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A new JavaScript ecosystem for Symfony

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Hello! I am Titouan Galopin SymfonyInsight Product Manager Symfony UX initiative lead 2

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JavaScript 3

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JavaScript is about User Experience Building the most intuitive and usable app to solve a specific problem 4

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Building great User Experiences is difficult We need to rely on the work of others : the JavaScript ecosystem 5

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Symfony does not choose for you Since Symfony 2 (2011), Symfony is JavaScript agnostic 6

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And that’s good! There is no clear framework winner: we should not be tied to a specific one 7

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Today, 2 JavaScript options for Symfony applications ⬡ Vanilla JavaScript ∙ Webpack entrypoints ∙ Vanilla JS/jQuery ∙ Manual libraries 8

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Today, 2 JavaScript options for Symfony applications ⬡ Vanilla JavaScript ∙ Webpack entrypoints ∙ Vanilla JS/jQuery ∙ Manual libraries 9 ⬡ Single Page Apps ∙ React/Vue/Angular/… ∙ Local router, database, cache, API client, ... ∙ Reimplements history, session, loaders, ...

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Both add complexity and are difficult to maintain* They take valuable time 10 *I did an entire talk about this

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How to decrease the time required to build great User Experiences? 11

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Symfony UX initiative 12 A new series of tools to build User Experiences with Symfony

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13 What do we actually want?

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What do we actually want? 1. Organizing JavaScript code inside our projects 14

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What do we actually want? 1. Organizing JavaScript code inside our projects 2. Avoiding complexity as much as possible 15

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What do we actually want? 1. Organizing JavaScript code inside our projects 2. Avoiding complexity as much as possible 16 3. Relying on code developed by others

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What do we actually want? 1. Organizing JavaScript code inside our projects 2. Avoiding complexity as much as possible 17 3. Relying on code developed by others 4. Implementing great User Experiences

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What are our constraints? Not tied to a framework (compatible with React/Vue/...) 18

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What are our constraints? Not tied to a framework (compatible with React/Vue/...) Based on standards (history, URL, sessions, cookies, …) 19

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What are our constraints? Not tied to a framework (compatible with React/Vue/...) Based on standards (history, URL, sessions, cookies, …) 20 Easy to test automatically (unit and functional: cf Cypress talk)

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What are our constraints? Not tied to a framework (compatible with React/Vue/...) Based on standards (history, URL, sessions, cookies, …) 21 Easy to test automatically (unit and functional: cf Cypress talk) As simple as possible (=== as less code as possible)

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The Symfony UX initiative ⬡ Stimulus Organizing JavaScript code in Symfony projects ⬡ Flex and Webpack Encore Shipping reusable JavaScript code with Symfony bundles ⬡ Swup/Turbolinks A new approach on building great UX experiences based on standards 22

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Stimulus “A modest JavaScript framework for the HTML you already have” 23

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Stimulus does not take over your application’s entire front-end It augments your existing HTML by connecting DOM nodes to JavaScript behaviors automatically 24

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I usually think of Stimulus as a Router for DOM nodes => It associates DOM nodes to JavaScript behaviors 25

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26 Add markers on your normal HTML

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27 Use these markers to retrieve the DOM nodes in JavaScript Add markers on your normal HTML

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28 Use these markers to retrieve the DOM nodes in JavaScript Add markers on your normal HTML

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29 Then that’s normal JavaScript!

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30 Then that’s normal JavaScript! Which means you can use Vue

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31 Then that’s normal JavaScript! Which means you can use Vue … or React

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32 Then that’s normal JavaScript! Which means you can use Vue … or React … or plain JS!

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33 Then that’s normal JavaScript! Which means you can use Vue this.element = data-controller node … or React … or plain JS!

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34 A new JavaScript organization for Symfony apps

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35 A new JavaScript organization for Symfony apps App controllers automatically registered in app.js

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36 A new JavaScript organization for Symfony apps App controllers automatically registered in app.js All controllers shipped as a single compiled JavaScript file

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37 A new JavaScript organization for Symfony apps App controllers automatically registered in app.js All controllers shipped as a single compiled JavaScript file A single entrypoint referenced in all pages using WebpackEncoreBundle

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Automatically configured by Symfony Flex 38

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What do we actually want? 2. Avoiding complexity as much as possible ✔ 39 3. Relying on code developed by others 4. Implementing great User Experiences 1. Organizing JavaScript code inside our projects ✔

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Flex and Encore Creating a bridge between back-end and front-end to build reusable UX packages 40

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Example Symfony UX Dropzone 41

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42 Usage

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43 When you install a package containing JavaScript code, Symfony Flex detects it Usage

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44 Usage

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And that’s it! Flex did most of the work 45

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46 When you require ux-dropzone ...

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47 When you require ux-dropzone ... … Flex adds a reference to ux-dropzone’s JavaScript code in your package.json ...

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48 When you require ux-dropzone ... … and adds a reference to ux-dropzone’s Stimulus controller in your assets/controllers.json … Flex adds a reference to ux-dropzone’s JavaScript code in your package.json ...

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ux-dropzone now has access to its controllers through your app’s JavaScript They are compiled into your application JavaScript: ux-dropzone can use them in its PHP/Twig code 49

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How it works internally 51

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52 ux-dropzone contains JavaScript code in an assets directory ...

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53 … and declares the controllers it provides in assets/package.json ux-dropzone contains JavaScript code in an assets directory ...

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54 On install Flex reads ux-dropzone’s package.json and update your package.json and controllers.json

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55 On install Flex reads ux-dropzone’s package.json and update your package.json and controllers.json Then WebpackEncore reads your controllers.json and dynamically resolve vendor controllers ...

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56 … so that the Stimulus bridge can add them to the compilation On install Flex reads ux-dropzone’s package.json and update your package.json and controllers.json Then WebpackEncore reads your controllers.json and dynamically resolve vendor controllers ...

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What do we actually want? 2. Avoiding complexity as much as possible ✔ 57 3. Relying on code developed by others ✔ 4. Implementing great User Experiences 1. Organizing JavaScript code inside our projects ✔

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Swup/Turbolinks Using pages transitions libraries to build great User Experiences 58

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Stimulus creates local behaviors (limited to specific DOM nodes) Stimulus alone doesn’t feel “like one app” ... 59

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That’s where page transition libraries are useful (Turbolinks, Swup, …) 60

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They replace links by AJAX calls and animate transitions between pages 61

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Example Symfony UX Swup 62

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63 Usage

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64 Usage

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What do we actually want? 2. Avoiding complexity as much as possible ✔ 65 3. Relying on code developed by others ✔ 4. Implementing great User Experiences ✔ 1. Organizing JavaScript code inside our projects ✔

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Oh, and one last thing 66

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Symfony UX initiative is going to be available … 67

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Symfony UX initiative is going to be available … now! 68

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Now, that’s on you! Let’s build an amazing new ecosystem for Symfony together! 70

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71 Thanks! Any questions? You can find me at: @tgalopin Slides design by SlidesCarnival