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Conspect Consulting & ICT Spring Boot and Cloud for Legacy Applications 10 mei 2016

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Wie is Conspect? ➢ ICT & Consulting organisatie ➢ Opgericht in 2001 ➢ Gevestigd in Almere ➢ 100 professionals ➢ Conspect levert kwaliteit op het gebied van Agile Development en Business Analytics ➢ Conspect staat voor Plezier, Passie en Partnership ➢ Conspect is ICT met een lach!

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Vraag 1 Wat zijn de kernwaarden van Conspect? A. Plezier, Passie en Partnership B. Money, Money, Money C. B

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Vraag 1 Wat zijn de kernwaarden van Conspect? A. Plezier, Passie en Partnership B. Money, Money, Money C. B

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Vraag 2 Wat is de titel van het 2e boek van Marten Deinum? A. The summer is magic B. Spring is in the air C. Spring Recipes

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Vraag 2 Wat is de titel van het 2e boek van Marten Deinum? A. The summer is magic B. Spring is in the air C. Spring Recipes

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Vraag 3 Wat is de tekenbonus bij Conspect? A. Tekenbonus? Ik kan niet voetballen. B. € 3000,- C. Die schenk ik aan een goed doel.

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Vraag 3 Wat is de tekenbonus bij Conspect? A. Tekenbonus? Ik kan niet voetballen. B. € 3000,- C. Die schenk ik aan een goed doel.

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By Day • Software Developer / Architect / Consultant By Night • Husband & Father • Lifeguard (Instructor) • Scuba Instructor • Author Who Am I

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Disclaimer This slide intentionally left blank

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Spring Boot and Spring Cloud for Legacy Applications

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Spring Boot and Spring Cloud for Legacy Applications

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Legacy Applications “In computing a legacy system is an old method, technology, computer system, or application program,"of, relating to, or being a previous or outdated computer system." Often a pejorative term, referencing a system as "legacy" often implies that the system is out of date or in need of replacement.” - Wikipedia

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The Application Bookstore from Pro Spring MVC • Spring Framework 3.2 • JPA with Hibernate 4.2 • Using Tiles and JSP • XStream • Jackson • Configuration using XML and JavaConfig • Deployed as a WAR • No Monitoring/Metrics/Health etc.

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Spring Boot and Spring Cloud for Legacy Applications

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Spring Boot Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production- grade Spring based Applications that you can "just run". We take an opinionated view of the Spring platform and third-party libraries so you can get started with minimum fuss. Most Spring Boot applications need very little Spring configuration. - Spring Boot Documentation

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Spring Boot and Spring Cloud for Legacy Applications

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Spring Cloud Spring Cloud provides tools for developers to quickly build some of the common patterns in distributed systems (e.g. configuration management, service discovery, circuit breakers, intelligent routing, micro-proxy, control bus, one-time tokens, global locks, leadership election, distributed sessions, cluster state). Coordination of distributed systems leads to boiler plate patterns, and using Spring Cloud developers can quickly stand up services and applications that implement those patterns. They will work well in any distributed environment, including the developer's own laptop, bare metal data centres, and managed platforms such as Cloud Foundry. - Spring Cloud Documentation

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Strangler Application / Pattern "The most important reason to consider a strangler application over a cut-over rewrite is reduced risk. A strangler can give value steadily and the frequent releases allow you to monitor its progress more carefully. Many people still don't consider a strangler since they think it will cost more - I'm not convinced about that. Since you can use shorter release cycles with a strangler you can avoid a lot of the unnecessary features that cut over rewrites often generate." - Martin Fowler, ThoughtWorks

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Strangler Application / Pattern Legacy

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Strangler Application / Pattern book-service Legacy Proxy /book/** /**

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Strangler Application / Pattern DEMO

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• Zuul Proxy not a full reverse proxy • No rewrite of Location header in case of redirects • Custom ZuulFilter • Put NGINX in front Strangler Application / Pattern : Challenges

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Twelve Factor App

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• Manual Usage (after all it is “just” configuration) • Add the appropriate listener or @Enable* annotation Introduce Spring Cloud Client : How To

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DEMO Introduce Spring Cloud Client : How To

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• Spring Boot 1.3.x not compatible with older versions • Spring Cloud 1.1 not compatible (yet) with Spring Boot 1.4 • Configuration, Discovery combo can be tricky to setup • Requires some digging into the sources Introduce Spring Cloud : Challenges

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• Add Spring Boot Dependency • Use Spring Boot Starters for managing the dependencies • Use Spring Boot for launching the application • “Make JAR not WAR” — Josh Long • Start with existing working configuration • Cleanup the configuration Introduce Spring Boot : How To

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DEMO Introduce Spring Cloud : How To

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• Add Spring Boot Dependency • Use Spring Boot Starters for managing the dependencies • Use Spring Boot for launching the application • “Make JAR not WAR” — Josh Long • Start with existing working configuration • Cleanup the configuration Introduce Spring Boot : How To

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DEMO Introduce Spring Boot : How To

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• Dependency Versions • Deprecated or Removed Support • Incompatible libraries • AutoConfiguration Introduce Spring Boot : Challenges

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• Dependency Versions • Spring is 99% backwards compatible • Check the documentation what changed • Generally also applies to other Spring Portfolio Projects Introduce Spring Boot : Challenges

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• Deprecated or Removed Support • Locate old sources and include in your own project • Refactor to newer version Introduce Spring Boot : Challenges

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• Incompatible libraries • Library API changed • Unsupported libraries Introduce Spring Boot : Challenges

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• Auto Configuration • Can be a blessing • Can be a curse • But not magic, just @Configuration classes. Introduce Spring Boot : Challenges

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DEMO Introduce Spring Boot : How To

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