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Java 22 Overview 2024-04-16 Java 22リリース記念イベント LINE Yahoo Naoki Kishida

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2024/04/18 2 自己紹介 ● きしだ なおき ● LINEヤフー ● twitter: @kis ● 「プロになるJava」という Java入門書を書いてます

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Java 22 ● 3/19 released ● non LTS ● Features ● 12 JEPs(JDK Enhancement Proposals) ● Major changes are sumarized as JEP ● Stream Gatherer(Preview) ● Foreign Function & Memory API is now standard ● simple "public static void main" (2nd Preview)

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Java Playground ● Try Java in browser ● ● code snipet for new features as sample ● JDK works on server side ● not in browser

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2024/04/18 5 non-LTS ● Java 22 is non-LTS(Long Term Support) ● It will not be a candidate to use in our product ● the support will finish after Java 23 is released ● Next LTS will be Java 25(Sept. 2025)

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Java 22 Distribution ● Oracle OpenJDK ● Oracle JDK ● Adoptium Temurin ● Amazon Corretto 22 ● Liberica JDK ● SapMachine ● Azul Zul no release for Microsoft build

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2024/04/18 7 Outline ● 12 JEPs (1/2) ● Language ● JEP 447: Statements before super(...) (Preview) ● JEP 456: Unnamed Variables & Patterns ● JEP 459: String Templates (Second Preview) ● 463: Implicitly Declared Classes and Instance Main Methods (Second Preview) ● Tool ● 458: Launch Multi-File Source-Code Programs

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2024/04/18 8 Outline ● 12 JEPs(2/2) ● API ● JEP 454: Foreign Function & Memory API ● JEP 457: Class-File API (Preview) ● JEP 460: Vector API (Seventh Incubator) ● JEP 461: Stream Gatherers (Preview) ● JEP 462: Structured Concurrency (Second Preview) ● JEP 464: Scoped Values (Second Preview) ● JVM ● JEP 423: Region Pinning for G1

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incompatibility ● direct execution for source file require strict path coresponding to the package package hello; public class Hello { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello"); } } C:\Users\naoki\Desktop>java エラー: ソース・ファイルへのパスの終わりがパッケージ名helloと一致し ません: C:\Users\naoki\Desktop>mkdir hello C:\Users\naoki\Desktop>move hello 1 個のファイルを移動しました。 C:\Users\naoki\Desktop>java hello/ Hello

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Language change ● Finalized ● Unnamed Variables & Patterns ● Preview ● Statements before super(...) ● String Tempate ● Implicitly Declared Classes and Instance Main Methods

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Unnamed Variables & Patterns ● unused variable can be defined as ‘_’ ● variable ● local variable ● try-with-resource ● for ● enhanced for ● catch ● lambda parameter Variable catch (InterruptedException _) { // do nothing } IntStream.range(0, 10) .forEach(_ -> System.out.println(“hello”)) Pattern case NegExpr(_) -> “negative”

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Statements before super(preview) ● enable to write statements without `this` before `super` invocation class Foo { Foo(List l1, List l2) { } } class Bar extends Foo { Bar() { // need same list? super(List.of("abc", "def"), List.of("abc", "def")); } } class Bar extends Foo { // need another constructor? private Bar(List l) { super(l, l); } Bar() { this(List.of("abc", "def")); } } class Bar extends Foo { Bar() { // statement before super var param = List.of("abc", "def"); super(param, param); } } when we want to pass same list for each args in Java 22

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String tempates(2nd Preview) ● String interpolation ● STR.”Hello \{name}” ● will be 3rd preview in JDK 23 ● JDK 22 has 3 templates. STR, FMT, RAW jshell> STR."Today is \{new Date()} now" $1 ==> "Today is Wed Sep 20 05:34:20 JST 2023 now" jshell> import static java.util.FormatProcessor.FMT jshell> FMT."a=%05d\{a} d=%.3f\{d}" $9 ==> "a=00123 d=3.140" jshell> StringTemplate.RAW."a=\{a} d=\{d}" $11 ==> StringTemplate{ fragments = [ "a=", " d=", "" ], values = [123, 3.14] }

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Custom template ● implement StringTemplate.Processor

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Implicitly Declared Classes and instance main method(2nd preview) ● Java hello world will be more simple ● currently we need to know many keywords, class, static, public,,, ● main method can be package private, protected ● main method can be instance method ● main method does not require any argument ● no class needed! void main() { System.out.println(“Hello world!”); }

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From for large program to for small program ● Java had aimed to write large systems reliably ● Object Oriented ● Redundant syntax ● Core for studying or checking is boring ● require compilation ● require a lot of typing just for `main` ● On teaching, need to turn a blind eye for `public static` ● cannot be explained unless learning progresses ● Everyone uses Python

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More simple ● JEP draft 8323335 ● println ● print/println will be declared as static method in ● auto import ● import all classes automatically in java.base module import java.util.List; public class Sample { public static void main(String[] args) { var data = List.of("abc", "defg", "nnn"); for (var s : data) { System.out.println(data); } } } void main() { var data = List.of("abc", "defg", "nnn"); for (var s : data) { println(data); } }

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More simple ● module import ● JEP draft 8315129 ● import all classes in a module import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import; public class ModuleSample { public static void main(String[] args) { var data = List.of("abc", "defg", "nnn"); var doubled = .map(s -> s.repeat(2)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); Collections.shuffle(doubled); System.out.println(doubled); } } import module java.base; import static*; public class ModuleSample { void main() { var data = List.of("abc", "defg", "nnn"); var doubled = .map(s -> s.repeat(2)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); Collections.shuffle(doubled); println(doubled); } }

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Tool: Launch Multi-File Source-Code Programs ● Enable to directly execute with multi-file source code program using `java` command

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API ● 454: Foreign Function & Memory API ● 457: Class-File API (Preview) ● 460: Vector API (Seventh Incubator) ● 461: Stream Gatherers (Preview) ● 462: Structured Concurrency (Second Preview) ● 464: Scoped Values (Second Preview)

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Stream Gatherers(Preview) ● WIth Stream, it was not possible to write processed that reference other data ● like sliding window ● Stream Gatherer makes it possible ● Gatherers like Collectors for `collect` jshell> IntStream.range(0, 10).boxed() .gather(Gatherers.windowFixed(3)) .toList() $1 ==> [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [9]] jshell> IntStream.range(0, 10).boxed() .gather(Gatherers.windowSliding(3)) .toList() $2 ==> [[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5], [4, 5, 6], [5, 6, 7], [6, 7, 8], [7, 8, 9]] windowFixed windowSliding

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Foreign Function & Memory API ● nativfe access features now standard ● native memory access ● enable to allocate off-heap memory that is not managed by GC ● Foreign function call ● native libraries can be called

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Vector API(7th Incubator) ● invoke SIMD instructions like AVX from Java ● planned to depend on the value class of Project Valhalla ● stay an incubator until the related JEP is released

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Class-File API(Preview) ● API for parsing, modifying, and generating Java class file ● external library such as ASM and Javassist ● new feature support will be available after the new feature is released ● the new feature cannot be used inside Java on development

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Scoped Values(Preview) ● Sharing a value among methods on thread safe ● ThreadLocal is too heavy to the purpose

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Structured Concurrency(Preview) ● When building single unit of task by different thread, synchronizing the subtask is required. But using `wait` and `join` will make “go-to hell” like complexty. ● Structured concurrency preserves the natural relationship between tasks and subtasks. try (var scope = new StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnFailure()) { Future user = scope.fork(() -> findUser()); Future order = scope.fork(() -> fetchOrder()); scope.join(); // Join both forks scope.throwIfFailed(); // .// and propagate errors // Here, both forks have succeeded, so compose their results return new Response(user.resultNow(), order.resultNow()); }

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What's next? ● JEP 468: Derived Record Creation(Preview) ● JEP 467: Markdown Documentation Comments record Point(int x, int y, int z) { } Point oldLoc = new Point(1, 2, 3); Point nextLoc = oldLoc with { x *= 2; y *= 2; z *= 2; };