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1 Introduction to the ID Platform @utkarsh @guha Software Engineer(IDP)

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2 @guha ● From Kolkata India. ● Joined IDP on January 1 this year. ● 9+ years as a SWE. ● Worked mainly in E-Commerce, Geo Data and now IDP. Software Engineer(IDP)

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3 Purpose of IDP Introduce appropriate authentication, access control, and data protection to Mercari Group services in a standard format.

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4 Appropriate and standard Meaning of "appropriate" ● Authentication: Sufficiently strong authentication ● Access Control: Principle of Least Privilege ● Data Protection: data mimization/unlinkability Reason for "standard" ● Authentication and authorization is a basic function used in any service. Versatility. ● Authentication and authorization is an important function directly linked to security incidents. Safety.

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5 Why do we need an ID Platform

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6 @utkarsh ● From Jaipur India. ● Graduated from IIT Roorkee, 2018. ● Joined Mercari in October 2018. ● Joined IDP in August 2019. ● 4 years of experience at Mercari, Japan. ● Worked mainly on ID platform (backend). Software Engineer(IDP)

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7 Mercari in 2017 A few Client applications Mercari, Merchari etc Not many backend components

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8 Mercari in 2017 A few Client applications Mercari, Merchari etc Not many backend components ② Verify MAT Client add the MAT on the Request to Mercari API. Mercari API checks if the MAT is valid or not. There is no fine-grained AuthZ. ① Issue MAT The MAT is issued on Mercari API. The MAT will be bound with user by AuthN(Password, SMS ...) on Login process.

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9 Mercari in 2017 Not many backend components A few Client applications Mercari, Merchari etc Change 1 Migration to the Microservice Architecture Change 2 Necessity of Variety clients

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10 AuthN/AuthZ in Microservices architecture ● Mercari introduced Microservices architecture to meet the business speed. ● How to handle the AuthN/AuthZ on the Microservices architecture? ○ Where should the authentication and authorization be done? ○ How to share the information between each microservices?

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11 ● Mercari’s APIs are not only for Mercari App. Other Type of Clients and Other party Clients want to to use the APIs. ● How to handle the variety of other type and party clients? ○ How to issue and deliver the token securely for many type of client? ○ How to control the Authorization finer grained. AuthN/AuthZ for other type/party clients

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12 Old Mercari situation ● Summary ○ Token issuing and verification Process is executed on Mercari API. ○ The token is called Mercari Access Token(MAT). ○ MAT don’t have the ability to control authorization.

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13 Recent Mercari situation (2019 - 2022) Go to Microservices ! Move business logic from Mercari API to Microservices

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14 What is the problem in this situation 2. How to share the information between each microservices? 1. Where should we do authentication? How to handle the AuthN/AuthZ on the Microservices architecture?

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15 How to solve the problem ② PAT Private Access Token(PAT) is used for sharing Authentication Information ③ Authority Verify MAT and Issue PAT ① Gateway MAT is checked on Gateway layer.

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16 Process to Access API ② Verify MAT and Issue PAT Gateway/Authority will request to Mercari API to checks if the MAT is valid or not. If it is valid, PAT will be issued. ③ Communication between microservices Each microservices check if the PAT is valid. Propagate the PAT to access other microservices ① Issue MAT The process is same with old Mercari situation.

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17 Access Control ② Microservices Each microservices should check if the requests are allowed by the claims of PAT, like subject. In addition to checking whether the PAT is valid or not. ① Gateway/Authority The situation is same with old Mercari situation. Just check MAT is valid or not.

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18 Other issuing process of PAT ① Service When a worker want to access microservice. The PAT is created based on Google ID Token of Google Service Account. ① Employee When an employee access to Mercari’s API from CS Tool a employee token is used as external token.

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19 How to handle the AuthN/AuthZ on Microservices? ● Summary ○ The MAT is used as External Token. ○ Token issuing Process is same with old Mercari situation. ○ Token verification Process is executed on Gateway/Authority Layer. ○ Exchange external token (MAT) to Internal token (PAT). ○ The Internal token(PAT) is propagated to microservices and be used AuthZ.

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20 IDP current projects ● Replacing MAT with OAuth2.0 Access Token (aka PFAT) ● Authentication across multiple clusters ● Additional Biometric Authentication (FIDO) ○ One stop solution for phishing prevention ○ Becoming a part of the FIDO alliance ● Resource Management ○ automate onboarding of oidc clients ● Fine-grained Authorization What are we currently working on?

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21 The ID Platform Team @kung
 ● 11 members ● 9 nationalities ● 1 Engineering Manager ● 1 Tech Lead ● 3 Product Managers ● 6 Backend Engineers

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22 We are Hiring! We are looking for ID pros who can bring their experience and expertise in the domain to lay the foundation of the IDP team in India.