Slide 9
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© 2021 Thoughtworks 9
Researched type hints
to write about them
Who am I to talk
about type hints?
Read lots of PEPs, messages, issue
reports; interacted with some key
proponents of type hints in Python;
studied similar features in other
languages—to write than 100 pages
and dozens of examples in Fluent
Python, Second Edition.
Contributed bug fixes
improving type hints on
typeshed is the official repository
of type hints used by all type
checking tools, covering the
standard library and other
Reorganized the
documentation of Python’s
typing module
Proposed and implemented new
overall organization to typing
module docs in the Python 3.9
standard library, in collaboration
with Guido van Rossum.
Using Python professionally since
1998, at first I considered static typing
a bad fit for the language.
typing.Protocol addressed my
main concern.
I am now a happy user,
with moderation.