My intro to tech was not like many I hear...
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My intro to tech was not like many I hear
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Trying to find balance
Single mom.
Found myself trying to
be a part of any
project that involved
working with
engineering or IT.
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Obtaining my next role
Volunteering at
TechFest NW helped
me land a job at a
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My first Startup
Who is Cassandra & Jason (JSON)?
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Danielle intro
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Next Steps
Applied to a bunch of positions
that I seemed qualified for
Ended up in tech support
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Leveling Up
Wanted to provide the better
experience for customers
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What and why
We are both driven to learn, get better, & build skills.
Marketing and Engineering work hand in hand.
Farrah wants to be a nerd.
Danielle desires to connect & learn from others
outside of the tech community.
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Danielle, I am ready to build a
Serverless App from Scratch, can you
Yes, Farrah, what would
you like to build?
No idea, thoughts?
Think on it and get back
to me. :)
What and Why
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What and why
Create something useful to our community & company (focus on
business value).
Build something helpful to a broader audience than our current
customers (We are always looking for new users).
Wanted an inclusive theme.
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What and why
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What and why
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What and why
● Time
● Team
● Easy to integrate with
other systems
● Select which tools to use