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Revitalizing a cross-functional product organization Deepa Subramaniam @iamdeepa Lara Hogan @lara_hogan

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Positive team health, 
 high-velocity shipping, and strategic execution.

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Yet we often get in our own way.

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Clarify roles and responsibilities Create living product documents
 and processes Lead difficult conversations Demonstrate mindful communications Join forces 1 2 3 4 5

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Clarify roles and responsibilities

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Seamless collaboration 
 requires clarity. Who does what, when? “Well, That’s not my job.” “Wait, I already did that.” “Uh, who was supposed to do that?”

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Lack of role clarity manifests as inertia, 
 chaos or ambivalence.

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Discovery Design Development Testing and Deployment Post-Deployment and Iteration Product Development Flow

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Discovery Design Development Testing and Deployment Post-Deployment and Iteration

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Discovery Design Development Testing and Deployment Post-Deployment and Iteration Product Manager Product Designer Engineer QA
 Engineer Product Manager

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Discovery Design Development Testing and Deployment Post-Deployment and Iteration Product Manager Product Designer Engineering Manager Data 
 Scientist Engineer QA
 Engineer Product Manager Strategy Engineering

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EM ∩ EL ∩ PM: Understand, own, and
 share the story of “why” Product Manager owns the story of “what” Eng Manager owns the story of “who” Tech Lead owns the story of “how” ∩

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Product Manager owns the story of “what” Tech Lead owns the story of “how” Product Manager + Tech Lead scope and estimate project work

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Product Designer Product Manager Business Strategist Data Scientist

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Defined roles, 
 ratified across teams,
 produce better accountability 
 and higher velocity.

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Create living 
 product documents and processes

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Without it, you risk 
 re-inventing the wheel, duplicating efforts and unnecessary disagreement.

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Product Workflow Documents Meetings Milestones

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Framing the problem, opportunity, and approach Discovery Documents Meetings Milestones Narrative Doc (aka Spec, PRD) Feature Kickoff “Discovery Complete”

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Based on the problem, identify solutions Design Documents Meetings Milestones Design Brief Product Review “Design Complete”

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Build the feature Development Documents Meetings Milestones Technical Plan Architecture Review “Code Complete”

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Test and ship the feature QA and Deployment Documents Meetings Milestones Test Plan — “Test Complete” Deployment Plan Pre-Deployment Sync “Shipped”

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Based on how the feature is doing, what next? Post-Deployment and Iteration Documents Meetings Milestones Post-ship 
 Feature Update Post-Ship Sync -- --

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Re-evaluate the documents, milestones and meetings 
 that will make your product development smoother

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Use your product processes to benefit you by sharing insights 
 and staying aligned.

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Lead difficult conversations

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Amygdalas are threatened by: • Receiving feedback • Causing someone 
 else to freak out • Being kicked out of 
 the cool kids group • Someone else 
 thinking you’re wrong

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Amygdalas like it when 
 you have a sense of: • Belonging to a group • Progress towards a goal • Choice/Autonomy • Equality or fairness • Certainty/predictability

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We rarely have models of 
 (or support for) how to have difficult conversations

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Set ground rules for meetings

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My fav ground rules: Stay curious Everyone is smart and trying No open phones/laptops Vegas Rules

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It’s awkward to talk
 about your struggle 
 with another coworker

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Practice difficult conversations

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Create an environment to roleplay those conversations

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Find a great conflict mediator

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Be mindful when you communicate

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Poor communication 
 will dilute impact, 
 frustrate employees 
 and result in failure.

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Mindful communication is ✨magical✨

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Reflect on the dynamics in the room 1

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Be aware of your medium

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Consider the room’s
 power dynamics

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Is this person in a 
 position to take the action I’m suggesting?

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Elevate the
 conversation 2

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Meet transparency with responsibility

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Assume best intentions 3

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Practice empathy

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Listen to learn 4

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Prepare to be surprised

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Reflect on the dynamics in the room Elevate the conversation Assume best intentions Listen to learn 1 2 3 4

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Join forces

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Disjointed things 
 happen in siloed teams

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Lead cross-org meetings

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Answer questions together, publicly

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Jointly lead meetings

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Write cross-org emails

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Roll out information to everyone in tandem.

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Share context 
 across the board.

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Celebrate across 
 the board.

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Our teams saw us coordinating and holding each other accountable

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Honesty + Candidness Trust + Accountability

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Join forces with your peer leaders

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Clarify roles and responsibilities Create living product documents
 and processes Lead difficult conversations Demonstrate mindful communications Join forces 1 2 3 4 5