Slide 3
Slide 3 text
OKD Streams
CoreOS ecosystem
Community space Shared space
▸ Based on Fedora
▸ Most recent packages and kernel
▸ Latest CoreOS components
▸ Latest container tools
▸ Available as a standalone OS
Operating system developers
OS innovation, architecture
Fast moving, major release
6 months
▸ Based on CentOS Stream
▸ More stable kernel and packages
▸ Tracks just ahead of Red Hat
Enterprise Linux CoreOS
▸ Available as a standalone OS
▸ Based on Red Hat Enterprise
▸ Available only with OpenShift
Community and partners
Develop, test, and contribute to the
next version of Red Hat Enterprise
Linux CoreOS
Continuous stream of content,
major release every 3 years
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
and partners
Stability, security,
Predictable release cadence
with minor and major releases
Private space