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Open%source%development%trends Thijs%Feryn Evangelist +32%(0)9%218%79%06 [email protected] donderdag 25 april 13

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Hi# my#name# is#Thijs donderdag 25 april 13

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I’m# an#evangelist#at donderdag 25 april 13

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I’m# a#board#member# at donderdag 25 april 13

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donderdag 25 april 13

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Modern%web%developer donderdag 25 april 13

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Modern%web%developer Code Infrastructure Agile%processes Quality%assurance Frontend%vs% backend Project% management Build%&%release%cycles Performance%&%scalability Security Flexibility donderdag 25 april 13

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Internet donderdag 25 april 13

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Military donderdag 25 april 13

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ScienTfic donderdag 25 april 13

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Public%(hobbyism) donderdag 25 april 13

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Corporate donderdag 25 april 13

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EVcommerce%&%web%applicaTons donderdag 25 april 13

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Web%2.0 donderdag 25 april 13

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SoXware%As%A%Service donderdag 25 april 13

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Social%media donderdag 25 april 13

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Cloud donderdag 25 april 13

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Mobile donderdag 25 april 13

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Big%data donderdag 25 april 13

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EvoluTon%of%programming%languages donderdag 25 april 13

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EvoluTon%of%programming%languages ✓C ✓C++ ✓C# ✓ObjecTve%C ✓Perl ✓VB(A) ✓Java ✓Javascript ✓PHP ✓Ruby ✓Python ✓Node.js donderdag 25 april 13

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TradiTonal%languages%are%sTll%there donderdag 25 april 13

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Mix%&%match donderdag 25 april 13

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ScripTng%languages%are%accepted/respected PHP,% Perl,%Javascript,% Ruby,%Python,%Bash donderdag 25 april 13

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Proprietary%vs%(free%&)%open%source%soXware donderdag 25 april 13

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Security through obscurity donderdag 25 april 13

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Liability donderdag 25 april 13

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Linux%is%a% cancer Steve%Ballmer,%CEO%of%MicrosoX,%%June%2001 donderdag 25 april 13

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Microsoft has changed as a company and is becoming more open in the way that we work with and collaborate with others in the industry, in how we listen to customers, and in our approach to the cloud. We contribute to and partner with open source communities and promote interoperability to make it easier and less costly for customers to develop and manage mixed IT environments. We actively participate in the standards setting process and support established and emerging standards in our products. In the cloud, we support key standards that provide the building blocks for open, interoperable cloud services, and we support developer choice of programming languages. We support data portability and believe customers own and control their data, no matter where it resides. donderdag 25 april 13

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Passion donderdag 25 april 13

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Frontend%vs%backend donderdag 25 april 13

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Design%pacerns donderdag 25 april 13

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Decorator%pacern donderdag 25 april 13

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interface ServiceClient { function getData(); } class MyWebServiceClient implements ServiceClient { private $data; function MyWebServiceClient() { $client = new SoapClient("some.wsdl"); $this->data = $client->getDataFunction(); } function getData() { return $this->data; } } donderdag 25 april 13

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$client = new MyWebServiceClient(); // Later in your code, and possibly in multiple places print $client->getData(); donderdag 25 april 13

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abstract class ServiceClientDecorator implements ServiceClient { protected $serviceClient; public function __construct(ServiceClient $serviceClient) { $this->serviceClient = $serviceClient; } } class HtmlEntitiesDecorator extends ServiceClientDecorator { public function getData() { return htmlentities($this->serviceClient->getData()); } } class ParagraphDecorator extends ServiceClientDecorator { public function getData() { return '


'; } } donderdag 25 april 13

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$client = new MyWebServiceClient(); // Add our decorators $client = new HtmlEntititesDecorator($client); $client = new ParagraphDecorator($client); // Later in your code, and possibly in multiple places print $client->getData(); donderdag 25 april 13

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Factory%pacern donderdag 25 april 13

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class DatabaseFactory { // The factory function takes as an argument the // name of the class to produce public static function getInstance($driver) { // Attempt to include the the file containing the class // (not necessary if you use a custom autoloader) if(include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/drivers/database_'. $driver.'.php')) { // Build the name of the class, instantiate, and return $driver_class = 'Database_'.$driver; return new $driver_class; } else { throw new Exception('Database driver not found'); } } } // To use, call the factory's static method: $db = DatabaseFactory::getInstance('MySQL'); donderdag 25 april 13

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Singleton%pacern donderdag 25 april 13

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class Database { // A static property to hold the single instance of the class private static $instance; // The constructor is private so that outside code cannot instantiate private function __construct() { } // All code that needs to get and instance of the class should call // this function like so: $db = Database::getInstance(); public function getInstance() { // If there is no instance, create one if (!isset(self::$instance)) { $c = __CLASS__; self::$instance = new $c; } return self::$instance; } // Block the clone method private function __clone() {} } // To use, call the static method to get the only instance $db = Database::getInstance(); donderdag 25 april 13

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Dependency%injecTon%pacern donderdag 25 april 13

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class Book { ! public function __construct() { ! ! $registry = RegistrySingleton::getInstance(); ! ! $this->_database = $registry->database; ! ! // or ! ! global $databaseConnection; ! ! $this->_database = $database; ! } } $book = new Book(); donderdag 25 april 13

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class Book { ! private $_databaseConnection; ! public function __construct() { } ! public function setDatabaseConnection($databaseConnection) { ! ! $this->_databaseConnection = $databaseConnection; ! } } $book = new Book(); $book->setDatabase($databaseConnection); donderdag 25 april 13

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Welcome%back%Javascript! donderdag 25 april 13

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HTML5%features ✓Canvas%drawing ✓Movie%support ✓Offline%data ✓Document%ediTng ✓Drag%&%drop ✓GeolocaTon ✓File%manipulaTon ✓New%intuiTve%tags%&%elements donderdag 25 april 13

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Request & Response donderdag 25 april 13

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Methods & Status0 codes donderdag 25 april 13

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Headers & Body donderdag 25 april 13

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GET$/$HTTP/1.1 Host:$ User8Agent:$Mozilla/5.0$(Macintosh;$Intel$Mac$OS$X$ 10.8;$rv:20.0)$Gecko/20100101$Firefox/20.0 Accept:$text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/ xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Accept8Language:$nl,en;q=0.7,fr8be;q=0.3 Accept8Encoding:$gzip,$deflate Cookie:$ 52aaaa602e4730981271b4385bdb39c7=8ff0e3dd7f1ec82d1e83 f000e467e500;$ __utma=206997569.1837407744.1366871232.1366871232.136 6871232.1;$__utmb=206997569.1.10.1366871232;$ __utmc=206997569;$ __utmz=206997569.1366871232.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)| utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none) Connection:$keep8alive donderdag 25 april 13

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HTTP/1.1$200$OK Date:$Thu,$25$Apr$2013$06:27:20$GMT Server:$Apache/1.3.42$(Unix)$PHP/5.2.17$ mod_log_bytes/1.2$mod_bwlimited/1.4$ mod_auth_passthrough/1.8$FrontPage/$ mod_ssl/2.8.31$OpenSSL/0.9.7a X8Powered8By:$PHP/5.2.17 P3P:$CP="NOI$ADM$DEV$PSAi$COM$NAV$OUR$OTRo$STP$IND$ DEM" Expires:$Mon,$1$Jan$2001$00:00:00$GMT Last8Modified:$Thu,$25$Apr$2013$06:27:21$GMT Cache8Control:$no8store,$no8cache,$must8revalidate,$ post8check=0,$pre8check=0 Pragma:$no8cache Keep8Alive:$timeout=15,$max=93 Connection:$Keep8Alive Transfer8Encoding:$chunked Content8Type:$text/html;$charset=utf88 donderdag 25 april 13

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Status0 codes hcp:// hcp:// donderdag 25 april 13

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1000range Magic,' fuggedaboudid! donderdag 25 april 13

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2000range Check! donderdag 25 april 13

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200 201 202 203 OK Created Accepted Non3Authorita7ve9 Informa7on donderdag 25 april 13

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204 205 206 No9Content Reset9Content Par7al9Content donderdag 25 april 13

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3000range Talk'to'that'guy'over' there donderdag 25 april 13

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301 302 303 304 Moved9permanently Found See9other Not9modified donderdag 25 april 13

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305 306 307 Use9Proxy Unused Temporary9Redirect donderdag 25 april 13

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4000range Dude,'you'f’d'up! donderdag 25 april 13

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400 403 404 405 408 Bad9request Forbidden Not9found Method9not9allowed Request97meout donderdag 25 april 13

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400 401 402 403 404 Bad9Request Unauthorized Payment9Required Forbidden Not9Found donderdag 25 april 13

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405 406 407 408 409 Method9Not9Allowed Not9Acceptable Proxy9Authen7ca7on9 Required Request9Timeout Conflict donderdag 25 april 13

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410 411 412 413 414 Gone Length9Required Precondi7on9Failed Request9En7ty9Too9Large Request3URI9Too9Long donderdag 25 april 13

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415 416 417 Unsupported9Media9Type Requested9Range9Not9 Sa7sfiable Expecta7on9Failed donderdag 25 april 13

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5000range Sorry'man,'we'f’d' up! donderdag 25 april 13

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500 501 502 503 504 505 Internal9server9error Not9implemented Bad9gateway Service9unavailable Gateway97meout HTTP9Version9Not9 Supported donderdag 25 april 13

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Request Headers donderdag 25 april 13

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Accept Accept3Charset Accept3Encoding Accept3language Authorization Cache3control Connection Cookie Content3length Date text/plain u^8 gzip,9deflate en,nl;q=0.7,fr3be;q=0.3 Basic9QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ== no3cache close bla=ja;9foo=bar 1024 Tue,9159Nov91994908:12:319GMT donderdag 25 april 13

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Host If3None3Match Pragma Proxy3Authorization Referer Upgrade User3Agent Via "737060cd8c284d8af7ad3082f209582d" no3cache Basic9 QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNl c2FtZQ== h=p:// Mozilla/5.09 websocket 1.09fred,91.19example.com9(Apache/1.1) donderdag 25 april 13

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Response Headers donderdag 25 april 13

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Age Allow Cache3control Connection Content3Encoding Content3Language Content3Length Content3Type Date 12 GET,HEAD max3age=3600 close gzip nl 1024 text/html;9charset=u^38 Tue,9159Nov91994908:12:319GMT donderdag 25 april 13

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ETag Expires Last3Modified Location Pragma Server Set3Cookie Transfer3Encoding Vary 737060cd8c284d8af7ad3082f209582d Thu,9019Dec91994916:00:009GMT Thu,9019Dec91994916:00:009GMT hkp:// no3cache My9magic9server bla=abc;9session=12345 chuncked Accept3encoding donderdag 25 april 13

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GET$/$HTTP/1.1 Host:$ User8Agent:$Mozilla/5.0$(Macintosh;$Intel$Mac$OS$X$ 10.8;$rv:20.0)$Gecko/20100101$Firefox/20.0 Accept:$text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/ xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Accept8Language:$nl,en;q=0.7,fr8be;q=0.3 Accept8Encoding:$gzip,$deflate Cookie:$ 52aaaa602e4730981271b4385bdb39c7=8ff0e3dd7f1ec82d1e83 f000e467e500;$ __utma=206997569.1837407744.1366871232.1366871232.136 6871232.1;$__utmb=206997569.1.10.1366871232;$ __utmc=206997569;$ __utmz=206997569.1366871232.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)| utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none) Connection:$keep8alive donderdag 25 april 13

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HTTP/1.1$200$OK Date:$Thu,$25$Apr$2013$06:27:20$GMT Server:$Apache/1.3.42$(Unix)$PHP/5.2.17$ mod_log_bytes/1.2$mod_bwlimited/1.4$ mod_auth_passthrough/1.8$FrontPage/$ mod_ssl/2.8.31$OpenSSL/0.9.7a X8Powered8By:$PHP/5.2.17 P3P:$CP="NOI$ADM$DEV$PSAi$COM$NAV$OUR$OTRo$STP$IND$ DEM" Expires:$Mon,$1$Jan$2001$00:00:00$GMT Last8Modified:$Thu,$25$Apr$2013$06:27:21$GMT Cache8Control:$no8store,$no8cache,$must8revalidate,$ post8check=0,$pre8check=0 Pragma:$no8cache Keep8Alive:$timeout=15,$max=93 Connection:$Keep8Alive Transfer8Encoding:$chunked Content8Type:$text/html;$charset=utf88 donderdag 25 april 13

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Caching donderdag 25 april 13

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ETag If#Non#Match:-"3e86#410#35968bc" ETag:-"3e86#410#35968bc" donderdag 25 april 13

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Expires Expires-"Wed,-1-Jan-2014-20:00:00-GMT" donderdag 25 april 13

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CacheJcontrol Cache#Control-“max#age=3600,-s# maxage=1000,-public,-must#revalidate” donderdag 25 april 13

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Max9Age S9maxage Public Private No9cache No9store Must9revalidate Proxy9revalidate TTL9for9browsers9in9seconds TTL9for9proxies9in9seconds Proxies9&9browsers9can9cache Only9browsers9can9cache Revalidate9before9dropping9from9cache Don’t9cache9at9all Browser9revalidate9before9serving9from9 cache9 Proxy9revalidate9before9serving9from9 cache9 donderdag 25 april 13

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Cookies donderdag 25 april 13

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Cookies Tracking Sessions Language donderdag 25 april 13

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Cookies HTTP cookie request header via browser HTTP set-cookie response header via webserver donderdag 25 april 13

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Service%Oriented%Architecture donderdag 25 april 13

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API Webservice donderdag 25 april 13

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WSDL9=9HTTP9GET RPC9call9=9HTTP9POST Not9cacheable No9HTTP9vocabuliary9re3use Complex9markup SOAP donderdag 25 april 13

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REpresentational- State- Transfer donderdag 25 april 13

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Developed-in- parallel-with- HTTP/1.1 donderdag 25 april 13

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The-way-the- web -*should*- work donderdag 25 april 13

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Resources Stateless Cacheable Layered Uniform-interface Vocabulary-re#use HATEOAS Keywords donderdag 25 april 13

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David0 Zülke 0@dzuelke donderdag 25 april 13

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✓A%URL%idenTfies%a%resource.% ✓Resources%have%a%hierarchy,%so%you%know%that% something%with%addiTonal%slashes%is%a%subordinate% resource ✓Verbs%are%used%to%perform%operaTons%on% resources ✓The%operaTon%is%implicit%and%not%part%of%the%URL ✓A%hypermedia%format%is%used%to%represent%the% data ✓Link%relaTons%are%used%to%navigate%a%service QuoSng0 David0Zülke 0@dzuelke donderdag 25 april 13

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GET POST PUT DELETE Retrieve Insert Update Remove donderdag 25 april 13

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HATEOAS WTF? donderdag 25 april 13

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Hypertext As The Engine Of Application State donderdag 25 april 13

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GET$/products/1234$HTTP/1.1 Host:$ Accept:$application/$ HTTP/1.1$200$OK Content8Type:$application/;$charset=utf88 Allow:$GET,$PUT,$DELETE $xml$version="1.0"$encoding="utf88"$?> $$1234 $$My$product $$Mijn$product 5 6.5 $ Thx9 David! donderdag 25 april 13

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Implementations donderdag 25 april 13

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Javascript Ajax Jquery Backbone.js Websockets donderdag 25 april 13

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Open%data donderdag 25 april 13

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Open%data ✓hcp:// ✓hcp:// ✓hcp:// donderdag 25 april 13

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Version%control donderdag 25 april 13

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Popular%GitHub%projects ✓Twicer%Bootstrap ✓Homebrew ✓Ruby%On%Rails ✓HTML5%Boilerplate ✓Jquery ✓Node.js ✓Phonegap ✓Backbone ✓Linux%Kernel ✓Symfony2%Framework ✓Django%Framework ✓Zend%Framework%2 ✓Git donderdag 25 april 13

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Not Invented Here donderdag 25 april 13

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Manage%dependencies donderdag 25 april 13

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Manage%dependencies ✓Add%to%project ✓Share%across%environment ✓Beste%of%both%worlds:%package%managers donderdag 25 april 13

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Manage%dependencies ✓Ruby:%Gem ✓Python:%Pip ✓Perl:%CPAN ✓PEAR,%PECL%&%Composer ✓.NET:%NuGet ✓Linux:%yum,%aptVget donderdag 25 april 13

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Dependency Injection Pattern donderdag 25 april 13

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Webservers donderdag 25 april 13

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GWS 3%9 of9the9 internet donderdag 25 april 13

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Database%servers donderdag 25 april 13

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“I#wish#I#had#enough#money#to#run#Oracle# instead#of#Postgres."# “Why#do#you#want#to#do#that?"# “I#dont,#I#just#wish#I#had#enough#money#to”# donderdag 25 april 13

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Addressing the needs of today’s internet donderdag 25 april 13

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Maturity%&%stability donderdag 25 april 13

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Availability donderdag 25 april 13

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Performance donderdag 25 april 13

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Security donderdag 25 april 13

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Scalability donderdag 25 april 13

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Social Mobile Cloud Data donderdag 25 april 13

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donderdag 25 april 13

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Mobile donderdag 25 april 13

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Data%...%big%data donderdag 25 april 13

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The tools have evolved donderdag 25 april 13

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Not-only-SQL donderdag 25 april 13

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Message%queues donderdag 25 april 13

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Varnish donderdag 25 april 13

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✓Async,%nonVblocking,%eventVdriven ✓Javascript%based ✓Callbacks ✓Data%intensive ✓CK10%problem ✓Not%for%websites ✓RealVTme%communicaTon ✓Websockets ✓Hipsters Node.js donderdag 25 april 13

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var http = require('http'); http.createServer(function (req, res) { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); res.end('Hello World\n'); }).listen(1337, ''); console.log('Server running at http://'); donderdag 25 april 13

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Change donderdag 25 april 13

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Flexibility/elasTcity Scalability Distributed%systems Any%server%could%die%any%moment Clustering ReplicaTon Sharding Modularity donderdag 25 april 13

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Developers Agile donderdag 25 april 13

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Agile ✓Persons%>%processes ✓Usability%>%documentaTon ✓Late%requirement%changes ✓Fast%changes ✓Prototype%~%producTon ✓ConTnuous%delivery ✓Short%cycles ✓Quick%releases donderdag 25 april 13

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Fail fast donderdag 25 april 13

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Move fast & break things donderdag 25 april 13

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donderdag 25 april 13

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Sysadmins DevOps donderdag 25 april 13

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Patrick Debois “What is this DevOps thing anyway?” what-is-this-devops-thing-anyway @PatrickDebois donderdag 25 april 13

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✓Fear of change ✓Risky deployment ✓It work on my machine ✓Siloisation what-is-this-devops-thing-anyway donderdag 25 april 13

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Kris Buytaert “Building Clouds since before the bookstore” “Everything is a Freaking DNS problem” @KrisBuytaert donderdag 25 april 13

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That sweet spot between "operating system" or platform stack and the application layer donderdag 25 april 13

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Culture collaboration, tool-chains donderdag 25 april 13

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The systematic process of building, deploying, managing, and using an application or group of applications donderdag 25 april 13

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Tearing%down%silos donderdag 25 april 13

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Infrastructure9 =9 code donderdag 25 april 13

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donderdag 25 april 13

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class$apache$( $$$default_mods$=$true, $$$service_enable$=$true, $$$serveradmin$$=$'root@localhost', $$$sendfile$$$$$=$false, $$$purge_vdir$$$=$true )${ $$include$apache::params $$package${$'httpd': $$$$ensure$=>$installed, $$$$name$$$=>$$apache::params::apache_name, $$} !!#!true/false!is!sufficient!for!both!ensure!and!enable $$validate_bool($service_enable) $$service${$'httpd': $$$$ensure$$$$=>$$service_enable, $$$$name$$$$$$=>$$apache::params::apache_name, $$$$enable$$$$=>$$service_enable, $$$$subscribe$=>$Package['httpd'], donderdag 25 april 13

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donderdag 25 april 13

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Slide 179 text$do$|config| $$$=$"lucid32" $$config.vm.box_url$=$"" $$config.vm.customize$[ $$$$$$$$"modifyvm",$:id, $$$$$$$$"88name",$"Varnish$Training", $$$$$$$$"88memory",$"512" $$] $$$:hostonly,$"" $$config.vm.share_folder$"v8data",$"/home/data",$"./" $$config.vm.provision$:chef_solo$do$|chef| $$$$chef.cookbooks_path$=$"./tools/chef/cookbooks" $$$$chef.json$=${ $$$$$$:varnish$=>${ $$$$$$$$$$$$:vcl_dir$=>$"/home/data",$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$:version$=>$"3.0", $$$$$$$$$$$$:listen_port$=>$"80", $$$$$$$$$$$$:storage$=>$"malloc", $$$$$$$$$$$$:storage_size$=>$"256m", $$$$$$$$$$}, $$$$$$:apache$=>${ $$$$$$$$$$$$:listen_ports$=>$["8080"] $ $ }$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ } $$$$chef.add_recipe("vim") $$$$chef.add_recipe("apache2") $$$$chef.add_recipe("apache2::mod_php5")$$$$ $$$$chef.add_recipe("varnish::apt_repo") $$$$chef.add_recipe("varnish::default") $$end end donderdag 25 april 13

Slide 180

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Measure donderdag 25 april 13

Slide 181

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Measure ✓Google%AnalyTcs ✓Access_logs ✓Logstash ✓Graphite ✓Collectd ✓Statsd ✓New%Relic ✓Datadog donderdag 25 april 13

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The%community donderdag 25 april 13

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Move%fast.%Keep%up. donderdag 25 april 13

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And# on#that# bombshell#... donderdag 25 april 13

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donderdag 25 april 13

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Thanks donderdag 25 april 13