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A push notification server written in Go Gorush 1 Bo-Yi Wu Mopcon @ 2017.10.28

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●Why I create the Gorush Project? ●Detail implementation in Golang ●Testing and deploy Go project. ●Run Gorush in Kubernetes. 2 Outline

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● Mediatek Engineer ● DevOps ● Golang, PHP, Node.js .. ● Some open source ● Gitea ● Gin ● Drone ● appleboy @GitHub ● appleboy @twitter ● appleboy @slideshare ● appleboy46 @facebook About Me 3

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● drone/drone ● go-gitea/gitea ● gin-gonic/gin ● appleboy/gorush Go Open Source in GitHub 4

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● drone/drone ● go-gitea/gitea ● gin-gonic/gin ● appleboy/gorush Go Open Source in GitHub 5

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Mediatek Cloud Sandbox Trigger Push Email hook MQTT TCP HTTP Mediatek Cloud Sandbox 7

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Mediatek Cloud Sandbox Trigger Push Email hook MQTT TCP HTTP Mediatek Cloud Sandbox 8 Forcus on Push notification

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Slide 9 text Gorush 9

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A general push notification server for smartphone application Gorush 10

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●Written in Go ●Push requests to APNs and FCM ●Simple HTTP APIs (JSON) ●RPC Protocol (gRPC) Gorush 11

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Overview Client FCM APN s Gorush POST /push JSON Body HTTPS APNs Protocol 12

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●System Requirement ●Good Performance ●High Concurrency ●Simple net/http Package ●Easy to Learn Why I Choose Go 13

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Slide 14 text Why we switch 
 From XX to Go 14

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Slide 15 text Who use Go in Taiwan 15

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16 Push System Architecture

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Before Seven years ago FCM APNs API Server API Server API Server PUSH 17

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Before Two Years ago FCM APNs Worker Worker Worker PUSH Queue API API API de-queue Asynchronous Notification AWS en-queue 18

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Nginx Traefik Now… FCM APNs Gorush Gorush Gorush PUSH API API API Http Post /push Gorush = Queue + Worker 19

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How to implement simple notification service Gorush Architecture 20

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How to send notification Client FCM APN s Gorush POST /push JSON Body HTTPS APNs Protocol 21

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●Http Server ●gRPC Server ●Push API ●Worker 22 Gorush Component

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net/http + Gin Route+ Facebook Grace 23

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Push API using Gin Framework 24

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Initial Worker Queue 25

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API Request and Response 26

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Send notification to Queue 27

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Start Worker 28

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Gorush Major Feature 29

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●GET /api/stat/go ●GET /api/stat/app ●GET /sys/stats ●GET /metrics ●POST /api/push ●GET /healthz API List 30

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GET /api/stat/go 31

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GET /api/stat/app 32

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GET /sys/stats 33

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GET /metrics (Prometheus) 34

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GET /metrics (Prometheus + Grafana) $ for i in {1..99999}; do bat -b.N=1000 -b.C=100 POST local:8088/api/push 35

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GET /metrics (Prometheus + Grafana) 36

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Slide 37 text POST /api/push 37

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Push API Support Sync Mode Async vs. Sync Push 38

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Notification Notification Notification Notification worker worker worker Client Notification worker WaitGroup 39

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Notification Log Wait response Send to Work Queue 40

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$ gorush Start Gorush Server 42

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$ gorush –c config.yml Custom config file 43

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$ GORUSH_CORE_PORT=8089 gorush Global Variable 44

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● /etc/gorush/config.yml ● $HOME/.gorush/config.yml ● . (Current Folder) 45 Auto Load Config file

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Server Confg Route Config 46

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Server Config Route Config 47

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48 Go Support 
 Auto TLS Integrate Let's Encrypt

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Autocert package in Go 49

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Write one line code to support 
 renew Let’s Encrypt automatically 50

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Android Config iOS Config Log Config 51

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Send Android Notification API Key From Request 52

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iOS Support .p12, .pem or .p8 53 Supports new Apple Token Based Authentication (JWT)

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Send iOS Notification 54

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Success or fail records 55

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memory, blotdb, buntdb, leveldb, redis Storage 56

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Interface 57

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Init Interface 58

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package flg Send Notification 
 From CLI 59

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Flag in Go 60

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Flag doesn’t support 
 Global variable Docker Container 61

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Configuration Management 62

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$ gorush -android –m="message" -k="API Key" –t="token" Sned Android 63

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$ gorush -ios -m="message" -i="certificate path" -t="token" -topic="topic" Send iOS 64

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write once run anywhere Cross Platform 65

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Slide 66 text Simple Go Cross Compilation 66

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Slide 68 text Graceful restart & zero downtime 68

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How to resolve this problem? Facebook Grace 
 doesn’t Support Windows 69

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// +build windows Go build Flag 70

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Build Binary into 
 Docker Container 71

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Docker Multi-Stage Build 72

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 Build small image using docker multi-stage $ docker build -t appleboy/gorush . 73

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Auto testing and deploy in GO 74

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Drone 75

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Continuous Delivery system built on container technology What is Drone? 76

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How to setup 
 deploy process? 77 Using .drone.yml file

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Git Test Release Docker Notify How to build Go binary in Drone 78

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● Testing Code ● Analytic Code ● Code Quality ● Build Binary ● Deploy Binary ● Build Docker Image ● Deploy Docker Container ● Send Notification Pipeline Process in Go 79

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Git Test Release Docker Notify How to build Go binary in Drone 80

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First Step: Git Clone 81

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Git Test Release Docker Notify How to build Go binary in Drone 82

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Choose Image Testing Process 83

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Code Quality in Go (golint) 84

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Check comment typos (Misspell) 85

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Check code format in Go (gofmt) 86

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Check vendor folder (govendor) 87

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Testing in Go $ coverage all 88

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Git Test Release Docker Notify How to build Go binary in Drone 89

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Choose Image Step Name Run on for Git tag event 90

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Build binary for Cross Platform (gox) 91

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Deploy to GitHub Release Page 92

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Git Test Release Docker Notify How to build Go binary in Drone 93

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Drone Envars Drone Secrets Plugin Image 94

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Git Test Release Docker Notify How to build Go binary in Drone 95

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Plugin Image Push Notification From FB Bot 96

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Happy Coding 97

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Run Gorush in Kubernets 98

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99 Container Health Check

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100 Global Configuration Map

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$ kubectl create -f k8s $ kubectl get services $ minikube service frontend Three Steps 102

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Interesting In Drone 103

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Thanks All coming. Any Problem? 104