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Building a recommender from a big behavior graph over Cassandra Arthur Grava Technical Lead - Big Data @arthur_grava Gleicon Moraes Director of Data Engineering

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• 786 stores • 8 distribution centers • +18k employees • +40 million clients • 16 million unique visitors / monthly

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Recommender Systems

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Proof of Concept

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POC - Environment

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Why Graph Database ? • Intuitive schema modeling • Abstraction on customer and product relations • Easy to iterate over entities and its relations, through Gremlin DSL • Simple way to calculate common customer behaviours • No use of complex matrix calculations • Cassandra + Titan + Rexster + Python

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Graph Language

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Graph Language

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Graph Language

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Graph Language

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Graph Language

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Graph Language SKU COUNT tv_2 1 tv_3 2 tv_4 3 tv_5 1

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Graph Language SKU COUNT tv_4 3 tv_3 2 tv_2 1 tv_5 1

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Results • Running in AB test with the current solution using wvav recommendations 30% increase on sales

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Limitations • Unnecessary python layer • This layer was significantly increasing response time • Recommendations were calculated directly on the graph • High computational cost when doing several traversals on graph at once (more on that later) • Supernodes • Hard to add tags or non-graph attributes (multiples email addresses referring to a single customer) without increasing the graph size significantly • Events collected server side • Implemented a tracker (1x1 pixel) and a async pipeline

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Growing up

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Production • No more proxies, direct access to the Graph (using Java) • Implemented our pixel tag to directly collect information from browser • Our own analytics system was also developed • Recommendations being calculated outside the graph

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Production • No more proxies, direct access to the Graph (using Java) • Implemented our pixel tag to directly collect information from browser • Our own analytics system was also developed • Recommendations being calculated outside the graph

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Production • No more proxies, direct access to the Graph (using Java) • Implemented our pixel tag to directly collect information from browser • Our own analytics system was also developed • Recommendations being calculated outside the graph

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Production environment

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• Half average response time • Reduced load on cassandra, that enabled • User centric recommendations • Emails and push notifications Results 25% share on emails 23.8% of recommendations as push notifications

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Problems • Too many responsibilities for the API module • Hard to maintain the code • Problem accessing disk too many times for personalized recommendations • Email and push notifications API Down on most important times

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Problems - data layout on cassandra tables

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Scaling up for good

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Microservices • Concern separations: event collection and serving recommendations • Scale and isolate these behaviours: we can serve recommendations even if we are not collecting events. • Small and simpler codebase, refactoring won't affect the overall system too much, deploys are not huge switches • Faster to add new features and try new algorithms • Better application profiling

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• Moving recommendations from Cassandra to Elasticsearch • Pre calculated recommendations are stored on elasticsearch, easy to rebuild and query. • Recommendation time drop (personalised): from 400ms to 50ms - that matters in terms of conversion and customer bail-out. • Less traversals on the graph, less overall load in the system Microservices

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Business impact From 6% to 15% share on sales 35% share on email sales 31.6% of recommendations as push notifications

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Microservices environment

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