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2 „The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.“ George Bernard Shaw

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Everybody Loves Events

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@lutzhuehnken Great!

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@lutzhuehnken Event Collaboration

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@lutzhuehnken How it started

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@lutzhuehnken How it’s going

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@lutzhuehnken What’s the problem with this?

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10 Definition: Event An event is a fact. It’s an observation of something that has happened in the past.

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@lutzhuehnken What’s the problem with this?

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@lutzhuehnken But isn’t that also Event-driven? Not the fact that it’s asynchronous makes something an event. Not the fact that Kafka is being used makes something an event. Event is a specific kind of message, with specific semantics.

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@lutzhuehnken With events, there’s no going back. If a receiver can’t process an event, it’s their problem. And this is beautiful! It’s what allows us to build this: instead of this:

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@lutzhuehnken Not All Events Are Interesting UI Events (ButtonClicked,..) Log Events Outside World Events

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15 Definition: Domain Event A domain event is a fact. It’s an observation of something interesting that has affected the domain.

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@lutzhuehnken How Domain Events Usually Come About

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@lutzhuehnken Temporal Decoupling

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@lutzhuehnken Event Sourcing?

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@lutzhuehnken Event Sourcing Inside

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@lutzhuehnken With CQRS

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@lutzhuehnken With Event Streaming

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23 Definition: Event Sourcing Instead of storing the current state of something, store a sequence of events that lead to the state.

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@lutzhuehnken Event Sourcing This happens inside your service! Typical technology: Any ol’ database (SQL, noSQL, eventstore, ..) (log-based message bus is also possible) It’s an approach to data persistence.

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25 Definition: Event Streaming Publish a stream of events on a topic that other service can subscribe.

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@lutzhuehnken Event Streaming This is the basis for Event Collaboration between services! Typical technology: Log-based message bus (Kafka, Pulsar, Kinesis, EventHubs, PubSub,…) It’s an API.

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@lutzhuehnken Listen to your own events?

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@lutzhuehnken We talked about this..

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@lutzhuehnken You can do Event Sourcing Without: - Event Streaming - „listen to your own events“ from an external bus - Kafka

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@lutzhuehnken You can do Event Sourcing Without: - Event Streaming - Event Streaming for Collaboration (outside), Event Sourcing for Persistence (inside) - „listen to your own events“ from an external bus - Just one very special way of Event Sourcing with questionable benefits. - Kafka - There was Event Sourcing before Kafka. (But it’s great for event streaming.)

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@lutzhuehnken And the other way around (Event Streaming and Event Collaboration without Event Sourcing)

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@lutzhuehnken Fowler’s Types of Events Event Sourcing Events Notification Events Event-carried State Transfer

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@lutzhuehnken Event Sourcing Events As covered - complete unrelated to Event Streaming / Event Collaboration. Persistence for „Data on the Inside“ Separation from collaboration should be clearer.

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@lutzhuehnken Notification Events - Temporal decoupling is lost - Immutability may be lost Recommendation: - Only use references to immutable objects. - Use where payload is too big (e.g. generated documents)

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@lutzhuehnken Event-carried State Transfer What we usually think of when we think of Domain Events. Can be further broken down, e.g. Fat Events.

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@lutzhuehnken Things that are not Events Commands - express an intention - can fail Queries - ask for information - return a result

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@lutzhuehnken Commands & Queries

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@lutzhuehnken Events

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@lutzhuehnken And this is beautiful! It’s what allows us to build this: instead of this:

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„It is not the things that matter in early stages of design… …it is the things that happen.“ Russ Miles 41

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@lutzhuehnken Event-driven only on paper..

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Summing it up.. 43

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@lutzhuehnken Caveat Emptor If someone says Event Sourcing (or Events First), you must ask them to explain what they mean! Event sourcing within a service / bounded context? Or „data inside out“, with the message bus as permanent storage, i.e. using event streaming with infinite retention of events?

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@lutzhuehnken Recommendation Be weary of „data inside out“ patterns where the transport between your services becomes the permanent storage and source of truth. Better: Clearly separate between data on the outside (think transport, not storage) and data on the inside (source of truth, persistence, governed by domain)

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@lutzhuehnken Design Event-driven architecture doesn’t just happen. You have to design your processes in a way that you can leverage the advantages of event-driven architecture. Event Collaboration is the foundation of event-driven architecture.

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PPT Master 16:9 / Edition 2018 „Going to microservices is like going from Newton’s physics to Einstein’s physics. Newton’s time marched forward uniformly with instant knowledge at a distance. Before microservices, distributed computing strove to make many systems look like one with RPC, 2PC etc.. In Einstein’s universe, everything is relative to one’s perspective.“ Pat Helland

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Who can think of a good question?