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The Future of JavaScript Language Tooling @ariyahidayat October 6, 2013

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Front-end development team Single-page applications

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Static analysis Inspection Dynamic analysis Transformation

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Every tool is open-source Tweak/customize/run with it! There are links (everywhere) to detailed articles/blog posts

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Multi-Layer Defense

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Defensive = Paranoid

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Placement of Layers Code Editor CI Server VCS Hooks Smoke Tests Pull Request Build Tasks

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Feedback is Important Engineer Tools Feedback Cycle Boring Repetitive Time- consuming

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Track Quality Metrics Application revision Execution time Baseline

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Metrics Quadrant

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Be Reasonable “First Things First”, Steven Covey “The Big Rock”

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Composable Tools

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This is the Unix Philosophy Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface. Doug McIlroy, the inventor of Unix pipes and one of the founders of the Unix tradition

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JavaScript in the Browser User Interface Browser Engine Graphics Stack Data Persistence Render Engine JavaScript Engine Networking I/O

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JavaScript Engine Virtual Machine/ Interpreter Parser Runtime Source Syntax Tree Built-in objects, host objects, ... Fast and conservative

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Parser var answer = 42 keyword equal sign identifier number Variable Declaration Identifier Literal Constant Tokenization → Tokens Parsing → Syntax Tree

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{ type: "Program", body: [ { type: "VariableDeclaration", declarations: [ { type: "VariableDeclarator", id: { type: "Identifier", name: "answer" }, init: { type: "Literal", value: 42, raw: "42" } } ], kind: "var" } ] } Syntax Tree Mozilla Parser API var answer = 42; Terms → ECMAScript 5.1 Specification

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Syntax Visualization Try online!

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Execution Visualization

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Building Blocks → Tools Parser Code Generator Source Syntax Tree Source Obvious examples: minifier, obfuscator, ...

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Another Case: CoffeeScriptRedux JavaScript Parser Code Generator JavaScript Syntax Tree Generated JavaScript JavaScript Source CoffeeScript Source CoffeeScript Parser + Transformer

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Consistency Convention Scalability Bring Your Own Tool (BYOT)

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Syntax Validation Try online! Also available: Grunt plugin, Ant task, ...

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Strict Mode Validator 'use strict'; block = { color: 'blue', height: 20, width: 10, color: 'red' }; Duplicate data property in object literal not allowed in strict mode

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Linter vs Validator Validator Linter Looks for specification violations Does not care about coding style Works well on generated/minified code Searches for suspicious pattern Warns on style inconsistencies Works well on hand-written code

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Protection Layers, Again JUnit XML + Jenkins files=$(git diff-index --name- only HEAD | grep -P '\.js$') for file in $files; do esvalidate $file if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo "Syntax error: $file" exit 1 fi done Git Precommit Hook

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Application Structure MyApp.create('MyApp.Person', { name: 'Joe Sixpack', age: 42, constructor: function(name) {}, walk: function(steps) {} run: function(steps) {} }); { objectName: 'MyApp.Person', functions: ['walk', 'run'], properties: ['name', 'age'] } Metadata

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Editing Autocomplete Try online!

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Type Annotation Try online!

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Scope Visualization

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Scope and Highlight Try online!

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Static Analysis

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Polluting Variables var height; // some fancy processing heigth = 200; Leaks to global test.js:3 heigth = 200; ^ LeakError: global leak detected: heigth

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Unused Variables var height; // some fancy processing heigth = 200; Declared but not used test.js height - on line 1

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Stray Logging function detect_console(code) { function check(node) { if (node.type === 'CallExpression') { if (node.callee.type === 'MemberExpression') { if ( === 'console') { alert('console call at line', node.loc.start.line); } } } } var tree = esprima.parse(code, { loc: true }); estraverse.traverse(tree, { enter:check }); } var answer = 42; console.log(answer);

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Nested Ternary Conditionals var str = (age < 1) ? "baby" : (age < 5) ? "toddler" : (age < 18) ? "child": "adult";

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“Boolean Trap” Finder Can you make up your mind? treeItem.setState(true, false); event.initKeyEvent("keypress", true, true, null, null, false, false, false, false, 9, 0); The more the merrier? Obfuscated choice var volumeSlider = new Slider(false); Double-negative component.setHidden(false); filter.setCaseInsensitive(false);

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Code Complexity if (true) "foo"; else "bar"; Control Flow Graph 6 edges 6 nodes 1 exit Cyclomatic Complexity = 2

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Most Complex Function var cr = require('complexity-report'), content = require('fs').readFileSync('index.js', 'utf-8'), list = []; (entry) { list.push({ name:, value: entry.complexity.cyclomatic }); }); list.sort(function (x, y) { return y.value - x.value; }); console.log('Most cyclomatic-complex functions:'); list.slice(0, 6).forEach(function (entry) { console.log(' ',, entry.value); });

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Continuous Monitoring of Complexity

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Complexity Visualization with Plato

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Dynamic Analysis

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Dynamic Code Coverage via Instrumentation var answer = 42; alert(answer); var __cov_l$4m7m$L464yvav5F$qhNA = __coverage__['hello.js']; __cov_l$4m7m$L464yvav5F$qhNA.s['1']++; var answer = 42; __cov_l$4m7m$L464yvav5F$qhNA.s['2']++; alert(answer);

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Latent Trap of Statement Coverage function inc(p, q) { if (q == undefined) q = 1; return p + q/q; } assert("inc(4) must give 5", inc(4) == 5); Does not catch the missing code sequence

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Workaround: Explicit Path function inc(p, q) { if (q == undefined) return p + 1; return p + q/q; } assert("inc(4) must give 5", inc(4) == 5);

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Branch Coverage function inc(p, q) { if (q == undefined) q = 1; return p + q/q; } assert("inc(4) must give 5", inc(4) == 5); E = Else is not taken

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Hard Thresholds on Code Coverage istanbul check-coverage --statement -5 --branch -3 --function 100

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Buster.JS buster-istanbul Mocha mocha-istanbul Karma (née Testacular) built-in Intern built-in Grover built-in Istanbul vs Test Libraries

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Code Coverage for Jasmine Tests Specs Karma Istanbul INFO [karma]: Karma v0.10.2 server started at http://localhost:9876/ INFO [launcher]: Starting browser PhantomJS INFO [PhantomJS 1.9.2 (Linux)]: Connected on socket N9nDnhJ0Np92NTSPGx-X PhantomJS 1.9.2 (Linux): Executed 1 of 1 SUCCESS (0.029 secs / 0.003 secs)

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If you think JSLint hurts your feelings, wait until you use Istanbul. @davglass

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...I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away...

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Performance Tweaks

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Measurement Confidence Accuracy Precision

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What you write Optimized by the engine function test() { var a = 0, b = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { a += i; b += i * i; } return a; } function test() { var a = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { a += i; } return a; } Dead Code Elimination

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Fast = Enough? Alice Bob Chuck Dan ... Bob Alice Dan Chuck ... Address Book Application Sort How’s the speed? 2 ms to sort 10 contacts

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Array.prototype.swap = function (i, j) { var k = this[i]; this[i] = this[j]; this[j] = k; } function sort(list) { var items = list.slice(0), swapped = false, p, q; for (p = 1; p < items.length; ++p) { for (q = 0; q < items.length - p; ++q) { if (items[q + 1] < items[q]) { items.swap(q, q + 1); swapped =true; } } if (!swapped) break; } return items; } Bubble Sort ???

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Profile-Guide Optimization function isDigit(ch) { return '0123456789'.indexOf(ch) >= 0; } function isDigit(ch) { return ch !==' ' && '0123456789'.indexOf(ch) >= 0; } Letters Digits Spaces

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Object in a Set var valid_words = { 'foobar': true, 'bar': true, 'baz': true, 'quux': true }; function is_valid(word) { return valid_words.hasOwnProperty(word); } is_valid('fox'); // false Dictionary Spell checker Alternatives: array lookup, switch case, prefix/suffix tree, perfect hash

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Tiered Conditionals function is_valid(word) { switch (word.length) { case 3: return word === 'bar' || word === 'baz'; case 4: return word === 'quux'; case 6: return word === 'foobar'; } return false; } Filter #1: Length

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Empirical Run-time Complexity Array.prototype.swap = function (i, j) { var k = this[i]; this[i] = this[j]; this[j] = k; } Array.prototype.swap = function (i, j) { Log({ name: 'Array.prototype.swap', lineNumber: 1, range: [23, 94] }); var k = this[i]; this[i] = this[j]; this[j] = k; } Try online!

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Run-time Analysis 0 250000 500000 0 500 1000 Calls to swap() Input Size

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Execution Tracing jQuery Mobile startup log 4640 function calls jquery.js 26 jQuery jquery.js 103 init undefined, undefined, [object Object] jquery.js 274 each (Function) jquery.js 631 each [object Object], (Function), undefined jquery.js 495 isFunction [object Object] jquery.js 512 type [object Object] 1857 [Anonymous] 642 [Anonymous] 624 enableMouseBindings 620 disableTouchBindings

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Source Transformation Parser Code Generator Source Syntax Tree Source In-place Modification Modified Source Regenerative Non-Destructive

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String Literal Quotes [ { type: "Identifier", value: "console", range: [0, 7] }, { type: "Punctuator", value: ".", range: [7, 8] }, { type: "Identifier", value: "log", range: [8, 11] }, { type: "Punctuator", value: "(", range: [11, 12] }, { type: "String", value: "\"Hello\"", range: [12, 19] }, { type: "Punctuator", value: ")", range: [19, 19] } ] console.log('Hello') console.log("Hello") List of tokens

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Style Formatter CodePainter Source Sample code Formatted Infer coding styles Indentation Quote for string literal Whitespace esformatter Source Formatted Style options Indentation Line breaks Whitespaces

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Rename Refactoring Assistant Try online!

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function f() { var j = data.length; console.log(j, 'items'); for (var i = 0; i < j; ++i) { var j$0 = data[i] * data[i]; console.log(j$0); // squares } } Lexical Block Scope function f() { let j = data.length; console.log(j, 'items'); for (let i = 0; i < j; ++i) { let j = data[i] * data[i]; console.log(j); // squares } } New in ECMAScript 6

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Parametrized Coding

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Embrace the Future

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Adaptive Tools Explicit Implicit Customize analysis options Define new sets of rules Infer from high-quality sample Observe the engineer’s behavior

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Tools: The Final Frontier To boldly analyze what no man has analyzed before...

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Thank You [email protected] @ariyahidayat Credits: Some artworks are from