Slide 20
Slide 20 text
JavaScript Challenge
cookies IP
[root@web01 opc]# oci waas human-interaction-challenge get --waas-
"data": {
"action": "DETECT",
"action-expiration-in-seconds": 60,
"challenge-settings": {
"block-action": "SHOW_ERROR_PAGE",
"block-error-page-code": "HIC",
"block-error-page-description": "Access blocked by website owner.
Please contact support.",
"block-error-page-message": "Access to the website is blocked.",
"block-response-code": 403,
"captcha-footer": "Enter the letters and numbers as they are shown
in image above.",
"captcha-header": "We have detected an increased number of
attempts to access this website. To help us keep this site secure,
please let us know that you are not a robot by entering the text from
the image below.",
"captcha-submit-label": "Yes, I am human.",
"captcha-title": "Are you human?"
"failure-threshold": 10,
"failure-threshold-expiration-in-seconds": 60,
"interaction-threshold": 3,
"is-enabled": true,
"recording-period-in-seconds": 15,
"set-http-header": null
(Bot Management)
Copyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates
(Human Interacion Challenge)