting from end to end for any fuzzy, worn, broken or cut fibers. Weakened areas from extreme loads will appear as a noticeable change in original diameter. The rope diameter should be uniform throughout, following a short break in period. Shock Absorbing Lanyard: Shock absorbing lanyards should be examined as a web lanyard and also look for the warning flag or signs of deployment. If the flag has been activated, remove this shock absorbing lanyard from service.

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Anchorage Point Anchorage points must be: Located at or above the employee’s waist Capable of supporting more than 22.2 kN (Approximate 2.2 ton) per employee Designed and built to hold Anchors are used to attach horizontal or vertical lifelines, lanyards, or other fall arrest equipment to structural members.

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How to wear Full Body Harness Step 1: Hold it :hold it by the back D-ring. Step 2: Shake it: shake the harness to let all the straps fall downward. Step 3: Inspect it: Look worn webbing and cracked, damaged, or missing component. Step 4: Wear it: Body, thighs, then chest 5: Adjust it : Adjust too loose, too tight, or not centered. two fingers test the straps. 6: Check it: Check overall ok? Possibly by another climber. Step 7: Tuck it: Any excess straps to be tucked in to avoid caught in moving parts. Step 8: Attach it: Attach to lanyards, shock absorber, SRL, etc. Step 9: Anchor it: Attached to appropriate anchor point. Step 10: Research it: Observe the standard & better solution Step 11: Question it: It involve in fall before? Then, replace new one. Step 12: Learn It: how to use/ feedback

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ABCD Safe Distance of using Body Harness 6 ft (Lanyard Length) 3 1/2 ft (Shock Absorber) 1 ft 5 ft Back D-ring height 2 ft Assumed that D-ring & Anchorage are at the same level Total= 17 ½ ft Safe distance for Fall

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Fall factor (Force Applied on Body) Higher Anchor point, Safer for Fall

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Think about Anchor Point for safe fall

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Personal Fall Arrest Systems (BCD) • Once a Personal Fall Arrest System has been used in a fall, it must be removed from service right away.

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100% Tie Off (Always connected) Move one place to another, only take off one lanyard. Don’t take off all lanyards. Removing lanyard to attach in front anchorage point. After take off second lanyard when confirm attach first lanyard Follow the above steps until reach your designation point.

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Rescue Plan • After a fall, a worker may not be able to rescue themselves and may remain suspended in a harness. – A rescue plan should be in place to retrieve a suspended worker as soon as possible after a fall. – A worker is at great risk of developing a condition known as "suspension trauma" if left suspended by a harness for a prolonged period. – Suspension trauma is a serious condition and can even be fatal. Onset of symptoms of suspension trauma can occur as little as 5 minutes after a fall.

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Rescue Plan After a fall, a worker may not be able to rescue themselves and may remain suspended in a harness. – A rescue plan should be in place to retrieve a suspended worker as soon as possible after a fall. Rescue Plan shall consist of: • Rescue Kit • Trained Rescuers • First Aid Kit • Emergency contact Number • Communication to responsible person & further assistances – Suspension trauma is a serious condition and can even be fatal.

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If a worker is suspended in a personal fall- arrest system, you must provide for a prompt rescue. Prompt rescue required Rescue Techniques Medical and Rescue Priorities Suspension Trauma Reaching The Victim Rescue From Above and Below Quick and Practical Rescue Techniques Using Rescue kit (or) descending device such as rigging rope and pulley

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Suspension Trauma & Relief What is Suspension Trauma? Suspension trauma, also known as harness hang syndrome occurs after a worker has fallen into a fall arrest harness and is suspended in a hanging position until rescue arrives. When hanging in a fall harness, the leg straps support the body’s weight. During this time, the leg straps of the fall protection harness crush the femoral arteries on the inside of the legs, cutting off blood circulation. Without blood circulation in the legs, the lactic acid builds up in the stagnant blood. This buildup of acid-blood is then released when the worker is brought down and circulation restored. High levels of acid flooding the body can overwhelm the kidneys, liver, and even result in heart failure. Prevention Measure •Shaking Body While suspension •Rest the body part on available structure •Use suspension trauma strap (or) Work Position Lanyard to support body weight •Do not lying down & sit W position up to 30 min after reaching ground

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Rescue Kit Using Rescue & trained person to carry out the rescue operation Rigging Rope, Pulley and other climbers are alternative option to carry out rescue operation

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Prevention from Falling object  Barricading Drop Zone  Warning Sign  Use a bag to carry tool No work “on & below” tower at the same time  House keeping on tower PPE to use at any time while on work site DANGER Falling Objects

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Climbing and working at heights Safety (Wrap Up)  Risk Assessment & Briefing at site  Training (Work At Height, Rescue, PPE, etc)  PPE for work at height (Certified Full body harness, double lanyards, emergency absorber, safety helmet, safety shoes, etc)  Preventing Falling Object & Barricading the drop zone  Rescue equipment & Rescuer, first Aid Box  Communication Before climbing on tower, flowing safety requirement to be ensure available and done!

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There is one key to SAFETY only YOU need to control: Your Safety Attitude.

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• Answer All 30 questions for 30 marks. • Pass Mark is “20”. • Your answer will be sent to Training center for marking when you finished. • Training center will inform you (or) your company whether “Pass” OR “Failed” • If failed, you need to re-sit the exam as per training center policy. • Good Luck ! Exam Question

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Answer All Question: