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Entities on Node.js Entities on Node.js

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/thanpolas/entity /thanpolas/entity

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Entities use Entities use CIP ​for Classical Inheritance /thanpolas/cip Bluebird for the 100% Promises API /petkaantonov/bluebird Middlewarify for creating middleware /thanpolas/middlewarify @thanpolas

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Entities extend Entities extend events.EventEmitter ...and that's the only thing they do @thanpolas

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Creating an Entity Creating an Entity var entity = require('entity'); var EntityChild = entity.extend(function() { this.a = 1; }); var EntityGrandChild = EntityChild.extend(); entity.extend var entity = require('entity'); var UserEntity = entity.extendSingleton(function() {}); /* ... */ var userEnt = UserEntity.getInstance(); entity.extendSingleton @thanpolas

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Entities Adaptors Entities Adaptors Mongoose Mongoose MongoDB ORM Sequelize Sequelize PostgreSQL MySQL MariaDB SQLite @thanpolas

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CRUD Primitives CRUD Primitives create(data) read(query=) readOne(query) readLimit(?query, offset, limit) update(query, updateValues) delete(query) count(query=) @thanpolas

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CRUD Primitives CRUD Primitives create() create() entity.create({name: 'thanasis'}) .then(function(udo) { === 'thanasis'; // true }) .catch(function(error) { // deal with error. }); ... so on and so forth ... @thanpolas

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Entity Hooks Entity Hooks Middlewarify in action before after last @thanpolas

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Entity Hooks Entity Hooks before before // a middleware with synchronous resolution{ if (! { throw new TypeError('No go my friend'); } }); // then...{}).then(function(document) { // you'll never get here }, function(err) { err instanceof Error; // true err.message === 'No go my friend'; // true }); @thanpolas

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Hooks are FiFo Hooks are FiFo Order MATTERS Order MATTERS @thanpolas

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Hooks are Hooks are Middleware Middleware @thanpolas

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Before Hooks Before Hooks Get the exact same number or arguments After & Last Hooks After & Last Hooks Gets the result plus the original number or arguments @thanpolas

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Entity Hooks Entity Hooks Asynchronicity Asynchronicity entity.create.before(function(data){ return promiseReturningFn(function(result) { resolve(result + 1); }); }); @thanpolas

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Extending Entities Extending Entities adding new methods adding new methods @thanpolas

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Extending Entities Extending Entities Just use the prototype Just use the prototype var Entity = require('entity'); var UserEntity = module.exports = Entity.extend(); = function(userId) { return promiseReturningAction(userId); }; @thanpolas

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Extending Entities Extending Entities Using method() Using method() var Entity = require('entity'); var UserEntity = module.exports = Entity.extend(function() { this.method('report', this._report.bind(this));;; }); UserEntity.prototype._report = function(userId) { return promiseReturningAction(userId); }; @thanpolas

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Let's combine all up Let's combine all up @thanpolas

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var ClipEntity = module.exports = EntityBase.extendSingleton(function() { this.setModel(clipModel.Model); this.method('readOneApi', this.readOne); this.method('readLimitApi', this.readLimit); this.method('updateApi', this.update); this.method('readApi',; // Apply system wide (global) filters this.readLimitApi.before(this.systemFilter.bind(this)); this.readOneApi.before(this.systemFilter.bind(this)); // Clip Creation middleware this.create.before(this._populateActiveEvent.bind(this)); this.create.after(this._processNewClip.bind(this)); // Record sanitization middleware this.updateApi.after(helpers.skipArgs(this.sanitizeResult, 2, this)); this.readLimitApi.after(helpers.skipArgs(this.sanitizeResults, 3, this)); this.readOneApi.after(helpers.skipArgs(this.sanitizeResult, 1, this)); }); A Production-ish Entity A Production-ish Entity @thanpolas

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Entity Hands On Entity Hands On this.readLimitApi.before(this.systemFilter.bind(this)); /** * Apply system filters in all incoming READ queries * to exclude deleted and corrupt items. * * @param {Object} query The query. */ ClipEntity.prototype.systemFilter = function(query) { query.notFound = { ne: true }; query.processed = true; }; @thanpolas

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Entity Hands On Entity Hands On this.create.after(this._processNewClip.bind(this)); /** * Post creation clip processing. * * @param {Object} data Item used to create the record. * @param {app.entity.ClipProcess} processEnt The process entity. * @param {mongoose.Document} clipItem The result. * @return {Promise} A promise. * @private */ ClipEntity.prototype._processNewClip = Promise.method(function(data, processEnt, clipItem) { processEnt.clipId =; log.finest('_processNewClip() :: Clip Saved to DB, starting FS save...',; return this._checkWatermarkAndStore(processEnt, clipItem) .bind(processEnt) .then(processEnt.createThumbnail) .then(processEnt.checkS3) .then(processEnt.updateDatabase) .then(function() { log.fine('_processNewClip() :: Clip processing finished:', processEnt.sourceFilePath); }) .catch(processEnt.moveToTrash) .catch(processEnt._deleteRecord); }); @thanpolas

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Now let's get crazy Now let's get crazy @thanpolas

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Entities Entities + + Crude Crude POST /user GET /user GET /user/:id PUT /user/:id PATCH /user/:id DELETE /user/:id /thanpolas/crude @thanpolas

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... but not today ... but not today @thanpolas

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Thank you (here is where you applaud) Thanasis Polychronakis @thanpolas

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Questions? Be a critic Thanasis Polychronakis @thanpolas

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