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SCALA VS KOTLIN Javi Pacheco @javielinux Antonio Leiva @lime_cl

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• JVM based • Functional Language & OOP • Immutability emphasis • Purity & Effects • High-order functions • Flexible syntax, create constructs, infix support Scala is LOVE

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Who’s using Scala?

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47 Degrees Projects Scala Days Scala API Demos Translate Bubble

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• JVM based • Object-oriented functional language • Created by JetBrains (IntelliJ, Android Studio) • Simple,lightweight, interoperable

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• Compiled to Java bytecode • Open source • Kotlin 1.0 Beta 3

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Who’s using Kotlin?

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Who’s using Kotlin? BusRadar Omni Reedy Wizbii

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Hello World!

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1. Install plugin

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1. Install plugin 2. Create a Kotlin class

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1. Install plugin 2. Create a Kotlin class 3. Use “Configure Kotlin in Project”

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No content

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1. Download SBT and install it Installation

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1. Download SBT and install it 2. Install Scala Plugin in IntelliJ Installation

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1. Download SBT and install it 2. Install Scala Plugin in IntelliJ 3. Configure your project > sbt Installation

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Null handling

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val maybeArtist: Option[Artist] = getArtist()
 maybeArtist map { artist => artist.print() } Some(artist) None artist.print() Nothing Option Monad

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val artist: Artist = maybeArtist getOrElse(defaultArtist) val maybeArtist: Option[Artist] = Option(getArtist()) Providing a Default Value Java Integration

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var artist: Artist? = null
 artist.print() var artist: Artist? = null
 artist?.print() Won’t compile Won’t do anything if (artist != null) {
 } Smart cast var artist: Artist? = null
 artist!!.print() It crashes!

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UI and Animations

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verticalLayout {
 val name = editText()
 button("Say Hello") {
 onClick { toast("Hello, ${name.text}!") }
 } Anko

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Kotlin Android Extensions Import synthetic properties: import* Just use them: override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
 super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(
 } recycler.layoutManager = GridLayoutManager(this, 2)
 recycler.adapter = ContactsAdapter(contacts)

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• DSL focused to GUI • Intensive use of Macros • Brings the Functional Programming on Ui editText <~ text("foo") <~~ fadeIn <~ enable Macroid library

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Background tasks

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asyncArtist map { artist => artist.print() } Future Monad val asyncArtist: Future[Artist] = getAsyncArtist val asyncFilm: Future[Film] = getAsyncLastFilm(“Barroso”)

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For Comprehensions val asyncFilm = for { artist <- getAsyncArtist film <- getAsyncLastFilm( } yield (film) asyncFilm map (film => film.print())

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Anko async {
 val contacts = GetContactsCommand().execute(ctx)
 uiThread {
 recycler.adapter = ContactsAdapter(contacts)

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Kovenant (promises) async {
 //some (long running) operation, or just:
 1 + 1
 } then {
 i -> "result: $i"
 } successUi {
 msg -> println(msg)

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Data persistence

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var myPref: Long by Preference(this, "name", 0) Property delegation val prefValue = myPref
 myPref = 20

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Anko ManagedSQLiteOpenHelper dbHelper.use {
 select("TABLE_NAME").where("_id = {id}", "id" to 20)
 } db.createTable("TABLE_NAME", true,
 "name" to TEXT) parseList / parseOpt / classParser…

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slick -> doobie -> Pure functional JDBC layer for Scala mvessel -> JDBC driver written in Scala The main goal is to allow the use of ORMs in Android

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val xa = DriverManagerTransactor[IO]( "org.postgresql.Driver", "jdbc:postgresql:world", "postgres", "" ) case class Country(code: String, name: String, population: Long) def find(n: String): ConnectionIO[Option[Country]] = sql"select code, name from country where name = $n”.query[Country].option find("France").transact(xa).unsafePerformIO Some(Country(FRA, France)) Doobie Sample

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Unit Testing specs2 -> scalacheck ->

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JUnit Interoperability -> All testing libraries available Hamkrest -> Mockito-kt ->

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Multiple inheritance

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Interfaces • Can contain code (but not state) interface ToolbarManager {
 val toolbar: Toolbar
 fun initToolbar() {
 toolbar.setOnMenuItemClickListener {
 when (it.itemId) { -> App.instance.toast("Settings")
 else -> App.instance.toast("Unknown option")

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Interfaces class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), ToolbarManager {
 override val toolbar by lazy { find( }
 override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

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• Fundamental unit of code reuse in Scala • A class can mix in any number • Order matters Traits & self types

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class MyActivity extend Activity with PresentationTrait { def onCreate() = initUi() } trait PresentationTrait { self: Activity => def initUi() = getApplicationContext } Example

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Dependency injection

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Cake Pattern • Dependencies between components • Traits & Self types macwire -> scaldi -> Libraries Implicit • Dependencies using implicit

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Simple injection can be done without libraries: - Interface delegation - Default values for arguments Several libraries - Dagger 2 ( - Kodein ( - Injekt (

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Delegate handling

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val f: (Int, String) -> String = { i, s -> "$s $i" } 
 val f = { i: Int, s: String -> "$s $i" } fun myFun(listener: (View) -> Unit) {
 } Variables Function parameters

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Higher-order function • Takes one or more functions as arguments • Returns a function as its result val f1: (Int) => String = (myInt) => myInt.toString def myFunc(f: (Int) => String) = { println(f(2)) }

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Pattern matching

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def toYesOrNo(choice: Int): String = choice match { case 1 => "yes" case 0 => "no" case _ => "error" } Traditional approach def get(animal: Animal): String = animal match { case cat: Cat => “I’m a cat: ” + cat.toString case dog: Dog => “I’m a dog: ” + dog.toString case _ => “Other animal" } Typed pattern

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case class Developer(name: String, lang: String) def developer(dev: Developer): String = dev match { case Developer(_, “scala”) => “Good Dev" case Developer(“Jorge Barroso”, _) => “The best" case _ => “Java Developers" } Cases Classes def developer(dev: Developer): String = dev match { case Developer(_, “scala”) => “Good Dev" case Developer(name, _) if name.contains(“Jorge”) => “The best" case _ => “Java Developers" } If statements

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No pattern matching, but powerful “when” val cost = when(x) {
 in 1..10 -> "cheap"
 in 10..100 -> "regular"
 in 100..1000 -> "expensive"
 in specialValues -> "special value!"
 else -> "not rated"

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val res = when {
 x in 1..10 -> "cheap"
 s.contains("hello") -> "it's a welcome!"
 v is ViewGroup -> "child count: ${v.getChildCount()}"
 else -> ""

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Learning curve from Java

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• Really fast -> many similar concepts • Interoperability • Great official reference and Koans

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Debugger same as Java • Breakpoints • Step debugging • Watches • … • All inside Android Studio

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Debugger same as Java • Breakpoints • Step debugging • Watches • … • All inside Android Studio

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Compilation times

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• Slower (Scala Compiler + Proguard) • Size matters (+ ~2.8 M) Compile Take your time to setup your SBT • Incremental compiler • Continuous build and test